path: root/modules/language/python/module/math.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/language/python/module/math.scm')
1 files changed, 196 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/language/python/module/math.scm b/modules/language/python/module/math.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef137aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/language/python/module/math.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+(define-module (language python module math)
+ #:use-module (language python for)
+ #:use-module (language python try)
+ #:use-module (language python exceptions)
+ #:use-module (language python number)
+ #:use-module (system foreign)
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ #:export (ceil copysign fabs factorial floor fmod frexp fsum gcd isclose
+ isfinite isinf isnan modf trunc exp expm1 log log1p log2 log10
+ pow sqrt acos asin atan cos sin tan atan2 hypot pi
+ degrees radians acosh asinh atanh cosh sinh tanh
+ erf erfc gamma lgamma e tau inf nan))
+(define (real! s x)
+ (if (= (imag-part x) 0)
+ (real-part x)
+ (raise ValueError "real math fkn result in complex number" s)))
+(define ceil
+ (lambda (x)
+ ((@ (guile) inexac->exact)
+ ((@ (guile) ceiling)
+ x))))
+(define (copysign x y)
+ (let ((x ((@ (guile) abs) x)))
+ (if (< y 0) (- x) x)))
+(define (fabs x) ((@ (guile) abs) x))
+(define (factorial x)
+ (if (not (and (number? x) (integer? x)))
+ (raise ValueError "Not an integer"))
+ (if (< x 0)
+ (raise ValueError "Negative integer"))
+ (let lp ((x x))
+ (if (= x 0)
+ 1
+ (* x (lp (- x 1))))))
+(define (floor x)
+ ((@ (guile) inexac->exact)
+ ((@ (guile) floor)
+ x)))
+(define (fmod x y) ((@ (guile) truncate-remainder) x y))
+(define frexp
+ (let ((f (pointer->procedure double
+ (dynamic-func "frexp" (dynamic-link))
+ (list double '*))))
+ (lambda (x)
+ (let* ((v (make-bytevector 4))
+ (vp (bytevector->pointer v)))
+ (list (f x) (bytevector-s32-ref v 0 (native-endianness)))))))
+(define (fsum it)
+ (for ((x : it)) ((s 0))
+ (+ s x)
+ #:final s))
+(define gcd (@ (guile) gcd))
+(define* (isclose a b #:key (rel_tol 1e-9) (abs_tol 0.0))
+ (define e-abs (abs (- a b)))
+ (if (< e-abs (max (* rel_tol (max (abs a) (abs b))) abs_tol))
+ #t
+ #f))
+(define (isfinite x)
+ (if (or (inf? x) (nan? x))
+ #f
+ #t))
+(define isinf inf?)
+(define isnan nan?)
+(define (ldexp x i) (* x ((@ (guile) expt) 2 i)))
+(define (modf x)
+ (let* ((x1 (floor x))
+ (x2 (- x x1)))
+ (values x2 x1)))
+(define trunc py-trunc)
+;; Power and logarithms
+(define (exp x) (real! 'exp ((@ (guile) exp)) x))
+(define expm1
+ (let ((f (pointer->procedure double
+ (dynamic-func "expm1" (dynamic-link))
+ (list double))))
+ (lambda (x) (f x))))
+(define (log x) (real! 'log ((@ (guile) log)) x))
+(define log1p
+ (let ((f (pointer->procedure double
+ (dynamic-func "log1p" (dynamic-link))
+ (list double))))
+ (lambda (x) (f x))))
+(define log2
+ (let ((f (pointer->procedure double
+ (dynamic-func "log2" (dynamic-link))
+ (list double))))
+ (lambda (x) (f x))))
+(define (log10 x) (real! 'log10 (@ (guile) log10)))
+(define (pow x y) (real! 'pow ((@ (guile) expt) x y)))
+(define (sqrt x) (real! 'sqrt (@ (guile) sqrt)))
+;; Trigs
+(define (acos x) (real! 'acos ((@ (guile) acos) x)))
+(define (asin x) (real! 'asin ((@ (guile) asin) x)))
+(define (atan x) (real! 'atan ((@ (guile) atan) x)))
+(define (cos x) (real! 'cos ( (@ (guile) cos) x)))
+(define (sin x) (real! 'sin ( (@ (guile) sin) x)))
+(define (tan x) (real! 'tan ( (@ (guile) tan) x)))
+(define atan2
+ (let ((f (pointer->procedure double
+ (dynamic-func "atan2" (dynamic-link))
+ (list double double))))
+ (lambda (x y) (f x y))))
+(define hypot
+ (let ((f (pointer->procedure double
+ (dynamic-func "hypot" (dynamic-link))
+ (list double double))))
+ (lambda (x y) (f x y))))
+;; angular conversion
+(define pi (* 4 (atan 1)))
+(define degrees
+ (let ((f (/ 360 (* 2 pi))))
+ (lambda (x) (* f x))))
+(define radians
+ (let ((f (/ (* 2 pi) 360)))
+ (lambda (x) (* f x))))
+;; Hyperbolic funcitons
+(define (acosh x) (real! 'acosh ((@ (guile) acosh) x)))
+(define (asinh x) (real! 'asinh ((@ (guile) asinh) x)))
+(define (atanh x) (real! 'atanh ((@ (guile) atanh) x)))
+(define (cosh x) (real! 'cosh ( (@ (guile) cosh) x)))
+(define (sinh x) (real! 'sinh ( (@ (guile) sinh) x)))
+(define (tanh x) (real! 'tanh ( (@ (guile) tanh) x)))
+;; Special functions
+(define erf
+ (let ((f (pointer->procedure double
+ (dynamic-func "erf" (dynamic-link))
+ (list double))))
+ (lambda (x) (f x))))
+(define erfc
+ (let ((f (pointer->procedure double
+ (dynamic-func "erfc" (dynamic-link))
+ (list double))))
+ (lambda (x) (f x))))
+(define gamma
+ (let ((f (pointer->procedure double
+ (dynamic-func "tgamma" (dynamic-link))
+ (list double))))
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (integer? x)
+ (factorial (- x 1))
+ (f x)))))
+(define lgamma
+ (let ((f (pointer->procedure double
+ (dynamic-func "lgamma" (dynamic-link))
+ (list double))))
+ (lambda (x)
+ (f x))))
+;; constants
+(define e (exp 1))
+(define tau (* 2 pi))
+(define inf ((@ (guile) inf)))
+(define nan ((@ (guile) nan)))