\version "2.19.29" "\\=" = #(define-event-function (id event) (key? ly:event?) (_i "This sets the @code{spanner-id} property of the following @var{event} to the given @var{id} (non-negative integer or symbol). This can be used to tell LilyPond how to connect overlapping or parallel slurs or phrasing slurs within a single @code{Voice}. @lilypond[quote,verbatim] \\fixed c' { c\\=1( d\\=2( e\\=1) f\\=2) } @end lilypond\n") (set! (ly:music-property event 'spanner-id) id) event) startGroup = #(make-span-event 'NoteGroupingEvent START) stopGroup = #(make-span-event 'NoteGroupingEvent STOP) cr = #(make-span-event 'CrescendoEvent START) decr = #(make-span-event 'DecrescendoEvent START) enddecr = #(make-span-event 'DecrescendoEvent STOP) endcr = #(make-span-event 'CrescendoEvent STOP) startMeasureCount = #(make-span-event 'MeasureCounterEvent START) stopMeasureCount = #(make-span-event 'MeasureCounterEvent STOP) startTextSpan = #(make-span-event 'TextSpanEvent START) stopTextSpan = #(make-span-event 'TextSpanEvent STOP) startTrillSpan = #(make-span-event 'TrillSpanEvent START) stopTrillSpan = #(make-span-event 'TrillSpanEvent STOP) episemInitium = #(make-span-event 'EpisemaEvent START) episemFinis = #(make-span-event 'EpisemaEvent STOP) cresc = #(make-music 'CrescendoEvent 'span-direction START 'span-type 'text 'span-text "cresc.") endcresc = #(make-span-event 'CrescendoEvent STOP) dim = #(make-music 'DecrescendoEvent 'span-direction START 'span-type 'text 'span-text "dim.") enddim = #(make-span-event 'DecrescendoEvent STOP) decresc = #(make-music 'DecrescendoEvent 'span-direction START 'span-type 'text 'span-text "decresc.") enddecresc = #(make-span-event 'DecrescendoEvent STOP) % Deprecated functions: % TODO: DEPRECATED_2_13_19 deprecatedcresc = { $(make-event-chord (list cr)) \once \set crescendoText = \markup { \italic "cresc." } \once \set crescendoSpanner = #'text } deprecateddim = { $(make-event-chord (list decr)) \once \set decrescendoText = \markup { \italic "dim." } \once \set decrescendoSpanner = #'text } deprecatedenddim = { $(make-event-chord (list enddecr)) % \unset decrescendoText % \unset decrescendoSpanner } deprecatedendcresc = { $(make-event-chord (list endcr)) % \unset crescendoText % \unset crescendoSpanner } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% crescTextCresc = { \set crescendoText = \markup { \italic "cresc." } \set crescendoSpanner = #'text } dimTextDecresc = { \set decrescendoText = \markup { \italic "decresc." } \set decrescendoSpanner = #'text } dimTextDecr = { \set decrescendoText = \markup { \italic "decr." } \set decrescendoSpanner = #'text } dimTextDim = { \set decrescendoText = \markup { \italic "dim." } \set decrescendoSpanner = #'text } crescHairpin = { \unset crescendoText \unset crescendoSpanner } dimHairpin = { \unset decrescendoText \unset decrescendoSpanner } sustainOff = #(make-span-event 'SustainEvent STOP) sustainOn = #(make-span-event 'SustainEvent START) unaCorda = #(make-span-event 'UnaCordaEvent START) treCorde = #(make-span-event 'UnaCordaEvent STOP) sostenutoOn = #(make-span-event 'SostenutoEvent START) sostenutoOff = #(make-span-event 'SostenutoEvent STOP) %crescpoco = \set crescendoText = "cresc. poco a poco" %decresc = \set crescendoText = "decr." %dim = \set crescendoText = "dim." newSpacingSection = #(make-event-chord (list (make-music 'SpacingSectionEvent))) breakDynamicSpan = #(make-music 'BreakDynamicSpanEvent)