% 1070 words % Explain how you would identify the significant effects. Discuss % any difficulties in determining the significance of effects in EIA \section{Significance} \textcite{lawrence} - Significance needs to be determined because: EIA is an open-ended process and hence some arbitrary limits have to be imposed on the level of detail, what time period is to be considered, how many interactions are to be followed, for any of the expected impacts. - To set these limits, value-laden judgments must be made - As the determination of significance is inherently subjective, it should not be an activity performed only by experts and under the aim/appearance/restriction of objectivity. \subsection{} - significant impacts: - likelihood - effects that affect sensitive parameters WASTEWATER temperature: According to the project description, an existing dairy factory discharges wastewater that is two degrees warmer than the river water. If the planned factory has a comparable wastewater output, the water may have to be treated before discharge to avoid significant effects on the aquatic ecosystem. organic/inorganic compounds: According to the description, the river is already used as a sink for the wastewater of another dairy factory; dairy farming is said to have expanded in this area, indicating that the inflow of organic and inorganic components from farm effluent and non-point sources has also increased. Under these circumstances, the cumulative effects of wastewater discharge must be addressed.