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1 files changed, 46 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mumi/xapian.scm b/mumi/xapian.scm
index f1ad7a4..b00e8ee 100644
--- a/mumi/xapian.scm
+++ b/mumi/xapian.scm
@@ -135,6 +135,52 @@ messages and index their contents in the Xapian database at DBPATH."
(unless (null? rest)
(loop rest))))))
+(define (sanitize-date-range token)
+ (define now (current-time))
+ (define (days n)
+ (make-time time-duration 0 (* 60 60 24 n)))
+ (define (range-boundary->date-string boundary*)
+ (define boundary (string-delete #\- boundary*))
+ (cond
+ ((string->number boundary) boundary)
+ (else
+ (let ((date (match boundary
+ ((or "now" "today") now)
+ ("yesterday" (subtract-duration now (days 1)))
+ (_
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda () (span char-numeric? (string->list boundary)))
+ (lambda (pre post)
+ (let ((n (string->number (apply string pre)))
+ (unit (apply string post)))
+ (and n
+ (subtract-duration
+ now
+ (match unit
+ ((or "d" "day" "days")
+ (days n))
+ ((or "w" "week" "weeks")
+ (days (* n 7)))
+ ((or "m" "month" "months")
+ (days (* n 30)))
+ ((or "y" "year" "years")
+ (days (* n 365)))))))))))))
+ (and date
+ (date->string (time-utc->date date) "~Y~m~d"))))))
+ (if (or (string-prefix? "date:" token)
+ (string-prefix? "mdate:" token))
+ (match (string-split token (char-set #\: #\.))
+ ((prefix begin sep end)
+ (let ((begin* (range-boundary->date-string begin))
+ (end* (if (or (not end) (string-null? end)) ""
+ (or (range-boundary->date-string end) ""))))
+ (if begin*
+ (string-append prefix ":" begin* ".." end*)
+ (string-append begin " " end))))
+ ;; Swallow invalid tokens silently to avoid crashing Xapian
+ (invalid (pk invalid "")))
+ token))
(define* (parse-query* querystring #:key stemmer stemming-strategy (prefixes '()))
(let ((queryparser (new-QueryParser))
(date-range-processor (new-DateRangeProcessor 0 "date:" 0))