diff options
7 files changed, 711 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/modules/language/python/def.scm b/modules/language/python/def.scm
index 1b91f85..f0bb161 100644
--- a/modules/language/python/def.scm
+++ b/modules/language/python/def.scm
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
(define-module (language python def)
+ #:use-module (language python for)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
- #:export (def lam))
+ #:export (def lam py-apply))
(define-syntax-rule (aif it p x y) (let ((it p)) (if it x y)))
(define (fold lam s l)
@@ -99,6 +100,43 @@
code ...))))))))))))
(define-syntax-rule (def (f . args) code ...) (define f (lam args code ...)))
+(define (no x)
+ (and-map
+ (lambda (x)
+ (syntax-case x (* **)
+ ((* _) #f)
+ ((** _) #f)
+ (_ #t)))
+ x))
+(define (mk-k x)
+ (if (keyword? x)
+ x
+ (symbol->keyword
+ (if (string? x)
+ (string->symbol x)
+ x))))
+(define-syntax m*
+ (syntax-rules (* **)
+ ((_ (* a)) a)
+ ((_ (** kw))
+ (for ((k v : kw)) ((l '()))
+ (cons* v (mk-k k) l)
+ #:final (reverse l)))
+ ((_ a) (list a))))
+(define-syntax py-apply
+ (lambda (x)
+ (syntax-case x ()
+ ((_ f a ...)
+ (if (no #'(a ...))
+ #'(apply f a ...)
+ #'(apply f (let lp ((l (list (m* a) ...)))
+ (if (pair? l)
+ (append (car l) (lp (cdr l)))
+ '()))))))))
diff --git a/modules/language/python/for.scm b/modules/language/python/for.scm
index 0cb7afe..8db5aa7 100644
--- a/modules/language/python/for.scm
+++ b/modules/language/python/for.scm
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#:use-module (language python exceptions)
#:use-module (oop goops)
#:use-module (ice-9 control)
+ #:use-module (language python persist)
#:export (for break next wrap-in))
(define-syntax-rule (aif it p x y) (let ((it p)) (if it x y)))
diff --git a/modules/language/python/module/collections/abc.scm b/modules/language/python/module/collections/abc.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c056834
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/language/python/module/collections/abc.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+(define-module (language python module collections abc)
+ #:use-module (oop pf-objects)
+ #:export (Container Hashable Iterable Iterator Reversable Generator
+ Sized Callable Collection Sequence MutableSequence
+ ByteString Set MutableSet Mapping MutableMapping
+ MappingView ItemsView KeysView ValuesView))
+(define-python-class Container ()
+ (define __containes__
+ (lambda x (error "not implemented"))))
+(define-python.class Hashable ()
+ (define __hash__
+ (lambda x (error "not implemented"))))
+(define-python-class Iterable ()
+ (define __iter__
+ (lambda x (error "not implemented"))))
+(define-python-class Iterator (Iterable)
+ ;; Mixin
+ (define __iter__
+ (lambda (self) self))
+ ;; Abstract
+ (define __next__
+ (lambda x (error "not implemented"))))
+(define-python-class Reversable (Iterable)
+ (define __reversed__
+ (lambda x (error "not implemented"))))
+(define-python-class Generator (Iterator)
+ ;; Mixin
+ (define __next__
+ (lambda (self) ((ref self 'send))))
+ (define close
+ (lambda (self)
+ ((ref self 'throw) GeneratorExit)))
+ ;; Abstract
+ (define send
+ (lambda x (error "not implemented")))
+ (define throw
+ (lambda x (error "not implemented"))))
+(define-python-class Sized ()
+ (define __len__
+ (lambda x (error "not implemented"))))
+(define-python-class Callable ()
+ (define __call__
+ (lambda x (error "not implemented"))))
+(define-python-class Collection (Sized Iterable Container))
+(define-python-class Sequence (Reversable Collection)
+ ;; Mixin
+ (define __contains__
+ (lambda (self x)
+ (let ((f (ref self '__getitem)))
+ (for ((i : (range (len self))))
+ (if (equal? x (f i))
+ (break #t))
+ #:final #f))))
+ (define __iter__
+ (lambda (self)
+ ((mk-iterator
+ (lambda (yield)
+ (let ((f (ref self '__getitem)))
+ (for ((i : (range (len self))))
+ (yield (f i)))))))))
+ (define __reversed__
+ (lambda (self)
+ ((mk-iterator
+ (lambda (yield)
+ (let ((f (ref self '__getitem)))
+ (for ((i : (range (len self) 0 -1)))
+ (yield (f i)))))))))
+ (define index
+ (lambda (self x)
+ (let ((f (ref self '__getitem__)))
+ (for ((i : (range (len self))))
+ (if (equal? x (f i))
+ (break y))
+ (raise IndexError)))))
+ (define count
+ (lambda (self x)
+ (let ((f (ref self '__getitem__)))
+ (for ((i : (range (len self)))) ((n 0))
+ (if (equal? x (f i))
+ (+ n 1)
+ n)
+ #:final n))))
+ ;; Abstract
+ (define __getitem__
+ (lambda x (error "not implemented"))))
+(define-python-class MutableSequence (Sequence)
+ ;; Mixin
+ (define append
+ (lambda (self x)
+ ((ref self 'insert) (len self) x)))
+ (define extend
+ (lambda (self it)
+ (let ((f (ref self 'insert)))
+ (for ((x : it)) ((i (len self)))
+ (f i x)
+ (+ i 1)))
+ (values)))
+ (define pop
+ (lambda (self)
+ (let* ((i (- (len self) 1))
+ (x ((ref self '__getitem__) i)))
+ ((ref self '__delitem__) i)
+ x)))
+ (define remove
+ (lambda (self x)
+ (let ((f (ref self '__getitem__)))
+ (for ((i : (range (len self))))
+ (if (equal? x (f i))
+ (begin
+ ((ref self '__delitem__) i)
+ (break)))))
+ (values)))
+ (define __iadd__
+ (lambda (self seq)
+ (let ((f (ref self 'insert)))
+ (for ((x : seq)) ((i (len self)))
+ (f i x)
+ (+ i 1)))
+ (values)))
+ ;; Abstract
+ (define __setitem__
+ (lambda x (error "not implemented")))
+ (define __delitem__
+ (lambda x (error "not implemented")))
+ (define insert
+ (lambda x (error "not implemented"))))
+(define-python-class ByteString (Sequence))
+(define-python-class Set (Collection)
+ ;; Mixins
+ (define __le__
+ (lambda (self o)
+ (let ((f (ref o '__contains__)))
+ (for ((x : ((ref self '__iter__))))
+ (if (not (f x))
+ (break #f))))))
+ (define __lt__
+ (lambda (self o)
+ (if (equal? (len self) (len o))
+ #f
+ (let ((f (ref o '__contains__)))
+ (for ((x : ((ref self '__iter__))))
+ (if (not (f x))
+ (break #f)))))))
+ (define __eq__
+ (lambda (self o)
+ (if (not (equal? (len self) (len o)))
+ #f
+ (let ((f (ref o '__contains__)))
+ (for ((x : ((ref self '__iter__))))
+ (if (not (f x))
+ (break #f)))))))
+ (define __ne__
+ (lambda (self o) (not ((ref self '__eq__) o))))
+ (define __gt__
+ (lambda (self o)
+ (if (equal? (len self) (len o))
+ #f
+ (let ((f (ref self '__contains__)))
+ (for ((x : ((ref o '__iter__))))
+ (if (not (f x))
+ (break #f)))))))
+ (define __ge__
+ (lambda (self o)
+ (let ((f (ref self '__contains__)))
+ (for ((x : ((ref o '__iter__))))
+ (if (not (f x))
+ (break #f))))))
+ (define __and__
+ (lambda (self o)
+ (let ((f (ref o '__contains__))
+ (s (set))
+ (a (ref s 'add)))
+ (for ((x : ((ref self '__iter__)))) ()
+ (if (f x)
+ (a x)))
+ s)))
+ (define __or__
+ (lambda (self o)
+ (let ((s (set))
+ (a (ref s 'add)))
+ (for ((x : ((ref self '__iter__)))) ()
+ (a x))
+ (for ((x : ((ref o '__iter__)))) ()
+ (a x))
+ s)))
+ (define __sub__
+ (lambda (self o)
+ (let ((f (ref o '__contains__))
+ (s (set))
+ (a (ref s 'add)))
+ (for ((x : ((ref self '__iter__)))) ()
+ (if (not (f x))
+ (a x)))
+ s)))
+ (define __xor__
+ (lambda (self o)
+ (let ((fo (ref o '__contains__))
+ (fs (ref self '__contains__))
+ (s (set))
+ (a (ref s 'add)))
+ (for ((x : ((ref self '__iter__)))) ()
+ (if (not (fo x))
+ (a x)))
+ (for ((x : ((ref o '__iter__)))) ()
+ (if (not (fs x))
+ (a x)))
+ s)))
+ (define disjoint
+ (lambda (self o)
+ (let ((f (ref o '__contains__))
+ (s (set))
+ (a (ref s 'add)))
+ (for ((x : ((ref self '__iter__)))) ()
+ (if (f x)
+ (break #f))
+ #:final #t)))))
+(define-python-class MutableSet (Set)
+ ;; Abstract methods
+ (define add
+ (lambda x (error "not implemented")))
+ (define discard
+ (lambda x (error "not implemented")))
+ ;; Mixins
+ (define clear)
+ (define pop)
+ (define remove)
+ (define __ior__)
+ (define __iand__)
+ (define __ixor__)
+ (define __isub__))
+(define-python-class Mapping (Collection)
+ ;; Mixins
+ (define __contains__)
+ (define keys)
+ (define items)
+ (define values)
+ (define get)
+ (define __eq__)
+ (define __ne__))
+(define-python-class MutableMapping (Mapping)
+ ;; Abstracts
+ (define __setitem__)
+ (define __delitem__)
+ ;; Mixins
+ (define pop)
+ (define popitem)
+ (define clear)
+ (define update)
+ (define setdefault))
+(define-python-class MappingView (Sized)
+ ;; Mixins
+ (define __init__
+ (lambda (self m)
+ (set self '_mapping m)))
+ (define __len__
+ (lambda (self) (len (ref self '_mapping)))))
+(define-python-class ItemsView (MappingView Set)
+ ;; Mixins
+ (define __contains__
+ (lambda (self x)))
+ (define __iter__
+ (lambda (self)
+ ((ref (ref self '_mapping) 'items)))))
+(define-python-class KeysView (MappingView Set)
+ ;; Mixins
+ (define __contains__
+ (lambda (self k)))
+ (define __iter__
+ (lambda (self)
+ ((ref (ref self '_mapping) 'keys)))))
+(define-python-class ValuesView (MappingView)
+ ;; Mixins
+ (define __contains__
+ (lambda (self x)))
+ (define __iter__
+ (lambda (self)
+ ((ref (ref self '_mapping) 'values)))))
+(name-object Container Hashable Iterable Iterator Reversable Generator
+ Sized Callable Collection Sequence MutableSequence
+ ByteString Set MutableSet Mapping MutableMapping
+ MappingView ItemsView KeysView ValuesView)
diff --git a/modules/language/python/module/operator.scm b/modules/language/python/module/operator.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70a989d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/language/python/module/operator.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+(define-module (language python module operator)
+ #:use-module (oop pf-objects)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 control)
+ #:use-module (language python number)
+ #:use-module (language python list)
+ #:use-module (language python string)
+ #:use-module (language python for)
+ #:use-module (language python try)
+ #:use-module (language python def)
+ #:use-module (language python persist)
+ #:use-module (language python exceptions)
+ #:use-module ((language python module python)
+ #:select (enumerate getattr hasattr))
+ #:export
+ (abs add and_ attrgetter concat contains countOf
+ delitem eq floordiv ge getitem gt iadd iand
+ iconcat ifloordiv ilshift imatmul imod imul
+ index indexOf inv invert ior ipow irshift
+ is_ is_not isub itemgetter itruediv ixor le
+ length_hint lshift lt matmul methodcaller mod
+ mul ne neg not_ or_ pos pow rshift
+ setitem sub truediv truth xor
+ __lt__ __le__ __eq__ __ne__ __ge__ __gt__ __not__ __abs__ __add__
+ __and__ __floordiv__ __index__ __inv__ __invert__ __lshift__ __mod__
+ __mul__ __matmul__ __neg__ __or__ __pos__ __pow__ __rshift__ __sub__
+ __truediv__ __xor__ __concat__ __contains__ __delitem__ __getitem__
+ __setitem__ __iadd__ __iand__ __iconcat__ __ifloordiv__ __ilshift__
+ __imod__ __imul__ __imatmul__ __ior__ __ipow__ __irshift__ __isub__
+ __itruediv__ __ixor__ ))
+;; Comparison Operations
+(define-inlinable (lt a b) (< a b))
+(define-inlinable (le a b) (<= a b))
+(define-inlinable (eq a b) (equal? a b))
+(define-inlinable (ne a b) (not (equal? a b)))
+(define-inlinable (ge a b) (>= a b))
+(define-inlinable (gt a b) (> a b))
+;; Logical Operations
+(define-inlinable (not_ a) (not a))
+(define-inlinable (truth a) (if a #t #f))
+(define-inlinable (is_ a b) (eq? a b))
+(define-inlinable (is_not a b) (not (eq? a b)))
+;; Mathematical/Bitwise Operations
+(define abs (@ (guile) abs))
+(define-inlinable (add a b) (+ a b))
+(define and_ py-logand)
+(define floordiv py-floordiv)
+(define index py-index)
+(define inv py-lognot)
+(define invert inv)
+(define lshift py-lshift)
+(define mod py-mod)
+(define-inlinable (mul x y) (* x y))
+(define matmul py-matmul)
+(define-inlinable (neg x) (- x))
+(define or_ py-logior)
+(define-inlinable (pos a) (+ a))
+(define pow expt)
+(define rshift py-rshift)
+(define-inlinable (sub a b) (- a b))
+(define truediv py-/)
+(define xor py-logxor)
+;; Sequence Operations
+(define-inlinable (concat a b) (+ a b))
+(define-inlinable (contains a b) (in b a))
+(define (countOf a b)
+ (for ((x : a)) ((c 0))
+ (if (equal? x b)
+ (+ c 1)
+ c)
+ #:final c))
+(define delitem pylist-delete!)
+(define getitem pylist-ref)
+(define (indexOf a b)
+ (for ((i x : (enumerate a))) ()
+ (if (equal? x b)
+ (break i))
+ #:final (raise ValueError "sequence.index(x): x not in sequence'")))
+(define setitem pylist-delete!)
+(define* (length_hint obj #:optional (default 0))
+ (if (not (and (number? default) (integer? default)))
+ (raise TypeError (format #f "default=~ a is not an integer" default)))
+ (let/ec ret (values)
+ #;(try
+ (lambda ()
+ (ret (len obj)))
+ #:except TypeError =>
+ (lambda x (values)))
+ #;(let ((hint
+ (try
+ (lambda ()
+ (ref obj '__length_hint__))
+ #:except AttributeError =>
+ (lambda x (ret default)))))
+ (let ((val (try
+ (lambda () (hint))
+ #:except TypeError =>
+ (lambda x (ret default)))))
+ (cond
+ ((eq? val NotImplemented)
+ default)
+ ((not (and (number? val) (integer? val)))
+ (raise TypeError
+ (format #f "__length_hint__() must be integer, not ~ a" val)))
+ ((< val 0)
+ (raise ValueError
+ "__length_hint__() should return integer >= 0"))
+ (else
+ val))))))
+;; Generalized Lookup Objects
+(define-python-class attrgetter ()
+ (define __init__
+ (lambda (self attr . attrs)
+ (if (null? attrs)
+ (begin
+ (if (not (py-string? attr))
+ (raise TypeError "attribute name must be a string"))
+ (set self '_attrs (list attr))
+ (let ((names (string-split attr #\.)))
+ (define (func obj)
+ (for ((name : names)) ((obj obj))
+ (getattr obj name)
+ #:final obj))
+ (set self '_call func)))
+ (let ((attrs (cons attr attrs)))
+ (set self '_attrs attrs)
+ (let ((getters (map attrgetter attrs)))
+ (define (func obj)
+ (for ((getter : getters)) ((l '()))
+ (cons (getter obj) l)
+ #:final (reverse l)))
+ (set self '_call func))))))
+ (define __call__
+ (lambda (self obj)
+ ((ref self '_call) obj)))
+ (define __repr__
+ (lambda (self)
+ (let ((cl (ref self '__class__))
+ (as (ref self '_attrs)))
+ (format #f "~a(~a~{,~a~})"
+ (ref cl '__name__)
+ (car as)
+ (cdr as))))))
+(name-object attrgetter)
+(define-python-class itemgetter ()
+ (define __init__
+ (lambda (self item . items)
+ (if (null? items)
+ (let ()
+ (define (func obj)
+ (pylist-ref obj item))
+ (set self '_items (list item))
+ (set self '_call func))
+ (let ()
+ (define (func obj)
+ (map (lambda (i) (pylist-ref obj i))
+ (ref self '_items)))
+ (set self '_items (cons item items))
+ (set self '_call func)))))
+ (define __call__
+ (lambda (self obj)
+ ((ref self '_call) obj)))
+ (define __repr__
+ (lambda (self)
+ (let ((args (ref self '_args)))
+ (format #f "~a(~a~{,~a~})"
+ (ref (ref self '__class__) '__name__)
+ (car args) (cdr args))))))
+(name-object itemgetter)
+(define-python-class methodcaller ()
+ (define __init__
+ (lam (self (* args) (** kwargs))
+ (if (< (len args) 1)
+ (raise TypeError
+ "methodcaller needs at least one argument, the method name"
+ ))
+ (let ((name (car args)))
+ (set self '_name name)
+ (if (not (py-string? name))
+ (raise TypeError "method name must be a string")))
+ (set self '_args (cdr args))
+ (set self '_kwargs kwargs)))
+ (define __call__
+ (lambda (self obj)
+ (py-apply (getattr obj (ref self '_name))
+ (* (ref self '_args))
+ (** (ref self '_kwargs)))))
+ (define __repr__
+ (lambda (self)
+ (define cln (ref (ref self '__class__) '__name__))
+ (define v1 (for ((x : (ref self '_args)))
+ ((l (list (ref self '_name))))
+ (cons x l)
+ #:final l))
+ (define v2 (for ((k v : (ref self '_kwargs))) ((l v1))
+ (cons (format #f "~a=~a" k v) l)
+ #:final (reverse l)))
+ (format #f "~a(~a~{,~a~})" cln (car v2) (cdr v2)))))
+(name-object methodcaller)
+;; In-place Operations
+(define iadd py-iadd)
+(define iand py-ilogand)
+(define (iconcat a b)
+ (if (not (hasattr a '__getitem__'))
+ (raise TypeError
+ (format
+ #f
+ "'~a' object can't be concatenated"
+ (ref (type a) '__name__))))
+ (iadd a b))
+(define ifloordiv py-ifloordiv)
+(define ilshift py-ilshift)
+(define imod py-imod)
+(define imul py-imul)
+(define imatmul py-imatmul)
+(define ior py-ilogior)
+(define ipow py-ipow)
+(define irshift py-irshift)
+(define isub py-isub)
+(define itruediv py-i/)
+(define ixor py-ilogxor)
+(define __lt__ lt)
+(define __le__ le)
+(define __eq__ eq)
+(define __ne__ ne)
+(define __ge__ ge)
+(define __gt__ gt)
+(define __not__ not_)
+(define __abs__ abs)
+(define __add__ add)
+(define __and__ and_)
+(define __floordiv__ floordiv)
+(define __index__ index)
+(define __inv__ inv)
+(define __invert__ invert)
+(define __lshift__ lshift)
+(define __mod__ mod)
+(define __mul__ mul)
+(define __matmul__ matmul)
+(define __neg__ neg)
+(define __or__ or_)
+(define __pos__ pos)
+(define __pow__ pow)
+(define __rshift__ rshift)
+(define __sub__ sub)
+(define __truediv__ truediv)
+(define __xor__ xor)
+(define __concat__ concat)
+(define __contains__ contains)
+(define __delitem__ delitem)
+(define __getitem__ getitem)
+(define __setitem__ setitem)
+(define __iadd__ iadd)
+(define __iand__ iand)
+(define __iconcat__ iconcat)
+(define __ifloordiv__ ifloordiv)
+(define __ilshift__ ilshift)
+(define __imod__ imod)
+(define __imul__ imul)
+(define __imatmul__ imatmul)
+(define __ior__ ior)
+(define __ipow__ ipow)
+(define __irshift__ irshift)
+(define __isub__ isub)
+(define __itruediv__ itruediv)
+(define __ixor__ ixor)
diff --git a/modules/language/python/number.scm b/modules/language/python/number.scm
index c81570d..6d93435 100644
--- a/modules/language/python/number.scm
+++ b/modules/language/python/number.scm
@@ -8,14 +8,39 @@
#:use-module (language python persist)
#:export (py-int py-float py-complex
py-/ py-logand py-logior py-logxor py-abs py-trunc
- py-lshift py-rshift py-mod py-floordiv py-round
+ py-lshift py-rshift py-mod py-floordiv py-round py-iadd
+ py-lognot py-matmul
<py-int> <py-float> <py-complex>
py-divmod pyfloat-listing pyint-listing pycomplex-listing
py-as-integer-ratio py-conjugate py-fromhex py-hex py-imag
- py-is-integer py-real hex py-bin py-index))
+ py-is-integer py-real hex py-bin py-index
+ py-ifloordiv py-ilshift py-imod py-imul py-imatmul
+ py-ilogior py-ilogand py-ipow py-isub py-i/
+ py-irshift py-ilogxor))
(define-syntax-rule (aif it p x y) (let ((it p)) (if it x y)))
+(define-syntax-rule (mki py-iadd __iadd__)
+ (define (py-iadd x y)
+ ((ref x '__iadd__) y)))
+(mki py-iadd __iadd__)
+(mki py-matmul __matmul__)
+(mki py-ifloordiv __ifloordiv__)
+(mki py-ilshift __ilshift__)
+(mki py-imod __imod__)
+(mki py-imul __imul__)
+(mki py-imatmul __imatmul__)
+(mki py-ilogior __ior__)
+(mki py-ilogand __iand__)
+(mki py-ipow __ipow__)
+(mki py-isub __isub__)
+(mki py-irshift __irshift__)
+(mki py-ilogxor __ixor__)
+(mki py-i/ __itruediv__)
(define-class <py-int> () x)
(define-class <py-float> () x)
(define-class <py-complex> () x)
diff --git a/modules/language/python/persist.scm b/modules/language/python/persist.scm
index 4005220..4ee46fc 100644
--- a/modules/language/python/persist.scm
+++ b/modules/language/python/persist.scm
@@ -112,7 +112,3 @@
(cons lam a)
diff --git a/modules/language/python/string.scm b/modules/language/python/string.scm
index 74eb0d7..d4cb74b 100644
--- a/modules/language/python/string.scm
+++ b/modules/language/python/string.scm
@@ -17,10 +17,13 @@
py-partition py-replace py-strip py-title
py-rpartitio py-rindex py-split py-rsplit py-splitlines
py-startswith py-swapcase py-translate py-zfill
- pystring-listing <py-string> pystring))
+ pystring-listing <py-string> pystring py-string?))
(define-syntax-rule (aif it p x y) (let ((it p)) (if it x y)))
+(define (py-string? x)
+ (or (string? x)
+ (is-a? x <py-string>)))
(define-class <py-string> () str)
(name-object <py-string>)