#!@PYTHON@ ## This is www_post.py. This script is the main stage ## of toplevel GNUmakefile local-WWW-post target. # USAGE: www_post PACKAGE_NAME TOPLEVEL_VERSION OUTDIR TARGETS # please call me from top of the source directory import sys import os import re import langdefs import mirrortree import postprocess_html package_name, package_version, outdir, targets = sys.argv[1:] targets = targets.split (' ') outdir = os.path.normpath (outdir) doc_dirs = ['input', 'Documentation', outdir] target_pattern = os.path.join (outdir, '%s-root') # these redirection pages allow to go back to the documentation index # from HTML manuals/snippets page static_files = { os.path.join (outdir, 'index.html'): ''' Redirecting to the documentation index...\n''', os.path.join (outdir, 'VERSION'): package_version + '\n', } for f, contents in static_files.items (): open (f, 'w').write (contents) sys.stderr.write ("Mirroring...\n") dirs, symlinks, files = mirrortree.walk_tree ( tree_roots = doc_dirs, process_dirs = outdir, exclude_dirs = '(^|/)((' + \ r'po|out|out-test|out-cov|.*?[.]t2d|\w*?-root)|^Documentation/(' + \ '|'.join ([l.code for l in langdefs.LANGUAGES]) + '))(/|$)', find_files = r'.*?\.(?:midi|html|pdf|png|txt|i?ly|signature|css|zip)$|VERSION', exclude_files = r'lily-[0-9a-f]+.*\.(pdf|txt)') # actual mirrorring stuff html_files = [] hardlinked_files = [] for f in files: if f.endswith ('.html'): html_files.append (f) else: hardlinked_files.append (f) dirs = [re.sub ('/' + outdir, '', d) for d in dirs] while outdir in dirs: dirs.remove (outdir) dirs = list (set (dirs)) dirs.sort () strip_file_name = {} strip_re = re.compile (outdir + '/') for t in targets: out_root = target_pattern % t strip_file_name[t] = lambda s: os.path.join (target_pattern % t, (strip_re.sub ('', s))) os.mkdir (out_root) map (os.mkdir, [os.path.join (out_root, d) for d in dirs]) for f in hardlinked_files: os.link (f, strip_file_name[t] (f)) for l in symlinks: p = mirrortree.new_link_path (os.path.normpath (os.readlink (l)), os.path.dirname (l), strip_re) dest = strip_file_name[t] (l) if not os.path.exists (dest): os.symlink (p, dest) # need this for content negotiation with documentation index if 'online' in targets: f = open (os.path.join (target_pattern % 'online', 'Documentation/.htaccess'), 'w') f.write ('#.htaccess\nDirectoryIndex index\n') f.close () postprocess_html.build_pages_dict (html_files) for t in targets: sys.stderr.write ("Processing HTML pages for %s target...\n" % t) postprocess_html.process_html_files ( package_name = package_name, package_version = package_version, target = t, name_filter = strip_file_name[t])