% 1070 words % Explain how you would identify the significant effects. Discuss % any difficulties in determining the significance of effects in EIA \section{Significance} The process of impact assessment is conceptually open-ended. As one of its major goals is to aid a decision-making process, however, each step in the assessment must be completed within a given time frame. Hence, limits are imposed on the level of detail, the length of the time period for which impacts can be assessed at the expected level of detail, and the number of interactions that can reasonably be considered. To set these limits, judgments must be made on how significant each potential impact is, a decision on how much detail and how much effort in avoiding or mitigating the impact is appropriate, and whether the residual impacts is insignificant enough to be acceptable. These judgments are crucially guided by the practitioners' own values and the values they consider in the evaluation process \parencite{lawrence}. According to \textcite{lawrence-approach}, the approach to determining impact significance is usually ``limited to ad hoc and inconsistent judgments with reasons and/or to the staged application of thresholds and/or criteria.'' The Resource Management Act 1991 does not prescribe a process for the assessment of significant effects. As all major projects require resource consents, however, impact significance is, in practice, reflected by the management plans and established by resource consent decisions of regional and territorial councils. The Ministry for the Environment bemoans that a ``lack of clarity and certainty in some regional plans (eg, a lack of enforceable limits) has led to issues being decided consent by consent and often re-litigated'', resulting in ``decision-making processes [that] are litigious, resource-consuming and create uncertainty'' \parencite[p. 18][]{freshwater-reform}. Since the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (2011), the ``national values of fresh water'' have been made explicit % TODO - national values are specified in the NPSFM (2011), but as they contradict there is no clear implication - freshwater reform: collaborative approach to planning - talk about drawbacks mentioned in \textcite{lawrence-approach} - As the determination of significance is inherently subjective, it should not be an activity performed only by experts and under the aim/appearance/restriction of objectivity. ... the technical, the collaborative, and the reasoned argumentation approach \begin{quote} The collaborative approach is viewed as too quickly equating public concerns and issues with impact significance, at the expense of other sources of insight and knowledge. \end{quote} - significance decisions must be made on a sound information base, which rarely exists - three approaches: - the technical approach - led by EIA specialists - heavy reliance on expert and technical data, analyses and knowledge. - - the collaborative approach - the reasoned argumentation approach (third part of lawrence): important to assess significance of *positive effects* to see if they are worth the negative impacts. \subsection{} - significant impacts: - likelihood - effects that affect sensitive parameters WASTEWATER temperature: According to the project description, an existing dairy factory discharges wastewater that is two degrees warmer than the river water. If the planned factory has a comparable wastewater output, the water may have to be treated before discharge to avoid significant effects on the aquatic ecosystem. organic/inorganic compounds: contamination with antibiotics / pesticides: According to the description, the river is already used as a sink for the wastewater of another dairy factory; dairy farming is said to have expanded in this area, indicating that the inflow of organic and inorganic components from farm effluent and non-point sources has also increased. Under these circumstances, the cumulative effects of wastewater discharge must be addressed.