(define-module (language python eval) #:use-module (language python guilemod) #:use-module (parser stis-parser lang python3-parser) #:use-module (language python exceptions) #:use-module (language python module) #:use-module (language python try) #:use-module (language python list) #:use-module (language python for) #:use-module (language python dict) #:use-module (oop pf-objects) #:use-module ((ice-9 local-eval) #:select ((the-environment . locals))) #:re-export (locals) #:replace (eval) #:export (local-eval local-compile globals compile exec)) (define seval (@ (guile) eval)) (define-syntax-rule (aif it p x y) (let ((it p)) (if it x y))) (define-syntax-rule (L x) (@@ (ice-9 local-eval) x)) (define-syntax globals (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((g) #'(M ((L env-module) (locals g))))))) (define-syntax-rule (call- self item a ...) (let ((class (ref self '_module))) ((rawref class item) class a ...))) (define-syntax-rule (apply- self item a ...) (let ((class (ref self '_module))) (apply (rawref class item) class a ...))) (define-syntax-rule (ref- self item) (let ((class (ref self '_module))) (rawref class item))) (define-python-class GlobalModuleWrap (dict) (define __init__ (lambda (self module) (set self '_module module))) (define __getitem__ (lambda (self key) (if (string? key) (set! key (string->symbol key))) (call- self '__global_getitem__ key))) (define get (lambda (self key . es) (if (string? key) (set! key (string->symbol key))) (apply- self '__global_get__ key es))) (define __setitem__ (lambda (self key val) (if (string? key) (set! key (string->symbol key))) (call- self '__global_setitem__ key val))) (define __iter__ (lambda (self) (call- self '__global_iter__))) (define values (lambda (self) (for ((k v : (__iter__ self))) ((l '())) (cons v l) #:final l))) (define keys (lambda (self) (for ((k v : (__iter__ self))) ((l '())) (cons k l) #:final l))) (define __contains__ (lambda (self key) (if (string? key) (set! key (string->symbol key))) (for ((k v : (__iter__ self))) () (if (eq? k key) (break #t)) #:final #f))) (define items __iter__) (define __repr__ (lambda (self) (format #f "globals(~a)" (ref- self '__name__))))) (define MM (list 'error)) (define (M mod) (set! mod (module-name mod)) (if (and (> (length mod) 3) (eq? (car mod) 'language) (eq? (cadr mod) 'python) (eq? (caddr mod) 'module)) (set! mod (Module (reverse mod) (reverse (cdddr mod)))) (set! mod (Module (reverse mod) (reverse mod)))) (GlobalModuleWrap mod)) (define (local-eval x locals globals) "Evaluate the expression @var{x} within the local environment @var{local} and global environment @var{global}." (if locals (apply (seval ((L local-wrap) x locals) (if globals globals ((L env-module) locals))) ((L env-boxes) locals)) (seval x (current-module)))) (define* (local-compile x locals globals #:key (opts '())) "Compile the expression @var{x} within the local environment @var{local} and global environment @var{global}." (if locals (if globals (apply ((@ (system base compile) compile) ((L local-wrap) x locals) #:env globals #:from 'scheme #:opts opts) ((L env-boxes) locals)) (apply ((@ (system base compile) compile) ((L local-wrap) x locals) #:env ((L env-module) locals) #:from 'scheme #:opts opts) ((L env-boxes) locals))) ((@ (system base compile) compile) x #:env (current-module) #:from 'scheme #:opts opts))) (define-syntax eval (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((eval x) #'(eval0 x (locals eval))) ((eval x . l) #'(eval0 x . l))))) (define (comp x) (error "not implemented")) (define* (eval0 x #:optional (locals #f) (globals #f)) (cond ((string? x) (aif xp (p x) (aif cp (comp xp) (local-eval cp locals globals) (raise SyntaxError)) (raise SyntaxError))) ((pair? x) (local-eval x locals globals)))) (define* (compile x filename mode #:optional (flags 0) (dont_inherit #f) (optimize -1)) (aif xp (p x) (aif cp (comp xp) cp (raise SyntaxError)) (raise SyntaxError))) (define-syntax exec (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((exec x) #'(eval0 x (locals exec))) ((exec x . l) #'(exec0 x . l))))) (define* (exec0 x #:optional (locals #f) (globals #f)) (local-eval x locals globals))