#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os import glob import re import optparse import tempfile lilypond_flags = "-dno-print-pages -dsafe" lys_from_lsr = os.path.join ('Documentation', 'snippets') new_lys = os.path.join ('Documentation', 'snippets', 'new') ly_output = os.path.join (tempfile.gettempdir (), 'lsrtest') # which convert-ly and lilypond to use P = os.path.join (os.environ.get ("LILYPOND_BUILD_DIR", ""), "out/bin/convert-ly") if os.path.isfile (P): conv_path = os.path.dirname (P) elif os.path.isfile ("build/out/bin/convert-ly"): conv_path = "build/out/bin/" else: conv_path='' convert_ly = os.path.join (conv_path, 'convert-ly') lilypond_bin = os.path.join (conv_path, 'lilypond') LY_HEADER_LSR = '''%% DO NOT EDIT this file manually; it is automatically %% generated from LSR http://lsr.di.unimi.it %% Make any changes in LSR itself, or in Documentation/snippets/new/ , %% and then run scripts/auxiliar/makelsr.py %% %% This file is in the public domain. ''' new_lys_marker = "%% generated from %s" % new_lys LY_HEADER_NEW = '''%% DO NOT EDIT this file manually; it is automatically %s %% Make any changes in Documentation/snippets/new/ %% and then run scripts/auxiliar/makelsr.py %% %% This file is in the public domain. ''' % new_lys_marker options_parser = optparse.OptionParser ( description = "makelsr - update snippets directory from LSR", usage = '''%%prog [options] [LSR_SNIPPETS_DIR] Unless -s option is specified, this script must be run from top of the source tree. If LSR_SNIPPETS_DIR is not specified, it defaults to current directory. Remove snippets in TOP_SOURCE_DIR/%(lys_from_lsr)s and put in snippets from LSR_SNIPPETS_DIR run through convert-ly or from TOP_SOURCE_DIR/%(new_lys)s; if a snippet is present in both directories, the one from TOP_SOURCE_DIR/%(new_lys)s is preferred. All written snippets are copied in LY_OUTPUT with appending translations from .texidoc files and are tested with lilypond with flags %(lilypond_flags)s ''' % vars ()) options_parser.add_option ('-s', '--top-source', dest="top_source_dir", action="store", metavar="TOP_SOURCE_DIR", default=".", help="set LilyPond top source directory") options_parser.add_option ('-o', '--ly-output', dest="ly_output", action="store", metavar="LY_OUTPUT", default=ly_output, help="set LilyPond output files temporary directory") options_parser.add_option ('-p', '--path', dest="bin_path", action="store", metavar="LY_PATH", default=conv_path, help="directory where looking for LilyPond binaries") options_parser.add_option ('-c', '--convert-ly', dest="convert_ly", action="store", metavar="CONVERT-LY", default="LY_PATH/convert-ly", help="convert-ly binary to use") options_parser.add_option ('-l', '--lilypond-binary', dest="lilypond_bin", action="store", metavar="LILYPOND_BIN", default="LY_PATH/lilypond", help="lilypond binary to use") (options, args) = options_parser.parse_args () if not os.path.isdir (options.top_source_dir): sys.stderr.write ("Error: top source: %s: not a directory\n" % options.top_source_dir) sys.exit (4) lys_from_lsr = os.path.normpath (os.path.join (options.top_source_dir, lys_from_lsr)) new_lys = os.path.normpath (os.path.join (options.top_source_dir, new_lys)) sys.path.append (os.path.normpath (os.path.join (options.top_source_dir, 'python'))) import langdefs texidoc_dirs = [ os.path.normpath (os.path.join (options.top_source_dir, 'Documentation', language_code, 'texidocs')) for language_code in langdefs.LANGDICT] if not os.path.isdir (lys_from_lsr): sys.stderr.write ("Error: snippets path: %s: not a directory\n" % lys_from_lsr) sys.exit (3) if not os.path.isdir (new_lys): sys.stderr.write ("Error: new snippets path: %s: not a directory\n" % lys_from_lsr) sys.exit (3) ly_output_ok = False if os.path.isdir (options.ly_output): ly_output = options.ly_output ly_output_ok = True elif os.path.exists (options.ly_output): try: os.unlink (options.ly_output) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write ("Warning: could not delete file before creating directory: %s\n" % e) else: try: os.makedirs (options.ly_output) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write ("Warning: could not create directory: %s\n" % e) else: ly_output = options.ly_output ly_output_ok = True else: try: os.makedirs (options.ly_output) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write ("Warning: could not create directory: %s\n" % e) else: ly_output = options.ly_output ly_output_ok = True if not ly_output_ok: ly_output = tempfile.gettempdir () sys.stderr.write ("Warning: could not use or create directory %s, using default %s\n" % (options.ly_output, ly_output)) def exit_with_usage (n=0): options_parser.print_help (sys.stderr) sys.exit (n) if len (args): in_dir = args[0] if not (os.path.isdir (in_dir)): sys.stderr.write ("Error: %s: not a directory\n" % in_dir) sys.exit (4) if len (args) > 1: exit_with_usage (2) tags = os.listdir (in_dir) else: in_dir = '' tags = [os.path.splitext (os.path.basename (f))[0] for f in glob.glob (os.path.join (lys_from_lsr, '*.snippet-list'))] ## Make sure all users get the same ordering of tags tags.sort () if options.convert_ly == "LY_PATH/convert-ly": convert_ly = os.path.join (options.bin_path, "convert-ly") else: convert_ly = options.convert_ly if not os.path.exists (convert_ly): sys.stderr.write ("Warning: %s: no such file\n" % convert_ly) convert_ly = "convert-ly" if options.lilypond_bin == "LY_PATH/lilypond": lilypond_bin = os.path.join (options.bin_path, "lilypond") else: lilypond_bin = options.lilypond_bin if not os.path.exists (lilypond_bin): sys.stderr.write ("Warning: %s: no such file\n" % lilypond_bin) lilypond_bin = "lilypond" sys.stderr.write ("Using %s, %s\n" % (convert_ly, lilypond_bin)) unsafe = [] unconverted = [] notags_files = [] # mark the section that will be printed verbatim by lilypond-book end_header_re = re.compile ('(\\header {.+?doctitle = ".+?})\n', re.M | re.S) doctitle_re = re.compile (r'(doctitle[a-zA-Z_]{0,6}\s*=\s*")((?:\\"|[^"\n])*)"') texinfo_q_re = re.compile (r'@q{(.*?)}') texinfo_qq_re = re.compile (r'@qq{(.*?)}') def doctitle_sub (title_match): # Comma forbidden in Texinfo node name title = title_match.group (2).replace (',', '') title = texinfo_q_re.sub (r"`\1'", title) title = texinfo_qq_re.sub (r'\"\1\"', title) return title_match.group (1) + title + '"' def mark_verbatim_section (ly_code): return end_header_re.sub ('\\1 % begin verbatim\n\n', ly_code, 1) # '% LSR' comments are to be stripped lsr_comment_re = re.compile (r'\s*%+\s*LSR.*') begin_header_re = re.compile (r'\\header\s*{', re.M) ly_new_version_re = re.compile (r'\\version\s*"(.+?)"') strip_white_spaces_re = re.compile (r'[ \t]+(?=\n)') final_empty_lines_re = re.compile (r'\n{2,}$') # add tags to ly files from LSR def add_tags (ly_code, tags): return begin_header_re.sub ('\\g<0>\n lsrtags = "' + tags + '"\n', ly_code, 1) # for snippets from Documentation/snippets/new, add message for earliest working version def add_version (ly_code): return '''%% Note: this file works from version ''' + \ ly_new_version_re.search (ly_code).group (1) + '\n' def escape_backslashes_in_header(snippet): # ASSUME: the \header exists. header_char_number_start = snippet.find('\header {') header_char_number_end = snippet.find('} % begin verbatim') header = snippet[header_char_number_start:header_char_number_end] # only one level of escaping happening here # thanks to raw strings new_header = re.sub(r"@code\{\\([a-zA-Z])", r"@code{\\\\\1", header) escaped_snippet = (snippet[:header_char_number_start] + new_header + snippet[header_char_number_end:]) return escaped_snippet def copy_ly (srcdir, name, tags): global unsafe global unconverted dest = os.path.join (lys_from_lsr, name) tags = ', '.join (tags) file_path = os.path.join (srcdir, name) sys.stderr.write ("\nmakelsr.py: reading %s\n" % file_path) s = open (file_path).read () s = doctitle_re.sub (doctitle_sub, s) if "new" in srcdir: s = LY_HEADER_NEW + add_version (s) + s else: s = LY_HEADER_LSR + add_tags (s, tags) s = mark_verbatim_section (s) s = lsr_comment_re.sub ('', s) s = strip_white_spaces_re.sub ('', s) s = final_empty_lines_re.sub ('\n', s) s = escape_backslashes_in_header (s) sys.stderr.write ("makelsr.py: writing %s\n" % dest) open (dest, 'w').write (s) e = os.system (convert_ly+(" -d -e '%s'" % dest)) if e: unconverted.append (dest) if os.path.exists (dest + '~'): os.remove (dest + '~') # no need to check snippets from Documentation/snippets/new if not "new" in srcdir: e = os.system ( "%s %s -o %s '%s'" % (lilypond_bin, lilypond_flags, ly_output, dest)) if e: unsafe.append (dest) def read_source_with_dirs (src): snippet_list = {} tag_list = {} for tag in tags: srcdir = os.path.join (src, tag) tag_list[tag] = set (map (os.path.basename, glob.glob (os.path.join (srcdir, '*.ly')))) for f in tag_list[tag]: if f in snippet_list: snippet_list[f][1].append (tag) else: snippet_list[f] = (srcdir, [tag]) return snippet_list tags_re = re.compile ('lsrtags\\s*=\\s*"(.+?)"') def read_source (src): snippet_list = {} tag_list = dict ([(tag, set()) for tag in tags]) for f in glob.glob (os.path.join (src, '*.ly')): basename = os.path.basename (f) m = tags_re.search (open (f, 'r').read ()) if m: file_tags = [tag.strip() for tag in m.group (1). split(',')] snippet_list[basename] = (src, file_tags) for tag in file_tags: if tag in tags: tag_list[tag].add (basename) else: tag_list[tag] = set ((basename,)) else: notags_files.append (f) return snippet_list, tag_list def dump_file_list (file, file_list): new_list = file_list f = open (file, 'w') f.write ('\n'.join (sorted (new_list)) + '\n') ## clean out existing lys and generated files - but when we're ## not recreating all of them from the tarball don't delete ## snippets that came from LSR. if in_dir: map (os.remove, glob.glob (os.path.join (lys_from_lsr, '*.ly')) + glob.glob (os.path.join (lys_from_lsr, '*.snippet-list'))) else: map (os.remove, glob.glob (os.path.join (lys_from_lsr, '*.snippet-list'))) for f in glob.glob (os.path.join (lys_from_lsr, '*.ly')): if new_lys_marker in open (f).read (): os.remove (f) snippets = {} if in_dir: # read LSR source where tags are defined by subdirs snippets = read_source_with_dirs (in_dir) # read Documentation/snippets/new where tags are directly defined snippets_new, not_used_list = read_source (new_lys) snippets.update (snippets_new) for (name, (srcdir, file_tags)) in snippets.items (): copy_ly (srcdir, name, file_tags) not_used_snippets, tag_lists = read_source (lys_from_lsr) for (tag, file_set) in tag_lists.items (): dump_file_list (os.path.join (lys_from_lsr, tag + '.snippet-list'), file_set) if unconverted: sys.stderr.write ('These files could not be converted successfully by convert-ly:\n') sys.stderr.write ('\n'.join (unconverted) + '\n\n') if notags_files: sys.stderr.write ('No tags could be found in these files:\n') sys.stderr.write ('\n'.join (notags_files) + '\n\n') if unsafe: dump_file_list ('lsr-unsafe.txt', unsafe) sys.stderr.write (''' Unsafe files printed in lsr-unsafe.txt: CHECK MANUALLY! git add %(lys_from_lsr)s/*.ly xargs git diff HEAD < lsr-unsafe.txt ''' % vars ())