#!@TARGET_PYTHON@ ''' Example usage: test: lilypond-book --filter="tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'" BOOK convert-ly on book: lilypond-book --filter="convert-ly --no-version --from=1.6.11 -" BOOK classic lilypond-book: lilypond-book --process="lilypond" BOOK.tely TODO: * this script is too complex. Modularize. * ly-options: intertext? * --line-width? * eps in latex / eps by lilypond -b ps? * check latex parameters, twocolumn, multicolumn? * use --png --ps --pdf for making images? * Converting from lilypond-book source, substitute: @mbinclude foo.itely -> @include foo.itely \mbinput -> \input ''' import glob import os import re import stat import sys import tempfile """ @relocate-preamble@ """ import lilylib as ly import fontextract import langdefs global _;_=ly._ ly.require_python_version () # Lilylib globals. program_version = '@TOPLEVEL_VERSION@' program_name = os.path.basename (sys.argv[0]) # Check if program_version contains @ characters. This will be the case if # the .py file is called directly while building the lilypond documentation. # If so, try to check for the env var LILYPOND_VERSION, which is set by our # makefiles and use its value. at_re = re.compile (r'@') if at_re.match (program_version): if os.environ.has_key('LILYPOND_VERSION'): program_version = os.environ['LILYPOND_VERSION'] else: program_version = "unknown" original_dir = os.getcwd () backend = 'ps' help_summary = ( _ ("Process LilyPond snippets in hybrid HTML, LaTeX, texinfo or DocBook document.") + '\n\n' + _ ("Examples:") + ''' $ lilypond-book --filter="tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'" %(BOOK)s $ lilypond-book -F "convert-ly --no-version --from=2.0.0 -" %(BOOK)s $ lilypond-book --process='lilypond -I include' %(BOOK)s ''' % {'BOOK': _ ("BOOK")}) authors = ('Jan Nieuwenhuizen ', 'Han-Wen Nienhuys ') ################################################################ def exit (i): if global_options.verbose: raise Exception (_ ('Exiting (%d)...') % i) else: sys.exit (i) def identify (): ly.encoded_write (sys.stdout, '%s (GNU LilyPond) %s\n' % (program_name, program_version)) progress = ly.progress def warning (s): ly.stderr_write (program_name + ": " + _ ("warning: %s") % s + '\n') def error (s): ly.stderr_write (program_name + ": " + _ ("error: %s") % s + '\n') def ps_page_count (ps_name): header = file (ps_name).read (1024) m = re.search ('\n%%Pages: ([0-9]+)', header) if m: return int (m.group (1)) return 0 def warranty (): identify () ly.encoded_write (sys.stdout, ''' %s %s %s %s ''' % ( _ ('Copyright (c) %s by') % '2001--2009', '\n '.join (authors), _ ("Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License."), _ ("It comes with NO WARRANTY."))) def get_option_parser (): p = ly.get_option_parser (usage=_ ("%s [OPTION]... FILE") % 'lilypond-book', description=help_summary, add_help_option=False) p.add_option ('-F', '--filter', metavar=_ ("FILTER"), action="store", dest="filter_cmd", help=_ ("pipe snippets through FILTER [default: `convert-ly -n -']"), default=None) p.add_option ('-f', '--format', help=_ ("use output format FORMAT (texi [default], texi-html, latex, html, docbook)"), metavar=_ ("FORMAT"), action='store') p.add_option("-h", "--help", action="help", help=_ ("show this help and exit")) p.add_option ("-I", '--include', help=_ ("add DIR to include path"), metavar=_ ("DIR"), action='append', dest='include_path', default=[os.path.abspath (os.getcwd ())]) p.add_option ('--info-images-dir', help=_ ("format Texinfo output so that Info will " "look for images of music in DIR"), metavar=_ ("DIR"), action='store', dest='info_images_dir', default='') p.add_option ('--latex-program', help=_ ("run executable PROG instead of latex"), metavar=_ ("PROG"), action='store', dest='latex_program', default='latex') p.add_option ('--left-padding', metavar=_ ("PAD"), dest="padding_mm", help=_ ("pad left side of music to align music inspite of uneven bar numbers (in mm)"), type="float", default=3.0) p.add_option ("-o", '--output', help=_ ("write output to DIR"), metavar=_ ("DIR"), action='store', dest='output_dir', default='') p.add_option ('--skip-lily-check', help=_ ("do not fail if no lilypond output is found"), metavar=_ ("DIR"), action='store_true', dest='skip_lilypond_run', default=False) p.add_option ('--skip-png-check', help=_ ("do not fail if no PNG images are found for EPS files"), metavar=_ ("DIR"), action='store_true', dest='skip_png_check', default=False) p.add_option ('--lily-output-dir', help=_ ("write lily-XXX files to DIR, link into --output dir"), metavar=_ ("DIR"), action='store', dest='lily_output_dir', default=None) p.add_option ('-P', '--process', metavar=_ ("COMMAND"), help = _ ("process ly_files using COMMAND FILE..."), action='store', dest='process_cmd', default='') p.add_option ('--pdf', action="store_true", dest="create_pdf", help=_ ("create PDF files for use with PDFTeX"), default=False) p.add_option ('-V', '--verbose', help=_ ("be verbose"), action="store_true", default=False, dest="verbose") p.version = "@TOPLEVEL_VERSION@" p.add_option("--version", action="version", help=_ ("show version number and exit")) p.add_option ('-w', '--warranty', help=_ ("show warranty and copyright"), action='store_true') p.add_option_group ('', description=( _ ("Report bugs via %s") % ' http://post.gmane.org/post.php' '?group=gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.bugs') + '\n') return p lilypond_binary = os.path.join ('@bindir@', 'lilypond') # If we are called with full path, try to use lilypond binary # installed in the same path; this is needed in GUB binaries, where # @bindir is always different from the installed binary path. if 'bindir' in globals () and bindir: lilypond_binary = os.path.join (bindir, 'lilypond') # Only use installed binary when we are installed too. if '@bindir@' == ('@' + 'bindir@') or not os.path.exists (lilypond_binary): lilypond_binary = 'lilypond' global_options = None default_ly_options = { 'alt': "[image of music]" } document_language = '' # # Is this pythonic? Personally, I find this rather #define-nesque. --hwn # ADDVERSION = 'addversion' AFTER = 'after' BEFORE = 'before' DOCBOOK = 'docbook' EXAMPLEINDENT = 'exampleindent' FILTER = 'filter' FRAGMENT = 'fragment' HTML = 'html' INDENT = 'indent' LANG = 'lang' LATEX = 'latex' LAYOUT = 'layout' LINE_WIDTH = 'line-width' LILYQUOTE = 'lilyquote' NOFRAGMENT = 'nofragment' NOGETTEXT = 'nogettext' NOINDENT = 'noindent' NOQUOTE = 'noquote' NORAGGED_RIGHT = 'noragged-right' NOTES = 'body' NOTIME = 'notime' OUTPUT = 'output' OUTPUTIMAGE = 'outputimage' PAPER = 'paper' PREAMBLE = 'preamble' PRINTFILENAME = 'printfilename' QUOTE = 'quote' RAGGED_RIGHT = 'ragged-right' RELATIVE = 'relative' STAFFSIZE = 'staffsize' DOCTITLE = 'doctitle' TEXIDOC = 'texidoc' TEXINFO = 'texinfo' VERBATIM = 'verbatim' VERSION = 'lilypondversion' FONTLOAD = 'fontload' FILENAME = 'filename' ALT = 'alt' # NOTIME has no opposite so it isn't part of this dictionary. # NOQUOTE is used internally only. no_options = { NOFRAGMENT: FRAGMENT, NOINDENT: INDENT, } # Recognize special sequences in the input. # # (?Pregex) -- Assign result of REGEX to NAME. # *? -- Match non-greedily. # (?!...) -- Match if `...' doesn't match next (without consuming # the string). # # (?m) -- Multiline regex: Make ^ and $ match at each line. # (?s) -- Make the dot match all characters including newline. # (?x) -- Ignore whitespace in patterns. no_match = 'a\ba' snippet_res = { ## DOCBOOK: { 'include': no_match, 'lilypond': r'''(?smx) (?P <(?P(inline)?)mediaobject>\s* \s* .*?)")?> (?P.*?) \s* \s* )''', 'lilypond_block': r'''(?smx) (?P <(?P(inline)?)mediaobject>\s* \s* .*?)")?> (?P.*?) \s* \s* )''', 'lilypond_file': r'''(?smx) (?P <(?P(inline)?)mediaobject>\s* \s* |>\s*)\s* \s* )''', 'multiline_comment': r'''(?smx) (?P \s*(?!@c\s+) (?P) \s)''', 'singleline_comment': no_match, 'verb': no_match, 'verbatim': no_match, 'lilypondversion': no_match, }, ## HTML: { 'include': no_match, 'lilypond': r'''(?mx) (?P .*?)\s*:)?\s* (?P.*?) />)''', 'lilypond_block': r'''(?msx) (?P .*?)\s* > (?P.*?) )''', 'lilypond_file': r'''(?mx) (?P .*?)\s* > \s*(?P.*?)\s* )''', 'multiline_comment': r'''(?smx) (?P \s*(?!@c\s+) (?P) \s)''', 'singleline_comment': no_match, 'verb': r'''(?x) (?P (?P
))''', 'verbatim': r'''(?x) (?s) (?P (?P
\s))''', 'lilypondversion': r'''(?mx) (?P )''', }, ## LATEX: { 'include': r'''(?smx) ^[^%\n]*? (?P \\input\s*{ (?P\S+?) })''', 'lilypond': r'''(?smx) ^[^%\n]*? (?P \\lilypond\s*( \[ \s*(?P.*?)\s* \])?\s*{ (?P.*?) })''', 'lilypond_block': r'''(?smx) ^[^%\n]*? (?P \\begin\s*( \[ \s*(?P.*?)\s* \])?\s*{lilypond} (?P.*?) ^[^%\n]*? \\end\s*{lilypond})''', 'lilypond_file': r'''(?smx) ^[^%\n]*? (?P \\lilypondfile\s*( \[ \s*(?P.*?)\s* \])?\s*\{ (?P\S+?) })''', 'multiline_comment': no_match, 'singleline_comment': r'''(?mx) ^.*? (?P (?P %.*$\n+))''', 'verb': r'''(?mx) ^[^%\n]*? (?P (?P \\verb(?P.) .*? (?P=del)))''', 'verbatim': r'''(?msx) ^[^%\n]*? (?P (?P \\begin\s*{verbatim} .*? \\end\s*{verbatim}))''', 'lilypondversion': r'''(?smx) (?P \\lilypondversion)[^a-zA-Z]''', }, ## TEXINFO: { 'include': r'''(?mx) ^(?P @include\s+ (?P\S+))''', 'lilypond': r'''(?smx) ^[^\n]*?(?!@c\s+)[^\n]*? (?P @lilypond\s*( \[ \s*(?P.*?)\s* \])?\s*{ (?P.*?) })''', 'lilypond_block': r'''(?msx) ^(?P @lilypond\s*( \[ \s*(?P.*?)\s* \])?\s+? ^(?P.*?) ^@end\s+lilypond)\s''', 'lilypond_file': r'''(?mx) ^(?P @lilypondfile\s*( \[ \s*(?P.*?)\s* \])?\s*{ (?P\S+) })''', 'multiline_comment': r'''(?smx) ^(?P (?P @ignore\s .*? @end\s+ignore))\s''', 'singleline_comment': r'''(?mx) ^.* (?P (?P @c([ \t][^\n]*|)\n))''', # Don't do this: It interferes with @code{@{}. # 'verb': r'''(?P@code{.*?})''', 'verbatim': r'''(?sx) (?P (?P @example \s.*? @end\s+example\s))''', 'lilypondversion': r'''(?mx) [^@](?P @lilypondversion)[^a-zA-Z]''', }, } format_res = { DOCBOOK: { 'intertext': r',?\s*intertext=\".*?\"', 'option_sep': '\s*', }, HTML: { 'intertext': r',?\s*intertext=\".*?\"', 'option_sep': '\s*', }, LATEX: { 'intertext': r',?\s*intertext=\".*?\"', 'option_sep': '\s*,\s*', }, TEXINFO: { 'intertext': r',?\s*intertext=\".*?\"', 'option_sep': '\s*,\s*', }, } # Options without a pattern in ly_options. simple_options = [ EXAMPLEINDENT, FRAGMENT, NOFRAGMENT, NOGETTEXT, NOINDENT, PRINTFILENAME, DOCTITLE, TEXIDOC, LANG, VERBATIM, FONTLOAD, FILENAME, ALT, ADDVERSION ] ly_options = { ## NOTES: { RELATIVE: r'''\relative c%(relative_quotes)s''', }, ## PAPER: { INDENT: r'''indent = %(indent)s''', LINE_WIDTH: r'''line-width = %(line-width)s''', QUOTE: r'''line-width = %(line-width)s - 2.0 * %(exampleindent)s''', LILYQUOTE: r'''line-width = %(line-width)s - 2.0 * %(exampleindent)s''', RAGGED_RIGHT: r'''ragged-right = ##t''', NORAGGED_RIGHT: r'''ragged-right = ##f''', }, ## LAYOUT: { NOTIME: r''' \context { \Score timing = ##f } \context { \Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }''', }, ## PREAMBLE: { STAFFSIZE: r'''#(set-global-staff-size %(staffsize)s)''', }, } output = { ## DOCBOOK: { FILTER: r''' %(code)s ''', OUTPUT: r''' ''', VERBATIM: r''' %(verb)s''', VERSION: program_version, PRINTFILENAME: r''' %(filename)s ''' }, ## HTML: { FILTER: r''' %(code)s ''', AFTER: r'''

''', BEFORE: r'''

''', OUTPUT: r''' %(alt)s''', PRINTFILENAME: '


', QUOTE: r'''
''', VERBATIM: r'''
''', VERSION: program_version, }, ## LATEX: { OUTPUT: r'''{%% \parindent 0pt \ifx\preLilyPondExample \undefined \else \expandafter\preLilyPondExample \fi \def\lilypondbook{}%% \input %(base)s-systems.tex \ifx\postLilyPondExample \undefined \else \expandafter\postLilyPondExample \fi }''', PRINTFILENAME: '''\\texttt{%(filename)s} ''', QUOTE: r'''\begin{quotation} %(str)s \end{quotation}''', VERBATIM: r'''\noindent \begin{verbatim}%(verb)s\end{verbatim} ''', VERSION: program_version, FILTER: r'''\begin{lilypond}[%(options)s] %(code)s \end{lilypond}''', }, ## TEXINFO: { FILTER: r'''@lilypond[%(options)s] %(code)s @lilypond''', OUTPUT: r''' @iftex @include %(base)s-systems.texi @end iftex ''', OUTPUTIMAGE: r'''@noindent @ifinfo @image{%(info_image_path)s,,,%(alt)s,%(ext)s} @end ifinfo @html


@end html ''', PRINTFILENAME: ''' @html @end html @file{%(filename)s} @html @end html ''', QUOTE: r'''@quotation %(str)s@end quotation ''', NOQUOTE: r'''@format %(str)s@end format ''', VERBATIM: r'''@exampleindent 0 %(version)s@verbatim %(verb)s@end verbatim ''', VERSION: program_version, ADDVERSION: r'''@example \version @w{"@version{}"} @end example ''' }, } # # Maintain line numbers. # ## TODO if 0: for f in [HTML, LATEX]: for s in (QUOTE, VERBATIM): output[f][s] = output[f][s].replace("\n"," ") PREAMBLE_LY = '''%%%% Generated by %(program_name)s %%%% Options: [%(option_string)s] \\include "lilypond-book-preamble.ly" %% **************************************************************** %% Start cut-&-pastable-section %% **************************************************************** %(preamble_string)s \paper { #(define dump-extents #t) %(font_dump_setting)s %(paper_string)s force-assignment = #"" line-width = #(- line-width (* mm %(padding_mm)f)) } \layout { %(layout_string)s } ''' FRAGMENT_LY = r''' %(notes_string)s { %% **************************************************************** %% ly snippet contents follows: %% **************************************************************** %(code)s %% **************************************************************** %% end ly snippet %% **************************************************************** } ''' FULL_LY = ''' %% **************************************************************** %% ly snippet: %% **************************************************************** %(code)s %% **************************************************************** %% end ly snippet %% **************************************************************** ''' texinfo_line_widths = { '@afourpaper': '160\\mm', '@afourwide': '6.5\\in', '@afourlatex': '150\\mm', '@smallbook': '5\\in', '@letterpaper': '6\\in', } def classic_lilypond_book_compatibility (key, value): if key == 'singleline' and value == None: return (RAGGED_RIGHT, None) m = re.search ('relative\s*([-0-9])', key) if m: return ('relative', m.group (1)) m = re.match ('([0-9]+)pt', key) if m: return ('staffsize', m.group (1)) if key == 'indent' or key == 'line-width': m = re.match ('([-.0-9]+)(cm|in|mm|pt|staffspace)', value) if m: f = float (m.group (1)) return (key, '%f\\%s' % (f, m.group (2))) return (None, None) def find_file (name, raise_error=True): for i in global_options.include_path: full = os.path.join (i, name) if os.path.exists (full): return full if raise_error: error (_ ("file not found: %s") % name + '\n') exit (1) return '' def verbatim_html (s): return re.sub ('>', '>', re.sub ('<', '<', re.sub ('&', '&', s))) ly_var_def_re = re.compile (r'^([a-zA-Z]+)[\t ]*=', re.M) ly_comment_re = re.compile (r'(%+[\t ]*)(.*)$', re.M) ly_context_id_re = re.compile ('\\\\(?:new|context)\\s+(?:[a-zA-Z]*?(?:Staff\ (?:Group)?|Voice|FiguredBass|FretBoards|Names|Devnull))\\s+=\\s+"?([a-zA-Z]+)"?\\s+') def ly_comment_gettext (t, m): return m.group (1) + t (m.group (2)) def verb_ly_gettext (s): if not document_language: return s try: t = langdefs.translation[document_language] except: return s s = ly_comment_re.sub (lambda m: ly_comment_gettext (t, m), s) if langdefs.LANGDICT[document_language].enable_ly_identifier_l10n: for v in ly_var_def_re.findall (s): s = re.sub (r"(?m)(^|[' \\#])%s([^a-zA-Z])" % v, "\\1" + t (v) + "\\2", s) for id in ly_context_id_re.findall (s): s = re.sub (r'(\s+|")%s(\s+|")' % id, "\\1" + t (id) + "\\2", s) return s texinfo_lang_re = re.compile ('(?m)^@documentlanguage (.*?)( |$)') def set_default_options (source, default_ly_options, format): global document_language if LINE_WIDTH not in default_ly_options: if format == LATEX: textwidth = get_latex_textwidth (source) default_ly_options[LINE_WIDTH] = '%.0f\\pt' % textwidth elif format == TEXINFO: m = texinfo_lang_re.search (source) if m and not m.group (1).startswith ('en'): document_language = m.group (1) else: document_language = '' for regex in texinfo_line_widths: # FIXME: @layout is usually not in # chunk #0: # # \input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*- # # Bluntly search first K items of # source. # s = chunks[0].replacement_text () if re.search (regex, source[:1024]): default_ly_options[LINE_WIDTH] = texinfo_line_widths[regex] break class Chunk: def replacement_text (self): return '' def filter_text (self): return self.replacement_text () def is_plain (self): return False class Substring (Chunk): """A string that does not require extra memory.""" def __init__ (self, source, start, end, line_number): self.source = source self.start = start self.end = end self.line_number = line_number self.override_text = None def is_plain (self): return True def replacement_text (self): if self.override_text: return self.override_text else: return self.source[self.start:self.end] class Snippet (Chunk): def __init__ (self, type, match, format, line_number): self.type = type self.match = match self.checksum = 0 self.option_dict = {} self.format = format self.line_number = line_number def replacement_text (self): return self.match.group ('match') def substring (self, s): return self.match.group (s) def __repr__ (self): return `self.__class__` + ' type = ' + self.type class IncludeSnippet (Snippet): def processed_filename (self): f = self.substring ('filename') return os.path.splitext (f)[0] + format2ext[self.format] def replacement_text (self): s = self.match.group ('match') f = self.substring ('filename') return re.sub (f, self.processed_filename (), s) class LilypondSnippet (Snippet): def __init__ (self, type, match, format, line_number): Snippet.__init__ (self, type, match, format, line_number) os = match.group ('options') self.do_options (os, self.type) def verb_ly (self): verb_text = self.substring ('code') if not NOGETTEXT in self.option_dict: verb_text = verb_ly_gettext (verb_text) if not verb_text.endswith ('\n'): verb_text += '\n' return verb_text def ly (self): contents = self.substring ('code') return ('\\sourcefileline %d\n%s' % (self.line_number - 1, contents)) def full_ly (self): s = self.ly () if s: return self.compose_ly (s) return '' def split_options (self, option_string): if option_string: if self.format == HTML: options = re.findall('[\w\.-:]+(?:\s*=\s*(?:"[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\'|\S+))?', option_string) options = [re.sub('^([^=]+=\s*)(?P["\'])(.*)(?P=q)', '\g<1>\g<3>', opt) for opt in options] return options else: return re.split (format_res[self.format]['option_sep'], option_string) return [] def do_options (self, option_string, type): self.option_dict = {} options = self.split_options (option_string) for option in options: if '=' in option: (key, value) = re.split ('\s*=\s*', option) self.option_dict[key] = value else: if option in no_options: if no_options[option] in self.option_dict: del self.option_dict[no_options[option]] else: self.option_dict[option] = None has_line_width = self.option_dict.has_key (LINE_WIDTH) no_line_width_value = 0 # If LINE_WIDTH is used without parameter, set it to default. if has_line_width and self.option_dict[LINE_WIDTH] == None: no_line_width_value = 1 del self.option_dict[LINE_WIDTH] for k in default_ly_options: if k not in self.option_dict: self.option_dict[k] = default_ly_options[k] # RELATIVE does not work without FRAGMENT; # make RELATIVE imply FRAGMENT has_relative = self.option_dict.has_key (RELATIVE) if has_relative and not self.option_dict.has_key (FRAGMENT): self.option_dict[FRAGMENT] = None if not has_line_width: if type == 'lilypond' or FRAGMENT in self.option_dict: self.option_dict[RAGGED_RIGHT] = None if type == 'lilypond': if LINE_WIDTH in self.option_dict: del self.option_dict[LINE_WIDTH] else: if RAGGED_RIGHT in self.option_dict: if LINE_WIDTH in self.option_dict: del self.option_dict[LINE_WIDTH] if QUOTE in self.option_dict or type == 'lilypond': if LINE_WIDTH in self.option_dict: del self.option_dict[LINE_WIDTH] if not INDENT in self.option_dict: self.option_dict[INDENT] = '0\\mm' # The QUOTE pattern from ly_options only emits the `line-width' # keyword. if has_line_width and QUOTE in self.option_dict: if no_line_width_value: del self.option_dict[LINE_WIDTH] else: del self.option_dict[QUOTE] def compose_ly (self, code): if FRAGMENT in self.option_dict: body = FRAGMENT_LY else: body = FULL_LY # Defaults. relative = 1 override = {} # The original concept of the `exampleindent' option is broken. # It is not possible to get a sane value for @exampleindent at all # without processing the document itself. Saying # # @exampleindent 0 # @example # ... # @end example # @exampleindent 5 # # causes ugly results with the DVI backend of texinfo since the # default value for @exampleindent isn't 5em but 0.4in (or a smaller # value). Executing the above code changes the environment # indentation to an unknown value because we don't know the amount # of 1em in advance since it is font-dependent. Modifying # @exampleindent in the middle of a document is simply not # supported within texinfo. # # As a consequence, the only function of @exampleindent is now to # specify the amount of indentation for the `quote' option. # # To set @exampleindent locally to zero, we use the @format # environment for non-quoted snippets. override[EXAMPLEINDENT] = r'0.4\in' override[LINE_WIDTH] = texinfo_line_widths['@smallbook'] override.update (default_ly_options) option_list = [] for (key, value) in self.option_dict.items (): if value == None: option_list.append (key) else: option_list.append (key + '=' + value) option_string = ','.join (option_list) compose_dict = {} compose_types = [NOTES, PREAMBLE, LAYOUT, PAPER] for a in compose_types: compose_dict[a] = [] for (key, value) in self.option_dict.items (): (c_key, c_value) = classic_lilypond_book_compatibility (key, value) if c_key: if c_value: warning ( _ ("deprecated ly-option used: %s=%s") % (key, value)) warning ( _ ("compatibility mode translation: %s=%s") % (c_key, c_value)) else: warning ( _ ("deprecated ly-option used: %s") % key) warning ( _ ("compatibility mode translation: %s") % c_key) (key, value) = (c_key, c_value) if value: override[key] = value else: if not override.has_key (key): override[key] = None found = 0 for type in compose_types: if ly_options[type].has_key (key): compose_dict[type].append (ly_options[type][key]) found = 1 break if not found and key not in simple_options: warning (_ ("ignoring unknown ly option: %s") % key) # URGS if RELATIVE in override and override[RELATIVE]: relative = int (override[RELATIVE]) relative_quotes = '' # 1 = central C if relative < 0: relative_quotes += ',' * (- relative) elif relative > 0: relative_quotes += "'" * relative paper_string = '\n '.join (compose_dict[PAPER]) % override layout_string = '\n '.join (compose_dict[LAYOUT]) % override notes_string = '\n '.join (compose_dict[NOTES]) % vars () preamble_string = '\n '.join (compose_dict[PREAMBLE]) % override padding_mm = global_options.padding_mm font_dump_setting = '' if FONTLOAD in self.option_dict: font_dump_setting = '#(define-public force-eps-font-include #t)\n' d = globals().copy() d.update (locals()) return (PREAMBLE_LY + body) % d def get_checksum (self): if not self.checksum: # Work-around for md5 module deprecation warning in python 2.5+: try: from hashlib import md5 except ImportError: from md5 import md5 hash = md5 (self.relevant_contents (self.full_ly ())) ## let's not create too long names. self.checksum = hash.hexdigest ()[:10] return self.checksum def basename (self): cs = self.get_checksum () name = '%s/lily-%s' % (cs[:2], cs[2:10]) return name def write_ly (self): base = self.basename () path = os.path.join (global_options.lily_output_dir, base) directory = os.path.split(path)[0] if not os.path.isdir (directory): os.makedirs (directory) out = file (path + '.ly', 'w') out.write (self.full_ly ()) file (path + '.txt', 'w').write ('image of music') def relevant_contents (self, ly): return re.sub (r'\\(version|sourcefileline|sourcefilename)[^\n]*\n|' + NOGETTEXT + '[,\]]', '', ly) def link_all_output_files (self, output_dir, output_dir_files, destination): existing, missing = self.all_output_files (output_dir, output_dir_files) if missing: print '\nMissing', missing raise CompileError(self.basename()) for name in existing: try: os.unlink (os.path.join (destination, name)) except OSError: pass src = os.path.join (output_dir, name) dst = os.path.join (destination, name) dst_path = os.path.split(dst)[0] if not os.path.isdir (dst_path): os.makedirs (dst_path) os.link (src, dst) def all_output_files (self, output_dir, output_dir_files): """Return all files generated in lily_output_dir, a set. output_dir_files is the list of files in the output directory. """ result = set () missing = set () base = self.basename() full = os.path.join (output_dir, base) def consider_file (name): if name in output_dir_files: result.add (name) def require_file (name): if name in output_dir_files: result.add (name) else: missing.add (name) # UGH - junk global_options skip_lily = global_options.skip_lilypond_run for required in [base + '.ly', base + '.txt']: require_file (required) if not skip_lily: require_file (base + '-systems.count') if 'ddump-profile' in global_options.process_cmd: require_file (base + '.profile') if 'dseparate-log-file' in global_options.process_cmd: require_file (base + '.log') map (consider_file, [base + '.tex', base + '.eps', base + '.texidoc', base + '.doctitle', base + '-systems.texi', base + '-systems.tex', base + '-systems.pdftexi']) if document_language: map (consider_file, [base + '.texidoc' + document_language, base + '.doctitle' + document_language]) # UGH - junk global_options if (base + '.eps' in result and self.format in (HTML, TEXINFO) and not global_options.skip_png_check): page_count = ps_page_count (full + '.eps') if page_count <= 1: require_file (base + '.png') else: for page in range (1, page_count + 1): require_file (base + '-page%d.png' % page) system_count = 0 if not skip_lily and not missing: system_count = int(file (full + '-systems.count').read()) for number in range(1, system_count + 1): systemfile = '%s-%d' % (base, number) require_file (systemfile + '.eps') consider_file (systemfile + '.pdf') # We can't require signatures, since books and toplevel # markups do not output a signature. if 'ddump-signature' in global_options.process_cmd: consider_file (systemfile + '.signature') return (result, missing) def is_outdated (self, output_dir, current_files): found, missing = self.all_output_files (output_dir, current_files) return missing def filter_text (self): """Run snippet bodies through a command (say: convert-ly). This functionality is rarely used, and this code must have bitrot. """ code = self.substring ('code') s = filter_pipe (code, global_options.filter_cmd) d = { 'code': s, 'options': self.match.group ('options') } # TODO return output[self.format][FILTER] % d def replacement_text (self): func = LilypondSnippet.__dict__['output_' + self.format] return func (self) def get_images (self): base = self.basename () single = '%(base)s.png' % vars () multiple = '%(base)s-page1.png' % vars () images = (single,) if (os.path.exists (multiple) and (not os.path.exists (single) or (os.stat (multiple)[stat.ST_MTIME] > os.stat (single)[stat.ST_MTIME]))): count = ps_page_count ('%(base)s.eps' % vars ()) images = ['%s-page%d.png' % (base, page) for page in range (1, count+1)] images = tuple (images) return images def output_docbook (self): str = '' base = self.basename () for image in self.get_images (): (base, ext) = os.path.splitext (image) str += output[DOCBOOK][OUTPUT] % vars () str += self.output_print_filename (DOCBOOK) if (self.substring('inline') == 'inline'): str = '' + str + '' else: str = '' + str + '' if VERBATIM in self.option_dict: verb = verbatim_html (self.verb_ly ()) str = output[DOCBOOK][VERBATIM] % vars () + str return str def output_html (self): str = '' base = self.basename () if self.format == HTML: str += self.output_print_filename (HTML) if VERBATIM in self.option_dict: verb = verbatim_html (self.verb_ly ()) str += output[HTML][VERBATIM] % vars () if QUOTE in self.option_dict: str = output[HTML][QUOTE] % vars () str += output[HTML][BEFORE] % vars () for image in self.get_images (): (base, ext) = os.path.splitext (image) alt = self.option_dict[ALT] str += output[HTML][OUTPUT] % vars () str += output[HTML][AFTER] % vars () return str def output_info (self): str = '' for image in self.get_images (): (base, ext) = os.path.splitext (image) # URG, makeinfo implicitly prepends dot to extension. # Specifying no extension is most robust. ext = '' alt = self.option_dict[ALT] info_image_path = os.path.join (global_options.info_images_dir, base) str += output[TEXINFO][OUTPUTIMAGE] % vars () base = self.basename () str += output[self.format][OUTPUT] % vars () return str def output_latex (self): str = '' base = self.basename () if self.format == LATEX: str += self.output_print_filename (LATEX) if VERBATIM in self.option_dict: verb = self.verb_ly () str += (output[LATEX][VERBATIM] % vars ()) str += (output[LATEX][OUTPUT] % vars ()) ## todo: maintain breaks if 0: breaks = self.ly ().count ("\n") str += "".ljust (breaks, "\n").replace ("\n","%\n") if QUOTE in self.option_dict: str = output[LATEX][QUOTE] % vars () return str def output_print_filename (self, format): str = '' if PRINTFILENAME in self.option_dict: base = self.basename () filename = os.path.basename (self.substring ('filename')) str = output[format][PRINTFILENAME] % vars () return str def output_texinfo (self): str = self.output_print_filename (TEXINFO) base = self.basename () if DOCTITLE in self.option_dict: doctitle = base + '.doctitle' translated_doctitle = doctitle + document_language if os.path.exists (translated_doctitle): str += '@lydoctitle %s\n\n' % open (translated_doctitle).read () elif os.path.exists (doctitle): str += '@lydoctitle %s\n\n' % open (doctitle).read () if TEXIDOC in self.option_dict: texidoc = base + '.texidoc' translated_texidoc = texidoc + document_language if os.path.exists (translated_texidoc): str += '@include %(translated_texidoc)s\n\n' % vars () elif os.path.exists (texidoc): str += '@include %(texidoc)s\n\n' % vars () substr = '' if VERBATIM in self.option_dict: version = '' if ADDVERSION in self.option_dict: version = output[TEXINFO][ADDVERSION] verb = self.verb_ly () substr = output[TEXINFO][VERBATIM] % vars () substr += self.output_info () if LILYQUOTE in self.option_dict: substr = output[TEXINFO][QUOTE] % {'str':substr} str += substr # str += ('@ifinfo\n' + self.output_info () + '\n@end ifinfo\n') # str += ('@tex\n' + self.output_latex () + '\n@end tex\n') # str += ('@html\n' + self.output_html () + '\n@end html\n') if QUOTE in self.option_dict: str = output[TEXINFO][QUOTE] % vars () # need par after image str += '\n' return str re_begin_verbatim = re.compile (r'\s+%.*?begin verbatim.*\n*', re.M) re_end_verbatim = re.compile (r'\s+%.*?end verbatim.*$', re.M) class LilypondFileSnippet (LilypondSnippet): def __init__ (self, type, match, format, line_number): LilypondSnippet.__init__ (self, type, match, format, line_number) self.contents = file (find_file (self.substring ('filename'))).read () def verb_ly (self): s = self.contents s = re_begin_verbatim.split (s)[-1] s = re_end_verbatim.split (s)[0] if not NOGETTEXT in self.option_dict: s = verb_ly_gettext (s) if not s.endswith ('\n'): s += '\n' return s def ly (self): name = self.substring ('filename') return ('\\sourcefilename \"%s\"\n\\sourcefileline 0\n%s' % (name, self.contents)) class LilyPondVersionString (Snippet): """A string that does not require extra memory.""" def __init__ (self, type, match, format, line_number): Snippet.__init__ (self, type, match, format, line_number) def replacement_text (self): return output[self.format][self.type] snippet_type_to_class = { 'lilypond_file': LilypondFileSnippet, 'lilypond_block': LilypondSnippet, 'lilypond': LilypondSnippet, 'include': IncludeSnippet, 'lilypondversion': LilyPondVersionString, } def find_linestarts (s): nls = [0] start = 0 end = len (s) while 1: i = s.find ('\n', start) if i < 0: break i = i + 1 nls.append (i) start = i nls.append (len (s)) return nls def find_toplevel_snippets (input_string, format, types): res = {} for t in types: res[t] = re.compile (snippet_res[format][t]) snippets = [] index = 0 found = dict ([(t, None) for t in types]) line_starts = find_linestarts (input_string) line_start_idx = 0 # We want to search for multiple regexes, without searching # the string multiple times for one regex. # Hence, we use earlier results to limit the string portion # where we search. # Since every part of the string is traversed at most once for # every type of snippet, this is linear. while 1: first = None endex = 1 << 30 for type in types: if not found[type] or found[type][0] < index: found[type] = None m = res[type].search (input_string[index:endex]) if not m: continue klass = Snippet if type in snippet_type_to_class: klass = snippet_type_to_class[type] start = index + m.start ('match') line_number = line_start_idx while (line_starts[line_number] < start): line_number += 1 line_number += 1 snip = klass (type, m, format, line_number) found[type] = (start, snip) if (found[type] and (not first or found[type][0] < found[first][0])): first = type # FIXME. # Limiting the search space is a cute # idea, but this *requires* to search # for possible containing blocks # first, at least as long as we do not # search for the start of blocks, but # always/directly for the entire # @block ... @end block. endex = found[first][0] if not first: snippets.append (Substring (input_string, index, len (input_string), line_start_idx)) break while (start > line_starts[line_start_idx+1]): line_start_idx += 1 (start, snip) = found[first] snippets.append (Substring (input_string, index, start, line_start_idx + 1)) snippets.append (snip) found[first] = None index = start + len (snip.match.group ('match')) return snippets def filter_pipe (input, cmd): """Pass input through cmd, and return the result.""" if global_options.verbose: progress (_ ("Opening filter `%s'") % cmd) (stdin, stdout, stderr) = os.popen3 (cmd) stdin.write (input) status = stdin.close () if not status: status = 0 output = stdout.read () status = stdout.close () error = stderr.read () if not status: status = 0 signal = 0x0f & status if status or (not output and error): exit_status = status >> 8 error (_ ("`%s' failed (%d)") % (cmd, exit_status)) error (_ ("The error log is as follows:")) ly.stderr_write (error) ly.stderr_write (stderr.read ()) exit (status) if global_options.verbose: progress ('\n') return output def system_in_directory (cmd, directory): """Execute a command in a different directory. Because of win32 compatibility, we can't simply use subprocess. """ current = os.getcwd() os.chdir (directory) ly.system(cmd, be_verbose=global_options.verbose, progress_p=1) os.chdir (current) def process_snippets (cmd, snippets, format, lily_output_dir): """Run cmd on all of the .ly files from snippets.""" if not snippets: return if format in (HTML, TEXINFO) and '--formats' not in cmd: cmd += ' --formats=png ' elif format in (DOCBOOK) and '--formats' not in cmd: cmd += ' --formats=png,pdf ' checksum = snippet_list_checksum (snippets) contents = '\n'.join (['snippet-map-%d.ly' % checksum] + [snip.basename() + '.ly' for snip in snippets]) name = os.path.join (lily_output_dir, 'snippet-names-%d.ly' % checksum) file (name, 'wb').write (contents) system_in_directory (' '.join ([cmd, ly.mkarg (name)]), lily_output_dir) ### # Retrieve dimensions from LaTeX LATEX_INSPECTION_DOCUMENT = r''' \nonstopmode %(preamble)s \begin{document} \typeout{textwidth=\the\textwidth} \typeout{columnsep=\the\columnsep} \makeatletter\if@twocolumn\typeout{columns=2}\fi\makeatother \end{document} ''' # Do we need anything else besides `textwidth'? def get_latex_textwidth (source): m = re.search (r'''(?P\\begin\s*{document})''', source) if m == None: warning (_ ("cannot find \\begin{document} in LaTeX document")) ## what's a sensible default? return 550.0 preamble = source[:m.start (0)] latex_document = LATEX_INSPECTION_DOCUMENT % vars () (handle, tmpfile) = tempfile.mkstemp('.tex') logfile = os.path.splitext (tmpfile)[0] + '.log' logfile = os.path.split (logfile)[1] tmp_handle = os.fdopen (handle,'w') tmp_handle.write (latex_document) tmp_handle.close () ly.system ('%s %s' % (global_options.latex_program, tmpfile), be_verbose=global_options.verbose) parameter_string = file (logfile).read() os.unlink (tmpfile) os.unlink (logfile) columns = 0 m = re.search ('columns=([0-9.]*)', parameter_string) if m: columns = int (m.group (1)) columnsep = 0 m = re.search ('columnsep=([0-9.]*)pt', parameter_string) if m: columnsep = float (m.group (1)) textwidth = 0 m = re.search ('textwidth=([0-9.]*)pt', parameter_string) if m: textwidth = float (m.group (1)) if columns: textwidth = (textwidth - columnsep) / columns return textwidth def modify_preamble (chunk): str = chunk.replacement_text () if (re.search (r"\\begin *{document}", str) and not re.search ("{graphic[sx]", str)): str = re.sub (r"\\begin{document}", r"\\usepackage{graphics}" + '\n' + r"\\begin{document}", str) chunk.override_text = str format2ext = { HTML: '.html', # TEXINFO: '.texinfo', TEXINFO: '.texi', LATEX: '.tex', DOCBOOK: '.xml' } class CompileError(Exception): pass def snippet_list_checksum (snippets): return hash (' '.join([l.basename() for l in snippets])) def write_file_map (lys, name): snippet_map = file (os.path.join ( global_options.lily_output_dir, 'snippet-map-%d.ly' % snippet_list_checksum (lys)), 'w') snippet_map.write (""" #(define version-seen #t) #(define output-empty-score-list #f) #(ly:add-file-name-alist '(%s ))\n """ % '\n'.join(['("%s.ly" . "%s")\n' % (ly.basename (), name) for ly in lys])) def split_output_files(directory): """Returns directory entries in DIRECTORY/XX/ , where XX are hex digits. Return value is a set of strings. """ files = [] for subdir in glob.glob (os.path.join (directory, '[a-f0-9][a-f0-9]')): base_subdir = os.path.split (subdir)[1] sub_files = [os.path.join (base_subdir, name) for name in os.listdir (subdir)] files += sub_files return set (files) def do_process_cmd (chunks, input_name, options): snippets = [c for c in chunks if isinstance (c, LilypondSnippet)] output_files = split_output_files (options.lily_output_dir) outdated = [c for c in snippets if c.is_outdated (options.lily_output_dir, output_files)] write_file_map (outdated, input_name) progress (_ ("Writing snippets...")) for snippet in outdated: snippet.write_ly() progress ('\n') if outdated: progress (_ ("Processing...")) progress ('\n') process_snippets (options.process_cmd, outdated, options.format, options.lily_output_dir) else: progress (_ ("All snippets are up to date...")) if options.lily_output_dir != options.output_dir: output_files = split_output_files (options.lily_output_dir) for snippet in snippets: snippet.link_all_output_files (options.lily_output_dir, output_files, options.output_dir) progress ('\n') ### # Format guessing data ext2format = { '.html': HTML, '.itely': TEXINFO, '.latex': LATEX, '.lytex': LATEX, '.tely': TEXINFO, '.tex': LATEX, '.texi': TEXINFO, '.texinfo': TEXINFO, '.xml': HTML, '.lyxml': DOCBOOK } def guess_format (input_filename): format = None e = os.path.splitext (input_filename)[1] if e in ext2format: # FIXME format = ext2format[e] else: error (_ ("cannot determine format for: %s" % input_filename)) exit (1) return format def write_if_updated (file_name, lines): try: f = file (file_name) oldstr = f.read () new_str = ''.join (lines) if oldstr == new_str: progress (_ ("%s is up to date.") % file_name) progress ('\n') # this prevents make from always rerunning lilypond-book: # output file must be touched in order to be up to date os.utime (file_name, None) return except: pass output_dir = os.path.dirname (file_name) if not os.path.exists (output_dir): os.makedirs (output_dir) progress (_ ("Writing `%s'...") % file_name) file (file_name, 'w').writelines (lines) progress ('\n') def note_input_file (name, inputs=[]): ## hack: inputs is mutable! inputs.append (name) return inputs def samefile (f1, f2): try: return os.path.samefile (f1, f2) except AttributeError: # Windoze f1 = re.sub ("//*", "/", f1) f2 = re.sub ("//*", "/", f2) return f1 == f2 def do_file (input_filename, included=False): # Ugh. if not input_filename or input_filename == '-': in_handle = sys.stdin input_fullname = '' else: if os.path.exists (input_filename): input_fullname = input_filename elif global_options.format == LATEX and ly.search_exe_path ('kpsewhich'): input_fullname = os.popen ('kpsewhich ' + input_filename).read()[:-1] else: input_fullname = find_file (input_filename) note_input_file (input_fullname) in_handle = file (input_fullname) if input_filename == '-': input_base = 'stdin' elif included: input_base = os.path.splitext (input_filename)[0] else: input_base = os.path.basename ( os.path.splitext (input_filename)[0]) # don't complain when global_options.output_dir is existing if not global_options.output_dir: global_options.output_dir = os.getcwd() else: global_options.output_dir = os.path.abspath(global_options.output_dir) if not os.path.isdir (global_options.output_dir): os.mkdir (global_options.output_dir, 0777) os.chdir (global_options.output_dir) output_filename = os.path.join(global_options.output_dir, input_base + format2ext[global_options.format]) if (os.path.exists (input_filename) and os.path.exists (output_filename) and samefile (output_filename, input_fullname)): error ( _ ("Output would overwrite input file; use --output.")) exit (2) try: progress (_ ("Reading %s...") % input_fullname) source = in_handle.read () progress ('\n') set_default_options (source, default_ly_options, global_options.format) # FIXME: Containing blocks must be first, see # find_toplevel_snippets. snippet_types = ( 'multiline_comment', 'verbatim', 'lilypond_block', # 'verb', 'singleline_comment', 'lilypond_file', 'include', 'lilypond', 'lilypondversion', ) progress (_ ("Dissecting...")) chunks = find_toplevel_snippets (source, global_options.format, snippet_types) if global_options.format == LATEX: for c in chunks: if (c.is_plain () and re.search (r"\\begin *{document}", c.replacement_text())): modify_preamble (c) break progress ('\n') if global_options.filter_cmd: write_if_updated (output_filename, [c.filter_text () for c in chunks]) elif global_options.process_cmd: do_process_cmd (chunks, input_fullname, global_options) progress (_ ("Compiling %s...") % output_filename) progress ('\n') write_if_updated (output_filename, [s.replacement_text () for s in chunks]) def process_include (snippet): os.chdir (original_dir) name = snippet.substring ('filename') progress (_ ("Processing include: %s") % name) progress ('\n') return do_file (name, included=True) include_chunks = map (process_include, filter (lambda x: isinstance (x, IncludeSnippet), chunks)) return chunks + reduce (lambda x, y: x + y, include_chunks, []) except CompileError: os.chdir (original_dir) progress (_ ("Removing `%s'") % output_filename) progress ('\n') raise CompileError def do_options (): global global_options opt_parser = get_option_parser() (global_options, args) = opt_parser.parse_args () if global_options.format in ('texi-html', 'texi'): global_options.format = TEXINFO global_options.include_path = map (os.path.abspath, global_options.include_path) if global_options.warranty: warranty () exit (0) if not args or len (args) > 1: opt_parser.print_help () exit (2) return args def main (): # FIXME: 85 lines of `main' macramee?? files = do_options () basename = os.path.splitext (files[0])[0] basename = os.path.split (basename)[1] if not global_options.format: global_options.format = guess_format (files[0]) formats = 'ps' if global_options.format in (TEXINFO, HTML, DOCBOOK): formats += ',png' if global_options.process_cmd == '': global_options.process_cmd = (lilypond_binary + ' --formats=%s -dbackend=eps ' % formats) if global_options.process_cmd: includes = global_options.include_path if global_options.lily_output_dir: # This must be first, so lilypond prefers to read .ly # files in the other lybookdb dir. includes = [os.path.abspath(global_options.lily_output_dir)] + includes global_options.process_cmd += ' '.join ([' -I %s' % ly.mkarg (p) for p in includes]) if global_options.format in (TEXINFO, LATEX): ## prevent PDF from being switched on by default. global_options.process_cmd += ' --formats=eps ' if global_options.create_pdf: global_options.process_cmd += "--pdf -dinclude-eps-fonts -dgs-load-fonts " if global_options.verbose: global_options.process_cmd += " --verbose " if global_options.padding_mm: global_options.process_cmd += " -deps-box-padding=%f " % global_options.padding_mm global_options.process_cmd += " -dread-file-list -dno-strip-output-dir" if global_options.lily_output_dir: global_options.lily_output_dir = os.path.abspath(global_options.lily_output_dir) if not os.path.isdir (global_options.lily_output_dir): os.makedirs (global_options.lily_output_dir) else: global_options.lily_output_dir = os.path.abspath(global_options.output_dir) identify () try: chunks = do_file (files[0]) except CompileError: exit (1) inputs = note_input_file ('') inputs.pop () base_file_name = os.path.splitext (os.path.basename (files[0]))[0] dep_file = os.path.join (global_options.output_dir, base_file_name + '.dep') final_output_file = os.path.join (global_options.output_dir, base_file_name + '.%s' % global_options.format) os.chdir (original_dir) file (dep_file, 'w').write ('%s: %s' % (final_output_file, ' '.join (inputs))) if __name__ == '__main__': main ()