diff options
2 files changed, 55 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/mumi/messages.scm b/mumi/messages.scm
index 6ccad33..63f68df 100644
--- a/mumi/messages.scm
+++ b/mumi/messages.scm
@@ -196,19 +196,17 @@ result for a while."
(_ #f)))))
-(define* (search-bugs query #:key (attributes '()) (max 100))
- "Return a list of all bugs matching the given QUERY string."
- (let* ((matches (soap-invoke* (%config 'debbugs)
- search-est
- query
- #:max max
- #:attributes
- (append attributes
- '((package string-prefix "guix")))))
- (ids (filter-map (lambda (item)
- (assoc-ref item "id"))
- matches)))
- (status-with-cache ids)))
+(define* (search-bugs query #:key (sets '()) (max 100))
+ "Return a list of all bugs matching the given QUERY string.
+Interset the result with the id sets in the list SETS."
+ (let* ((ids (delete-duplicates
+ (map (compose string->number mu:bugid)
+ (mu:message-list query))))
+ (filtered (match sets
+ (() ids)
+ (_ (apply lset-intersection eq? ids sets)))))
+ (status-with-cache (if (> (length filtered) max)
+ (take filtered max) filtered))))
;; TODO: This returns *any* matching debbugs bug, even if it is not
;; part of the default packages.
@@ -241,125 +239,68 @@ result for a while."
(status-with-cache ids)))
-(define (ago unit amount)
- "Return the point in time that lies AMOUNT UNITs in the past."
- (let ((amount* (match unit
- ('hours amount)
- ('days (* 24 amount))
- ('weeks (* 24 7 amount))
- ('months (* 24 30 amount))
- ('years (* 24 365 amount)))))
- (subtract-duration (date->time-utc (current-date))
- (make-time time-duration 0 (* 60 60 amount*)))))
-(define (date-term->epoch-seconds term)
- "Convert a date search term string into seconds since the epoch, or
-return #F if the term is invalid."
- (match term
- ("now" 'now)
- ("today" (time-second (ago 'days 1)))
- ("yesterday" (time-second (ago 'days 2)))
- (_
- (cond
- ;; TODO: support more date template strings
- ((or (false-if-exception (string->date term "~Y~m~d"))
- (false-if-exception (string->date term "~Y-~m-~d")))
- => (lambda (date)
- (time-second (date->time-utc date))))
- ;; e.g. "12h" meaning "12 hours ago"
- ((string->number (string-drop-right term 1))
- => (lambda (amount)
- (match (string-take-right term 1)
- ("h"
- (time-second (ago 'hours amount)))
- ("d"
- (time-second (ago 'days amount)))
- ("w"
- (time-second (ago 'weeks amount)))
- ("m"
- (time-second (ago 'months amount)))
- ("y"
- (time-second (ago 'years amount)))
- (_ #f))))
- (else #f)))))
+(define punctuation?
+ (cut char-set-contains? char-set:punctuation <>))
(define-public (process-query query)
- "Process the QUERY string and return two values: the remaining
-unprocessed query string and an alist of search attributes."
+ "Process the QUERY string and return a list of query terms and
+sets that need to overlap the result set."
+ ;; Mu doesn't like punctuation. Replace with spaces.
+ (define (clean-term term)
+ (string-map (match-lambda
+ ((? punctuation? c) #\space)
+ (c c))
+ term))
(fold (lambda (term acc)
(match acc
((#:terms terms
- #:attributes attrs
- #:filters fs)
+ #:sets fs)
(match (string-split term #\:)
;; This is not supported by the Debbugs SOAP service,
;; so we filter locally.
(("is" (or "done" "closed"))
`(#:terms ,terms
- #:attributes ,attrs
- #:filters
- ,(cons bug-done fs)))
+ #:sets ,(cons (db:bugs-by-status "done") fs)))
(("is" (or "open" "pending"))
`(#:terms ,terms
- #:attributes ,attrs
- #:filters
- ,(cons (negate bug-done) fs)))
- ;; "date" for submission date, "mdate" for message date.
- (((and (or "date" "mdate") type) when)
- (let ((date-attribute (match type
- ("date" 'date)
- ("mdate" '@cdate)))
- (pat "(yesterday|today|now|[1-9][0-9]*(h|d|w|m|y)|[0-9]+)"))
- (or (match (map (compose date-term->epoch-seconds
- match:substring)
- (list-matches pat when))
- ((and ((? number? start)
- (? number? end))
- range)
- (match (sort range <)
- ((start end)
- `(#:terms ,terms
- #:attributes ,(cons `(,date-attribute >< ,start ,end) attrs)
- #:filters ,fs))))
- ((or ('now (? number? since))
- ((? number? since) 'now))
- `(#:terms ,terms
- #:attributes ,(cons `(,date-attribute > ,since) attrs)
- #:filters ,fs))
- (_ #f))
- ;; Invalid, don't do anything.
- `(#:terms ,terms
- #:attributes ,attrs
- #:filters ,fs))))
+ #:sets ,(cons (db:bugs-by-status "open") fs)))
+ (("date" when)
+ `(#:terms ,(cons (string-append "date:" when) terms)
+ #:sets ,fs))
+ ;; TODO: this should only be the title of the bug, not
+ ;; the subject.
(("title" title)
- `(#:terms ,terms
- #:attributes ,(cons `(subject string-contains ,title) attrs)
- #:filters ,fs))
+ `(#:terms
+ ,(cons (string-append "subject:" (clean-term title))
+ terms)
+ #:sets ,fs))
+ (("subject" subject)
+ `(#:terms
+ ,(cons (string-append "subject:" (clean-term subject))
+ terms)
+ #:sets ,fs))
(("tag" tag)
`(#:terms ,terms
- #:attributes ,(cons `(tags string= ,tag) attrs)
- #:filters ,fs))
+ #:sets
+ ,(cons (db:bugs-by-tag (clean-term tag)) fs)))
(("author" who)
+ `(#:terms
+ ,(cons (string-append "from:" (clean-term who)) terms)
+ #:sets ,fs))
+ (("owner" who)
`(#:terms ,terms
- #:attributes ,(cons `(@author string-contains ,who) attrs)
- #:filters ,fs))
- ;; This is not supported by the Debbugs SOAP service,
- ;; so we filter locally. At least we know that we need
- ;; bugs where the author is "who".
+ #:sets ,(cons (db:bugs-by-owner who) fs)))
(("submitter" who)
`(#:terms ,terms
- #:attributes ,(cons `(@author string-contains ,who) attrs)
- #:filters ,(cons (lambda (bug)
- (string-contains-ci (bug-originator bug)
- who))
- fs)))
+ #:sets ,(cons (db:bugs-by-submitter who) fs)))
(("severity" level)
`(#:terms ,terms
- #:attributes ,(cons `(severity string= ,level) attrs)
- #:filters ,fs))
+ #:sets ,(cons (db:bugs-by-severity level) fs)))
+ ((whatever term)
+ `(#:terms ,(cons (clean-term term) terms)
+ #:sets ,fs))
- `(#:terms ,(cons term terms)
- #:attributes ,attrs
- #:filters ,fs))))))
- '(#:terms () #:attributes () #:filters ())
+ `(#:terms ,(cons (clean-term term) terms)
+ #:sets ,fs))))))
+ '(#:terms () #:sets ())
(string-tokenize query)))
diff --git a/mumi/web/controller.scm b/mumi/web/controller.scm
index 7f0d9d5..e854823 100644
--- a/mumi/web/controller.scm
+++ b/mumi/web/controller.scm
@@ -81,23 +81,9 @@
(list-of-matching-bugs query
(match (process-query query)
((#:terms terms
- #:attributes attrs
- #:filters '())
+ #:sets s)
(search-bugs (string-join terms)
- #:attributes attrs))
- ;; Fetch more messages if there
- ;; are local filters to increase
- ;; the chance of finding some
- ;; that pass the filter.
- ((#:terms terms
- #:attributes attrs
- #:filters fs)
- (let ((str (string-join terms)))
- (filter (lambda (bug)
- (every (lambda (f) (f bug)) fs))
- (search-bugs (string-join terms)
- #:attributes attrs
- #:max 800)))))))
+ #:sets s)))))
`(p "Could not search for " (strong ,query) "."))))))
(('GET "issue" (? string->number id))