#!@PYTHON@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # create-weblinks-itexi.py """ when being called on lilypond.org, pass it the location of the top source dir on the command-line. """ import sys import os import glob ### translation data -- shouldn't be here; see issue ### http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1050 import langdefs # GUB only has python 2.4 !!! # langs = [i.code if i.code != 'en' else '' for i in langdefs.WEB_LANGUAGES] langs = [] for lang in langdefs.WEB_LANGUAGES: if lang.code == 'en': langs.append('') else: langs.append(lang.code) # these links are relative from /website/ on lilypond.org depth = "../" # Get/update node translations ''' for i in cs de es fr hu it ja nl zh; do echo "'"$i"': {" (echo '--' ; grep -nH -B1 translationof Documentation/$i/web/* ) \ | pytt '^--\n.*@(?:unnum|sub)[^ ]* (.*)\n.*@translationof (.*)\n' "'\2': '\1',\n" \ | grep -E 'Source|Learning|Glossary|Essay|Notation|Usage|Snippets|Web|Changes|Extending|Internals|Contributor' echo "}," done ''' translations = { 'cs': { 'Source': 'Source', 'Learning': 'Učení', 'Music glossary': 'Slovníček', 'Essay': 'Článek', 'Notation': 'Notový zápis', 'Usage': 'Používání', 'Snippets': 'Úryvky', 'Web': 'Web', 'Changes': 'Změny', 'Extending': 'Rozšíření', 'Internals': 'Vnitřnosti', 'Contributor': 'Vývojářské', ' (split HTML)': ' (rozdělené HTML)', ' (big HTML)': ' (velké HTML)', 'Regression tests for ': 'Zkoušky regresí ', 'PDF of regtests for ': 'PDF zkoušky regresí ', 'abc2ly Regression tests for ': 'abc2ly zkoušky regresí ', 'PDF of abc2ly regtests for ': 'PDF abc2ly zkoušky regresí ', 'lilypond-book Regression tests for ': 'lilypond-book zkoušky regresí ', 'PDF of lilypond-book regtests for ': 'PDF lilypond-book zkoušky regresí ', 'MusicXML Regression tests for ': 'MusicXML zkoušky regresí ', 'PDF of MusicXML regtests for ': 'PDF MusicXML zkoušky regresí ', 'Doc tarball for ': 'Doc tarball for ', }, 'de': { 'Source': 'Quellen', 'Learning': 'Einführung', 'Music glossary': 'Glossar', 'Essay': 'Aufsatz', 'Notation': 'Notation', 'Usage': 'Benutzung', 'Snippets': 'Schnipsel', 'Web': 'Web', 'Changes': 'Änderungen', 'Extending': 'Erweitern', 'Internals': 'Interna', 'Contributor': 'Beitragen', ' (split HTML)': ' (geteiltes HTML)', ' (big HTML)': ' (großes HTML)', 'Regression tests for ': 'Regressionstests für ', 'PDF of regtests for ': 'PDF der Regressionstests für ', 'abc2ly Regression tests for ': 'abc2ly Regressionstests für ', 'PDF of abc2ly regtests for ': 'PDF der abc2ly Regressionstests für ', 'lilypond-book Regression tests for ': 'lilypond-book Regressionstests für ', 'PDF of lilypond-book regtests for ': 'PDF der lilypond-book Regressionstests für ', 'MusicXML Regression tests for ': 'MusicXML Regressionstests für ', 'PDF of MusicXML regtests for ': 'PDF der MusicXML Regressionstests für ', 'Doc tarball for ': 'Dokumentation tar-gepackt für ', }, 'es': { 'Source': 'Código fuente', 'Learning': 'Aprendizaje', 'Music glossary': 'Glosario', 'Essay': 'Ensayo', 'Notation': 'Notación', 'Usage': 'Utilización', 'Snippets': 'Fragmentos', 'Web': 'Web', 'Changes': 'Cambios', 'Extending': 'Extensión', 'Internals': 'Funcionamiento interno', 'Contributor': 'Guía del colaborador', # keep the spaces! ' (split HTML)': ' (HTML seccionado)', ' (big HTML)': ' (HTML monolítico)', 'Regression tests for ': 'Pruebas de regresión para ', 'PDF of regtests for ': 'Pruebas en PDF para ', 'abc2ly Regression tests for ': 'Pruebas de regresión de abc2ly para ', 'PDF of abc2ly regtests for ': 'Pruebas de abc2ly en PDF para ', 'lilypond-book Regression tests for ': 'Pruebas de regresión de lilypond-book para ', 'PDF of lilypond-book regtests for ': 'Pruebas de lilypond-book en PDF para ', 'MusicXML Regression tests for ': 'Pruebas de regresión de MusicXML para ', 'PDF of MusicXML regtests for ': 'Pruebas de MusicXML en PDF para ', 'Doc tarball for ': 'Tarball de la documentación para ', }, 'fr': { 'Source': 'Sources', 'Learning': 'Initiation', 'Music glossary': 'Glossaire', 'Essay': 'Essai', 'Notation': 'Notation', 'Usage': 'Utilisation', 'Snippets': 'Morceaux choisis', 'Web': 'Web', 'Changes': 'Nouveautés', 'Extending': 'Extension', 'Internals': 'Propriétés internes', 'Contributor': 'Guide du contributeur', # keep the spaces! ' (split HTML)': ' (HTML multipages)', ' (big HTML)': ' (HTML en page unique)', 'Regression tests for ': 'Tests de régression pour ', 'PDF of regtests for ': 'PDF des tests de régression pour ', 'abc2ly Regression tests for ': 'Tests de régression de abc2ly pour ', 'PDF of abc2ly regtests for ': 'PDF des tests de régression de abc2ly pour ', 'lilypond-book Regression tests for ': 'Tests de régression de lilypond-book pour ', 'PDF of lilypond-book regtests for ': 'PDF des tests de régression de lilypond-book pour ', 'MusicXML Regression tests for ': 'Tests de régression de MusicXML pour ', 'PDF of MusicXML regtests for ': 'PDF des tests de régression de MusicXML pour ', 'Doc tarball for ': 'Archive de la documentation pour ', }, 'hu': { 'Source': 'Forrás', 'Learning': 'Tankönyv', 'Music glossary': 'Fogalomtár', 'Essay': 'Esszé', 'Notation': 'Kottaírás', 'Usage': 'Használat', 'Snippets': 'Kódrészletek', 'Web': 'Web', 'Changes': 'Változások', 'Extending': 'Bővítés', 'Internals': 'Belső működés', 'Contributor': 'Közreműködés', ' (split HTML)': ' (HTML oldalak)', ' (big HTML)': ' (egy nagy HTML oldal)', 'Regression tests for ': 'Regressziós tesztek - verzió: ', 'PDF of regtests for ': 'PDF formátumban - verzió: ', 'abc2ly Regression tests for ': 'abc2ly regressziós tesztek - verzió: ', 'PDF of abc2ly regtests for ': 'PDF formátumban - verzió: ', 'lilypond-book Regression tests for ': 'lilypond-book regressziós tesztek - verzió: ', 'PDF of lilypond-book regtests for ': 'PDF formátumban - verzió: ', 'MusicXML Regression tests for ': 'MusicXML regressziós tesztek - verzió: ', 'PDF of MusicXML regtests for ': 'PDF formátumban - verzió: ', 'Doc tarball for ': 'Tömörített csomag - verzió: ', }, 'it': { 'Source': 'Sorgenti', 'Learning': 'Apprendimento', 'Music glossary': 'Glossario', 'Essay': 'Saggio', 'Notation': 'Notazione', 'Usage': 'Uso', 'Snippets': 'Frammenti', 'Web': 'Web', 'Changes': 'Cambiamenti', 'Extending': 'Estendere', 'Internals': 'Funzionamento interno', 'Contributor': 'Guida del collaboratore', # keep the spaces! ' (split HTML)': ' (HTML multipagina)', ' (big HTML)': ' (HTML pagina unica)', 'Regression tests for ': 'Test di collaudo per ', 'PDF of regtests for ': 'PDF dei test di collaudo per ', 'abc2ly Regression tests for ': 'Test di collaudo di abc2ly per ', 'PDF of abc2ly regtests for ': 'PDF dei test di collaudo di abc2ly per ', 'lilypond-book Regression tests for ': 'Test di collaudo di lilypond-book per ', 'PDF of lilypond-book regtests for ': 'PDF dei test di collaudo di lilypond-book per ', 'MusicXML Regression tests for ': 'Test di collaudo di MusicXML per ', 'PDF of MusicXML regtests for ': 'PDF dei test di collaudo di MusicXML per ', 'Doc tarball for ': 'Archivio della documentazione per ', }, 'ja': { 'Source': 'ソース', 'Learning': '学習', 'Music glossary': '用語集', 'Essay': 'エッセー', 'Notation': '記譜法', 'Usage': '使用方法', 'Snippets': 'コード断片集', 'Web': 'Web', 'Changes': '変更点', #TODO 'Extending': '拡張', 'Internals': '内部リファレンス', 'Contributor': '貢献者向けガイド', # keep the spaces! ' (split HTML)': ' (ページ毎に分割された HTML)', ' (big HTML)': ' (1 つの大きな HTML)', 'Regression tests for ': '回帰テスト バージョン ', 'PDF of regtests for ': '回帰テスト (PDF 版) バージョン ', 'abc2ly Regression tests for ': 'abc2ly 回帰テスト バージョン ', 'PDF of abc2ly regtests for ': 'abc2ly 回帰テスト (PDF 版) バージョン ', 'lilypond-book Regression tests for ': 'lilypond-book 回帰テスト バージョン ', 'PDF of lilypond-book regtests for ': 'lilypond-book 回帰テスト (PDF 版) バージョン ', 'MusicXML Regression tests for ': 'MusicXML 回帰テスト バージョン ', 'PDF of MusicXML regtests for ': 'MusicXML 回帰テスト (PDF 版) バージョン ', 'Doc tarball for ': 'ドキュメント アーカイブ バージョン ', }, 'nl': { 'Source': 'Broncode', 'Learning': 'Beginnen', 'Music glossary': 'Terminologie', 'Essay': 'Essay', 'Notation': 'Notatie', 'Usage': 'Gebruik', 'Snippets': 'Snippers', 'Web': 'Web', 'Changes': 'Veranderingen', 'Extending': 'Uitbreidingen', 'Internals': 'Internals', 'Contributor': 'Contributor', # keep the spaces! ' (split HTML)': ' (opgesplitste HTML)', ' (big HTML)': ' (grote pagina HTML)', 'Regression tests for ': 'Regressietesten voor ', 'PDF of regtests for ': 'PDF van regressietesten voor ', 'abc2ly Regression tests for ': 'abc2ly regressietesten voor ', 'PDF of abc2ly regtests for ': 'abc2ly regressietesten voor ', 'lilypond-book Regression tests for ': 'lilypond-book regressietesten voor ', 'PDF of lilypond-book regtests for ': 'lilypond-book regressietesten voor ', 'MusicXML Regression tests for ': 'MusicXML regressietesten voor ', 'PDF of MusicXML regtests for ': 'MusicXML regressietesten voor ', 'Doc tarball for ': 'Tarball met documentation voor ', }, 'zh': { 'Source': '源码', 'Learning': '学习', 'Music glossary': '音乐术语表', 'Essay': '文章', 'Notation': '记谱法', 'Usage': '使用', 'Snippets': '片断', 'Web': 'Web', 'Changes': '变化', 'Extending': '扩展', 'Internals': '内部机制', 'Contributor': '贡献者', # keep the spaces! ' (split HTML)': ' (分开的 HTML)', ' (big HTML)': ' (大的 HTML)', 'Regression tests for ': '回归测试 ', 'PDF of regtests for ': '回归测试的 PDF ', 'abc2ly Regression tests for ': 'abc2ly 回归测试 ', 'PDF of abc2ly regtests for ': 'abc2ly 的 PDF 回归测试 ', 'lilypond-book Regression tests for ': 'lilypond-book 回归测试 ', 'PDF of lilypond-book regtests for ': 'lilypond-book 的 PDF 回归测试 ', 'MusicXML Regression tests for ': 'MusicXML 回归测试 ', 'PDF of MusicXML regtests for ': 'MusicXML 的 PDF 回归测试 ', 'Doc tarball for ': '为文档压缩包', }, } ### actual program VERSION_STABLE = "" VERSION_DEVEL = "" try: topDir = sys.argv[1] except: myDir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) # use two abspaths to work around some windows python bug topDir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(myDir)+os.sep+'..'+os.sep+'..'+os.sep) topDir = os.path.abspath( topDir ) # TODO: this might be useful for other scripts; can we make it available? manuals = map(lambda x: os.path.splitext(x)[0], map(os.path.basename, glob.glob(os.path.join(topDir,'Documentation', '*.te??')))) #manuals = map(lambda x: 'glossary' if x=='music-glossary' else x, manuals) manuals.append('internals') version_file_path = os.path.join(topDir, "VERSION") version_contents = open(version_file_path).readlines() major = 0 minor = 0 patch = 0 for line in version_contents: if (line.startswith('MAJOR_VERSION')): major = line[14:-1] if (line.startswith('MINOR_VERSION')): minor = line[14:-1] if (line.startswith('PATCH_LEVEL')): patch = line[12:-1] if (line.startswith('VERSION_STABLE')): VERSION_STABLE = line[15:-1] if (line.startswith('VERSION_DEVEL')): VERSION_DEVEL = line[14:-1] VERSION = str(major)+'.'+str(minor)+'.'+str(patch) def _ (string, lang): return translations.get (lang.split ('_')[0], {}).get (string, None) getTrans = _ # let's not barf, but print a warning when something's missing def getTrans(text, lang): if not lang: return text trans = _ (text, lang) if not trans: trans = text sys.stderr.write ('create-weblinks-itexi: warning: [%(lang)s]: translation missing for: %(text)s\n' % locals ()) return trans def macroLang(name, lang): if lang: return name + '-' + lang return name def make_macro(name, string): print "@macro", name print string print "@end macro" print "" def make_download(name, osA, osB, version, revision, text): string = "@uref{http://download.linuxaudio.org/lilypond/binaries/" string += osA + "lilypond-" string += version + "-" + revision string += "." + osB + ",\n" string += text string += ": LilyPond " string += version + "-" + revision string += "}" make_macro(name, string) def make_download_source(name, version, lang): assert "." in version vstring = "v%s.%s" % tuple(version.split(".", 2)[0:2]) string = "@uref{http://download.linuxaudio.org/lilypond/sources/" string += vstring + "/" string += "lilypond-" + version + ".tar.gz" string += ", " string += getTrans("Source", lang) string += ": lilypond-" + version + ".tar.gz" string += "}" make_macro(macroLang(name,lang), string) def make_all_downloads(macroName, version): make_download("download"+macroName+"LinuxNormal", "linux-x86/", "linux-x86.sh", version, "1", "GNU/Linux x86") make_download("download"+macroName+"LinuxBig", "linux-64/", "linux-64.sh", version, "1", "GNU/Linux 64") make_download("download"+macroName+"LinuxPPC", "linux-ppc/", "linux-ppc.sh", version, "1", "GNU/Linux PPC") make_download("download"+macroName+"FreeBSDNormal", "freebsd-x86/", "freebsd-x86.sh", version, "1", "FreeBSD i386") make_download("download"+macroName+"FreeBSDBig", "freebsd-64/", "freebsd-64.sh", version, "1", "FreeBSD amd64") make_download("download"+macroName+"DarwinNormal", "darwin-x86/", "darwin-x86.tar.bz2", version, "1", "MacOS X x86") make_download("download"+macroName+"DarwinPPC", "darwin-ppc/", "darwin-ppc.tar.bz2", version, "1", "MacOS X PPC") make_download("download"+macroName+"Windows", "mingw/", "mingw.exe", version, "1", "Windows") def make_ver_link(macroname, url, linktext): string = "@uref{" string += url string += "," string += linktext string += "}" make_macro(macroname, string) # TODO: this kind of thing should really be in a central place for # lilypond python build scripts def translateNameToUrl(manual, version): ver_split = version.split('.') ver_minor = ver_split[0] + '.' + ver_split[1] url = depth + "doc/v" + ver_minor + "/Documentation/" return url+manual def addLang(url, lang): if lang: base, ext = os.path.splitext(url) return base + '.' + lang + ext else: return url def make_manual_links(name, version, lang): """Here is where all the macros manualStableLearningSplit, manualStableLearningBig, manualStableLearningSplitNoName, etc. are created on the fly. Hopefully this documentation string will help others a bit while grepping for those. """ for m in manuals: manual = m # TODO: this is a stupid way of doing it if (m=='music-glossary'): mshort = 'Glossary' else: mshort = m.capitalize() if (manual=='music-glossary'): manual = 'Music glossary' url = translateNameToUrl(m, version) if (url.endswith('.html')): make_ver_link(macroLang("manual"+name+mshort+'Pdf',lang), addLang(url, lang), getTrans(manual.capitalize(),lang) + '.pdf') make_ver_link(macroLang("manual"+name+mshort+'Split',lang), addLang(url, lang), getTrans(manual.capitalize(),lang) + getTrans(' (split HTML)',lang)) make_ver_link(macroLang("manual"+name+mshort+'Big',lang), addLang(url, lang), getTrans(manual.capitalize(),lang) + getTrans(' (big HTML)',lang)) newurl = url else: make_ver_link(macroLang("manual"+name+mshort+'Pdf',lang), # TODO: this is an even stupider way of doing it addLang(url+'.pdf', lang), getTrans(manual.capitalize(),lang) + '.pdf') make_ver_link(macroLang("manual"+name+mshort+'Split',lang), addLang(url + '/index.html', lang), getTrans(manual.capitalize(),lang) + getTrans(' (split HTML)',lang)) make_ver_link(macroLang("manual"+name+mshort+'Big',lang), addLang(url + '-big-page.html', lang), getTrans(manual.capitalize(),lang) + getTrans(' (big HTML)',lang)) newurl = url + '/index.html' make_ver_link(macroLang("manual"+name+mshort+'SplitNoName',lang), addLang(newurl, lang), getTrans(manual.capitalize(),lang)) def make_regtest_links(name, version, lang): ver_split = version.split('.') ver_minor = ver_split[0] + '.' + ver_split[1] url = depth + "doc/v" + ver_minor + "/input/regression/" make_ver_link(macroLang("regtest"+name, lang), url+"collated-files.html", getTrans("Regression tests for ", lang)+version) make_ver_link(macroLang("regtest"+name+"Pdf", lang), url+"collated-files.pdf", getTrans("PDF of regtests for ", lang)+version) make_ver_link(macroLang("regtest"+name+"Xml", lang), url+"musicxml/collated-files.html", getTrans("MusicXML Regression tests for ", lang)+version) make_ver_link(macroLang("regtest"+name+"Abc", lang), url+"abc2ly/collated-files.html", getTrans("abc2ly Regression tests for ", lang)+version) make_ver_link(macroLang("regtest"+name+"LilypondBook", lang), url+"lilypond-book/collated-files.html", getTrans("lilypond-book Regression tests for ", lang)+version) make_ver_link(macroLang("regtest"+name+"XmlPdf", lang), url+"musicxml/collated-files.pdf", getTrans("PDF of MusicXML regtests for ", lang)+version) make_ver_link(macroLang("regtest"+name+"AbcPdf", lang), url+"abc2ly/collated-files.pdf", getTrans("PDF of abc2ly regtests for ", lang)+version) make_ver_link(macroLang("regtest"+name+"LilypondBookPdf", lang), url+"lilypond-book/collated-files.pdf", getTrans("PDF of lilypond-book regtests for ", lang)+version) def make_doctarball_links(name, version, lang): url = depth + "download/binaries/documentation/lilypond-" # ugly FIXME, but proper build number support isn't Critical. url += version + "-1" url += ".documentation.tar.bz2" make_ver_link(macroLang("doctarball"+name, lang), url, getTrans("Doc tarball for ", lang)+version) print "@c This file was autogenerated" print "@c from: %s" % VERSION print "@c by: %s" % sys.argv[0] print "" print "@c ************************ Download binaries ************" print "" make_all_downloads("Stable", VERSION_STABLE) make_all_downloads("Devel", VERSION_DEVEL) print "@c ************************ Download source ************" print "" for lang in langs: print "@c *********", lang or "en", "***" make_download_source("downloadStableSource", VERSION_STABLE, lang) make_download_source("downloadDevelSource", VERSION_DEVEL, lang) print "@c ************************ Manual links ************" print "" for lang in langs: print "@c *********", lang or "en", "***" make_manual_links("Stable", VERSION_STABLE, lang) make_manual_links("Devel", VERSION_DEVEL, lang) make_doctarball_links("Stable", VERSION_STABLE, lang) make_doctarball_links("Devel", VERSION_DEVEL, lang) print "@c ************************ Regtest links ************" print "" for lang in langs: print "@c *********", lang or "en", "***" make_regtest_links("Stable", VERSION_STABLE, lang) make_regtest_links("Devel", VERSION_DEVEL, lang) print "@c ***************************************************"