;;;; This file is part of LilyPond, the GNU music typesetter. ;;;; ;;;; (c) 1998--2015 Han-Wen Nienhuys ;;;; Jan Nieuwenhuizen ;;;; ;;;; LilyPond is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; LilyPond is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;;; along with LilyPond. If not, see . ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; clefs (define-public (clef-transposition-markup oct style) "The transposition sign formatting function. @var{oct} is supposed to be a string holding the transposition number, @var{style} determines the way the transposition number is displayed." (let* ((delim (if (symbol? style) (case style ((parenthesized) (cons "(" ")")) ((bracketed) (cons "[" "]")) (else (cons "" ""))) (cons "" ""))) (text (string-concatenate (list (car delim) oct (cdr delim))))) (make-vcenter-markup text))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; metronome marks (define-public (format-metronome-markup event context) (let ((hide-note (ly:context-property context 'tempoHideNote #f)) (text (ly:event-property event 'text)) (dur (ly:event-property event 'tempo-unit)) (count (ly:event-property event 'metronome-count))) (metronome-markup text dur count hide-note))) (export format-metronome-markup) (define (metronome-markup text dur count hide-note) (let* ((note-mark (if (and (not hide-note) (ly:duration? dur)) (make-smaller-markup (make-note-by-number-markup (ly:duration-log dur) (ly:duration-dot-count dur) UP)) #f)) (count-markup (cond ((number? count) (if (> count 0) (make-simple-markup (number->string count)) #f)) ((pair? count) (make-concat-markup (list (make-simple-markup (number->string (car count))) (make-simple-markup " ") (make-simple-markup "–") (make-simple-markup " ") (make-simple-markup (number->string (cdr count)))))) (else #f))) (note-markup (if (and (not hide-note) count-markup) (make-concat-markup (list (make-general-align-markup Y DOWN note-mark) (make-simple-markup " ") (make-simple-markup "=") (make-simple-markup " ") count-markup)) #f)) (text-markup (if (not (null? text)) (make-bold-markup text) #f))) (if text-markup (if (and note-markup (not hide-note)) (make-line-markup (list text-markup (make-concat-markup (list (make-simple-markup "(") note-markup (make-simple-markup ")"))))) (make-line-markup (list text-markup))) (if note-markup (make-line-markup (list note-markup)) (make-null-markup))))) (define-public (format-mark-alphabet mark context) (make-bold-markup (make-markalphabet-markup (1- mark)))) (define-public (format-mark-box-alphabet mark context) (make-bold-markup (make-box-markup (make-markalphabet-markup (1- mark))))) (define-public (format-mark-circle-alphabet mark context) (make-bold-markup (make-circle-markup (make-markalphabet-markup (1- mark))))) (define-public (format-mark-letters mark context) (make-bold-markup (make-markletter-markup (1- mark)))) (define-public (format-mark-numbers mark context) (make-bold-markup (number->string mark))) (define-public (format-mark-barnumbers mark context) (make-bold-markup (number->string (ly:context-property context 'currentBarNumber)))) (define-public (format-mark-box-letters mark context) (make-bold-markup (make-box-markup (make-markletter-markup (1- mark))))) (define-public (format-mark-circle-letters mark context) (make-bold-markup (make-circle-markup (make-markletter-markup (1- mark))))) (define-public (format-mark-box-numbers mark context) (make-bold-markup (make-box-markup (number->string mark)))) (define-public (format-mark-circle-numbers mark context) (make-bold-markup (make-circle-markup (number->string mark)))) (define-public (format-mark-box-barnumbers mark context) (make-bold-markup (make-box-markup (number->string (ly:context-property context 'currentBarNumber))))) (define-public (format-mark-circle-barnumbers mark context) (make-bold-markup (make-circle-markup (number->string (ly:context-property context 'currentBarNumber))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Bass figures. (define-public (format-bass-figure figure event context) (let* ((fig (ly:event-property event 'figure)) (fig-markup (if (number? figure) ;; this is not very elegant, but center-aligning ;; all digits is problematic with other markups, ;; and shows problems in the (lack of) overshoot ;; of feta-alphabet glyphs. ((if (<= 10 figure) (lambda (y) (make-translate-scaled-markup (cons -0.7 0) y)) identity) (cond ((eq? #t (ly:event-property event 'diminished)) (markup #:slashed-digit figure)) ((eq? #t (ly:event-property event 'augmented-slash)) (markup #:backslashed-digit figure)) (else (markup #:number (number->string figure 10))))) #f)) (alt (ly:event-property event 'alteration)) (alt-markup (if (number? alt) (markup #:general-align Y DOWN #:fontsize (if (not (= alt DOUBLE-SHARP)) -2 2) (alteration->text-accidental-markup alt)) #f)) (plus-markup (if (eq? #t (ly:event-property event 'augmented)) (markup #:number "+") #f)) (alt-dir (ly:context-property context 'figuredBassAlterationDirection)) (plus-dir (ly:context-property context 'figuredBassPlusDirection))) (if (and (not fig-markup) alt-markup) (begin (set! fig-markup (markup #:left-align #:pad-around 0.3 alt-markup)) (set! alt-markup #f))) ;; hmm, how to get figures centered between note, and ;; lone accidentals too? ;; (if (markup? fig-markup) ;; (set! ;; fig-markup (markup #:translate (cons 1.0 0) ;; #:center-align fig-markup))) (if alt-markup (set! fig-markup (markup #:put-adjacent X (if (number? alt-dir) alt-dir LEFT) fig-markup #:pad-x 0.2 alt-markup))) (if plus-markup (set! fig-markup (if fig-markup (markup #:put-adjacent X (if (number? plus-dir) plus-dir LEFT) fig-markup #:pad-x 0.2 plus-markup) plus-markup))) (if (markup? fig-markup) (markup #:fontsize -2 fig-markup) empty-markup))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; fret diagrams (define (create-fretboard context grob placement-list) "Convert @var{placement-list} into a fretboard @var{grob}." (let* ((tunings (ly:context-property context 'stringTunings)) (my-string-count (length tunings)) (details (ly:grob-property grob 'fret-diagram-details))) ;; Add string-count from string-tunings to fret-diagram-details. (set! (ly:grob-property grob 'fret-diagram-details) (acons 'string-count my-string-count details)) ;; Create the dot-placement list for the grob (set! (ly:grob-property grob 'dot-placement-list) placement-list))) (define-public (determine-frets context notes specified-info . rest) "Determine string numbers and frets for playing @var{notes} as a chord, given specified information @var{specified-info}. @var{specified-info} is a list with two list elements, specified strings @code{defined-strings} and specified fingerings @code{defined-fingers}. Only a fingering of@tie{}0 will affect the fret selection, as it specifies an open string. If @code{defined-strings} is @code{'()}, the context property @code{defaultStrings} will be used as a list of defined strings. Will look for predefined fretboards if @code{predefinedFretboardTable} is not @code {#f}. If @var{rest} is present, it contains the @code{FretBoard} grob, and a fretboard will be created. Otherwise, a list of @code{(string fret finger)} lists will be returned. If the context-property @code{supportNonIntegerFret} is set @code{#t}, micro-tones are supported for TabStaff, but not not for FretBoards." ;; helper functions (define (string-frets->placement-list string-frets string-count) "Convert @var{string-frets} to @code{fret-diagram-verbose} dot placement entries." (let* ((placements (list->vector (map (lambda (x) (list 'mute x)) (iota string-count 1))))) (for-each (lambda (sf) (let* ((string (car sf)) (fret (cadr sf)) (finger (caddr sf))) (vector-set! placements (1- string) (if (= 0 fret) (list 'open string) (if finger (list 'place-fret string fret finger) (list 'place-fret string fret)))))) string-frets) (vector->list placements))) (define (placement-list->string-frets placement-list) "Convert @var{placement-list} to string-fret list." (map (lambda (x) (if (eq? (car x) 'place-fret) (cdr x) (list (cadr x) 0))) (filter (lambda (l) (or (eq? (car l) 'place-fret) (eq? (car l) 'open))) placement-list))) (define (entry-count art-list) "Count the number of entries in a list of articulations." (length (filter (lambda (x) (not (null? x))) art-list))) (define (string-number event) "Get the string-number from @var{event}. Return @var{#f} if no string-number is present." (let ((num (ly:event-property event 'string-number))) (and (integer? num) (positive? num) num))) (define (determine-frets-and-strings notes defined-strings defined-fingers minimum-fret maximum-stretch tuning) "Determine the frets and strings used to play the notes in @var{notes}, given @var{defined-strings} and @var{defined-fingers} along with @var{minimum-fret}, @var{maximum-stretch}, and @var{tuning}. Returns a list of @code{(string fret finger) lists." (define restrain-open-strings (ly:context-property context 'restrainOpenStrings #f)) (define specified-frets '()) (define free-strings (iota (length tuning) 1)) (define (calc-fret pitch string tuning) "Calculate the fret to play @var{pitch} on @var{string} with @var{tuning}." (* 2 (- (ly:pitch-tones pitch) (ly:pitch-tones (list-ref tuning (1- string)))))) (define (note-pitch note) "Get the pitch (in semitones) from @var{note}." (ly:event-property note 'pitch)) (define (note-finger ev) "Get the fingering from @var{ev}. Return @var{#f} if no fingering is present." (let* ((articulations (ly:event-property ev 'articulations)) (finger-found #f)) (for-each (lambda (art) (let* ((num (ly:event-property art 'digit))) (if (and (ly:in-event-class? art 'fingering-event) (number? num) (> num 0)) (set! finger-found num)))) articulations) finger-found)) (define (delete-free-string string) (if (number? string) (set! free-strings (delete string free-strings)))) (define (close-enough fret) "Decide if @var{fret} is acceptable, given the already used frets." (every (lambda (specced-fret) (or (zero? specced-fret) (zero? fret) (>= maximum-stretch (abs (- fret specced-fret))))) specified-frets)) (define (string-qualifies string pitch) "Can @var{pitch} be played on @var{string}, given already placed notes?" (let* ((fret (calc-fret pitch string tuning))) (and (or (and (not restrain-open-strings) (zero? fret)) (>= fret minimum-fret)) (if (and (ly:context-property context 'supportNonIntegerFret #f) (null? rest)) (integer? (truncate fret)) (integer? fret)) (close-enough fret)))) (define (open-string string pitch) "Is @var{pitch} and open-string note on @var{string}, given the current tuning?" (let* ((fret (calc-fret pitch string tuning))) (zero? fret))) (define (set-fret! pitch-entry string finger) (let ((this-fret (calc-fret (car pitch-entry) string tuning))) (if (< this-fret 0) (ly:warning (_ "Negative fret for pitch ~a on string ~a") (car pitch-entry) string) (if (and (not (integer? this-fret)) (not (ly:context-property context 'supportNonIntegerFret #f))) (ly:warning (_ "Missing fret for pitch ~a on string ~a") (car pitch-entry) string))) (delete-free-string string) (set! specified-frets (cons this-fret specified-frets)) (list-set! string-fret-fingers (cdr pitch-entry) (list string this-fret finger)))) (define (kill-note! string-fret-fingers note-index) (list-set! string-fret-fingers note-index (list #f #t))) (define string-fret-fingers (map (lambda (string finger) (if (null? finger) (list string #f) (list string #f finger))) defined-strings defined-fingers)) ;;; body of determine-frets-and-strings (let* ((pitches (map note-pitch notes)) (pitch-alist (map cons pitches (iota (length pitches))))) ;; handle notes with strings assigned and fingering of 0 (for-each (lambda (pitch-entry string-fret-finger) (let* ((string (list-ref string-fret-finger 0)) (finger (if (= (length string-fret-finger) 3) (list-ref string-fret-finger 2) '())) (pitch (car pitch-entry)) (digit (if (null? finger) #f finger))) (if (or (not (null? string)) (eqv? digit 0)) (if (eqv? digit 0) ;; here we handle fingers of 0 -- open strings (let ((fit-string (find (lambda (string) (open-string string pitch)) free-strings))) (if fit-string (set-fret! pitch-entry fit-string #f) (ly:warning (_ "No open string for pitch ~a") pitch))) ;; here we handle assigned strings (let* ((this-fret (calc-fret pitch string tuning)) (possible-fret? (and (>= this-fret 0) (if (and (ly:context-property context 'supportNonIntegerFret #f) (null? rest)) (integer? (truncate this-fret)) (integer? this-fret)))) (handle-negative (ly:context-property context 'handleNegativeFrets 'recalculate))) (cond ((or possible-fret? (eq? handle-negative 'include)) (set-fret! pitch-entry string finger)) ((eq? handle-negative 'recalculate) (begin (ly:warning (_ "Requested string for pitch requires negative fret: string ~a pitch ~a") string pitch) (ly:warning (_ "Ignoring string request and recalculating.")) (list-set! string-fret-fingers (cdr pitch-entry) (if (null? finger) (list '() #f) (list '() #f finger))))) ((eq? handle-negative 'ignore) (begin (ly:warning (_ "Requested string for pitch requires negative fret: string ~a pitch ~a") string pitch) (ly:warning (_ "Ignoring note in tablature.")) (kill-note! string-fret-fingers (cdr pitch-entry)))))))))) pitch-alist string-fret-fingers) ;; handle notes without strings assigned -- sorted by pitch, so ;; we need to use the alist to have the note number available (for-each (lambda (pitch-entry) (let* ((string-fret-finger (list-ref string-fret-fingers (cdr pitch-entry))) (string (list-ref string-fret-finger 0)) (finger (if (= (length string-fret-finger) 3) (list-ref string-fret-finger 2) '())) (pitch (car pitch-entry)) (fit-string (find (lambda (string) (string-qualifies string pitch)) free-strings))) (if (not (list-ref string-fret-finger 1)) (if fit-string (set-fret! pitch-entry fit-string finger) (begin (ly:event-warning (list-ref notes (cdr pitch-entry)) (_ "No string for pitch ~a (given frets ~a)") pitch specified-frets) (kill-note! string-fret-fingers (cdr pitch-entry))))))) (sort pitch-alist (lambda (pitch-entry-a pitch-entry-b) (ly:pitchplacement-list (filter (lambda (entry) (car entry)) string-frets) string-count)))) (if (null? grob) (placement-list->string-frets predefined-fretboard) (create-fretboard context grob predefined-fretboard))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; tablature ;; The TabNoteHead tablatureFormat callbacks. ;; Calculate the fret from pitch and string number as letter ;; The fret letter is taken from 'fretLabels if present (define-public (fret-letter-tablature-format context string-number fret-number) (let* ((labels (ly:context-property context 'fretLabels)) (string-tunings (ly:context-property context 'stringTunings)) (string-count (length string-tunings)) (letter (cond ((= 0 (length labels)) (string (integer->char (+ fret-number (char->integer #\a))))) ((and (<= 0 fret-number) (< fret-number (length labels))) (list-ref labels fret-number)) (else (ly:warning (_ "No label for fret ~a (on string ~a); only ~a fret labels provided") fret-number string-number (length labels)) "."))) (add-bass-string-nr ;; starting at zero (- string-number string-count 1))) (make-translate-scaled-markup '(0 . -0.5) ;; For additional bass strings, we add zero up to three "/"-signs before ;; the letter, even more bass strings will get numbers, starting with "4". ;; In the rare case such a string isn't played open, we put out, eg."4b" (make-concat-markup (if (> string-number (+ string-count 4)) (list (number->string add-bass-string-nr) (if (zero? fret-number) "" letter)) (list (make-string (max 0 add-bass-string-nr) #\/) letter)))))) ;; Display the fret number as a number (define-public (fret-number-tablature-format context string-number fret-number) (if (integer? fret-number) (make-vcenter-markup (format #f "~a" fret-number)) ;; for non-integer fret-number print p.e. "2½" (let* ((whole-part (truncate fret-number)) (remaining (- fret-number whole-part)) (fret (if (and (zero? whole-part) (not (zero? remaining))) "" (format #f "~a" whole-part))) (frac (if (zero? remaining) "" (format #f "~a" remaining)))) (make-concat-markup (list (make-vcenter-markup fret) (make-vcenter-markup ;; the value `-2.5' is my choice (make-fontsize-markup -2.5 frac))))))) ;; The 5-string banjo has got an extra string, the fifth (duh), which ;; starts at the fifth fret on the neck. Frets on the fifth string ;; are referred to relative to the other frets: ;; the "first fret" on the fifth string is really the sixth fret ;; on the banjo neck. ;; We solve this by defining a new fret-number-tablature function: (define-public (fret-number-tablature-format-banjo context string-number fret-number) (make-vcenter-markup (number->string (cond ((and (> fret-number 0) (= string-number 5)) (+ fret-number 5)) (else fret-number))))) ;; Tab note head staff position functions ;; ;; Define where in the staff to display a given string. Some forms of ;; tablature put the tab note heads in the spaces, rather than on the ;; lines (define-public (tablature-position-on-lines context string-number) (let* ((string-tunings (ly:context-property context 'stringTunings)) (string-count (length string-tunings)) (string-nr (if (> string-number (length string-tunings)) (1+ (length string-tunings)) string-number)) (string-one-topmost (ly:context-property context 'stringOneTopmost)) (staff-line (- (* 2 string-nr) string-count 1))) (if string-one-topmost (- staff-line) staff-line))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; bar numbers (define ((every-nth-bar-number-visible n) barnum mp) (= 0 (modulo barnum n))) (export every-nth-bar-number-visible) (define ((modulo-bar-number-visible n m) barnum mp) (and (> barnum 1) (= m (modulo barnum n)))) (export modulo-bar-number-visible) (define ((set-bar-number-visibility n) tr) (let ((bn (ly:context-property tr 'currentBarNumber))) (ly:context-set-property! tr 'barNumberVisibility (modulo-bar-number-visible n (modulo bn n))))) (export set-bar-number-visibility) (define-public (first-bar-number-invisible barnum mp) (> barnum 1)) (define-public (first-bar-number-invisible-save-broken-bars barnum mp) (or (> barnum 1) (> (ly:moment-main-numerator mp) 0))) (define-public (first-bar-number-invisible-and-no-parenthesized-bar-numbers barnum mp) (and (> barnum 1) (= (ly:moment-main-numerator mp) 0))) (define-public (robust-bar-number-function barnum measure-pos alt-number context) (define (get-number-and-power an pow) (if (<= an alt-number) (get-number-and-power (+ an (expt 26 (1+ pow))) (1+ pow)) (cons (+ alt-number (- (expt 26 pow) an)) (1- pow)))) (define (make-letter so-far an pow) (if (< pow 0) so-far (let ((pos (modulo (quotient an (expt 26 pow)) 26))) (make-letter (string-append so-far (substring "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" pos (1+ pos))) an (1- pow))))) (let* ((number-and-power (get-number-and-power 0 0)) (begin-measure (= 0 (ly:moment-main-numerator measure-pos))) (maybe-open-parenthesis (if begin-measure "" "(")) (maybe-close-parenthesis (if begin-measure "" ")"))) (markup (string-append maybe-open-parenthesis (number->string barnum) (make-letter "" (car number-and-power) (cdr number-and-power)) maybe-close-parenthesis)))) (define-public (all-bar-numbers-visible barnum mp) #t) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; percent repeat counters (define ((every-nth-repeat-count-visible n) count context) (= 0 (modulo count n))) (export every-nth-repeat-count-visible) (define-public (all-repeat-counts-visible count context) #t) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; pitch recognition (define-public (make-semitone->pitch pitches) "Convert @var{pitches}, an unordered list of note values covering (after disregarding octaves) all absolute pitches in need of conversion, into a function converting semitone numbers (absolute pitch missing enharmonic information) back into note values. For a key signature without accidentals @example c cis d es e f fis g gis a bes b @end example might be a good choice, covering Bb major to A major and their parallel keys, and melodic/harmonic C minor to A minor." ;; TODO: short-circuit lcm calculation once we know it will be large (let* ((size (apply lcm (map (lambda (pitch) (denominator (/ (ly:pitch-tones pitch) 6))) pitches))) ;; Normal tunings need 12 steps per octave, quartertone ;; tunings 24, Makam needs 108. But microtunings might cause ;; trouble. (lookup (if (> size 400) (make-hash-table) (make-vector size #f)))) (for-each (lambda (pitch) (let* ((rawoct (/ (ly:pitch-tones pitch) 6)) (oct (floor rawoct)) (ref (- rawoct oct)) (val (ly:pitch-transpose pitch (ly:make-pitch (- oct) 0)))) (if (hash-table? lookup) (hashv-set! lookup ref val) (vector-set! lookup (* size ref) val)))) pitches) (lambda (semitone) "Convert @var{semitone} numbers into note values. If the originally specified list of pitches does not contain a note corresponding to @var{semitone} (disregarding octaves), @code{#f} is returned." (let* ((rawoct (/ semitone 12)) (oct (floor rawoct)) (ref (- rawoct oct)) (val (if (hash-table? lookup) (hashv-ref lookup ref) (let ((ref (* (vector-length lookup) ref))) (and (integer? ref) (vector-ref lookup ref)))))) (and val (ly:pitch-transpose val (ly:make-pitch oct 0))))))) (define ((shift-semitone->pitch key semitone->pitch) semitone) "Given a function @var{semitone->pitch} converting a semitone number into a note value for a lookup table created in relation to@tie{}C, returns a corresponding function in relation to @var{key}. The note values returned by this function differ only enharmonically from the original @var{semitone->pitch} function." (ly:pitch-transpose (semitone->pitch (- semitone (* 2 (ly:pitch-tones key)))) key)) (export shift-semitone->pitch)