#+TITLE: Scales Scales generates fretboard patterns marking the position of notes in a given musical scale. Many common scales and tunings are included. Scales can output patterns as ASCII text or in SVG format. * Options #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results output :exports results ./pre-inst-env ./scripts/scales #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: #+begin_example scales [options] -v, --version Display version. -h, --help Display this help. -f, --format=text|svg Print as text (default) or as SVG. -t, --tuning=EXPR Use string tuning EXPR. This can be a defined tuning such as "guitar" or "grand-stick-matched-reciprocal-6+6", or a list of note names, e.g. "(d a d g b e)". -s, --scale=SCALE Highlight notes from scale SCALE. This can be a scale name like "phrygian" or a list of steps, e.g. "(1 2 2 2 1 2 2)". -r, --root=NOTE The root note of the scale, e.g. "fis" for f sharp. Defaults to "c". -o, --offset=NUMBER The first fret to be drawn. Defaults to 0. -n, --frets=NUMBER The number of frets to be drawn. Defaults to 7. #+end_example * Examples Generate a text pattern for F# phrygian on a standard guitar fretboard: #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results verbatim code :exports both ./pre-inst-env ./scripts/scales --root fis \ --scale phrygian \ --tuning guitar #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: #+BEGIN_SRC sh |-e---|-----|-FIS-|-g---|-----|-a---|-----| |-b---|-----|-cis-|-d---|-----|-e---|-----| |-g---|-----|-a---|-----|-b---|-----|-cis-| |-d---|-----|-e---|-----|-FIS-|-g---|-----| |-a---|-----|-b---|-----|-cis-|-d---|-----| |-e---|-----|-FIS-|-g---|-----|-a---|-----| #+END_SRC If you don’t want to use one of the pre-defined scales, you can specify a list of steps from the root note. Here’s the minor pentatonic on F#, using the root note followed by notes that are consecutively three, two, two, and three semitones apart: #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results verbatim code :exports both ./pre-inst-env ./scripts/scales --root fis \ --scale '(3 2 2 3)' \ --tuning bass #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: #+BEGIN_SRC sh |-----|-----|-a---|-----|-b---|-----|-cis-| |-----|-----|-e---|-----|-FIS-|-----|-----| |-a---|-----|-b---|-----|-cis-|-----|-----| |-e---|-----|-FIS-|-----|-----|-a---|-----| #+END_SRC Here’s the same scale on a standard Ukulele fretboard: #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results verbatim code :exports both ./pre-inst-env ./scripts/scales --root fis \ --scale '(3 2 2 3)' \ --tuning ukulele #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: #+BEGIN_SRC sh |-a---|-----|-b---|-----|-cis-|-----|-----| |-e---|-----|-FIS-|-----|-----|-a---|-----| |-----|-cis-|-----|-----|-e---|-----|-FIS-| |-----|-----|-a---|-----|-b---|-----|-cis-| #+END_SRC * License Scales is libre software and is released under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3 or, at your option, any later version. See the COPYING file for the license text.