1-7 Summary

EIA involves using a systematic process to evaluate the environmental impacts of a proposed development or action. As demonstrated in this Section, EIA has a well-established history and international standing. Public participation is essential in good practice EIA, and there are both costs and benefits associated with implementation. Principles and practice of EIA administration and technical processes are introduced and these will be examined in more detail in subsequent Sections of the Module.

You have now completed Section 1 of 11 in this Module, Environmental Impact Assessment. To demonstrate the learning outcomes of this Section, check that you are now able to:

  • Demonstrate an introductory understanding of EIA and why it is necessary;
  • Appreciate the worldwide influence of EIA practice.

January 30, 2007 Uncategorized — @ 6:06 am


  1. I am so happy I found this site! I have been working on environmental teams for several years and performing informal assessments. My new position is going to require form EIA and on a global scale.

    My only suggestion would be to include more practice quizzes/activities. There is so much material provided, it could help reinforce what we have learned. Thanks so much, as I am sure putting this together was not an easy task.

    Comment by Grace — June 3, 2010 @ 10:14 pm

  2. This site provides a good information about EIA, it helps individual especially the students to learn and become aware of the importance of EIA to the society. The video is also very helpful, gives us deeper insight. It would be more appreciated if more activities or online quizzes is included to gauge ourselves on what we have learned…for practice purposes. Thanks for this site!

    Comment by Gina Step — November 10, 2010 @ 8:14 am

  3. It’s a good nice website.I got lot of knowledge through this.As an environmental engineer I can do more efficiently in my work by applying this knowledge.

    Comment by E.subrahmanyam — July 9, 2011 @ 2:52 am

  4. As a Civil Engineer, I have found this site very valuable to my work. Many thanks for this effort!

    Comment by Dr. Stephen Nyende-Byakika — October 19, 2011 @ 1:34 am

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