NZ water problems \parencite{cullen}: - water management through regional councils: - regional policy statements + regional plans - unless authorised by plan discharges require resource consents impact of agriculture on water: - primary source of non-point discharges - application of fertiliser and pesticides - discharges from the soil and animals - materials move into surface and groundwater at higher rates than usual monitoring / significance implications: - lack of reliable data against which to draw conclusions for key parameters in all regions - lack of approved plans relating to water in some regions - require councils to set realistic goals and objectives; difficult because has to reconcile urban recreational and environmental requirements with rural economic demands - too little policy direction from central government - even without these plans, councils must process resource consent applications - lack of monitoring and enforcement - low compliance - impossible to determine the efficacy of management practices - limited knowledge on how to best deal with non-point source discharges - little knowledge about what the community wants and expects wrt water management