/* This file is part of LilyPond, the GNU music typesetter. Copyright (C) 1998--2012 Han-Wen Nienhuys LilyPond is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LilyPond is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LilyPond. If not, see . */ #include "engraver.hh" #include "context.hh" #include "international.hh" #include "item.hh" #include "note-head.hh" #include "protected-scm.hh" #include "spanner.hh" #include "staff-symbol-referencer.hh" #include "stream-event.hh" #include "tie-column.hh" #include "tie.hh" #include "warn.hh" #include "translator.icc" /** Manufacture ties. Acknowledge note heads, and put them into a priority queue. If we have a TieEvent, connect the notes that finish just at this time, and note that start at this time. TODO: Remove the dependency on musical info. We should tie on the basis of position and duration-log of the heads (not of the events). */ struct Head_event_tuple { Grob *head_; Moment end_moment_; Stream_event *tie_stream_event_; Stream_event *tie_event_; Spanner *tie_; // Indicate whether a tie from the same moment has been processed successfully // This is needed for tied chords, e.g. ~ g, because otherwise the c // and e will trigger a warning for an unterminated tie! bool tie_from_chord_created; Head_event_tuple () { head_ = 0; tie_event_ = 0; tie_stream_event_ = 0; tie_from_chord_created = false; tie_ = 0; } }; class Tie_engraver : public Engraver { /* Whether tie event has been processed and can be deleted or should be kept for later portions of a split note. */ bool event_processed_; Stream_event *event_; vector now_heads_; vector heads_to_tie_; vector ties_; Spanner *tie_column_; protected: void process_acknowledged (); void stop_translation_timestep (); void start_translation_timestep (); DECLARE_ACKNOWLEDGER (note_head); DECLARE_TRANSLATOR_LISTENER (tie); void process_music (); void typeset_tie (Grob *); void report_unterminated_tie (Head_event_tuple const &); bool has_autosplit_end (Stream_event *event); public: TRANSLATOR_DECLARATIONS (Tie_engraver); }; Tie_engraver::Tie_engraver () { event_ = 0; tie_column_ = 0; event_processed_ = false; } IMPLEMENT_TRANSLATOR_LISTENER (Tie_engraver, tie); void Tie_engraver::listen_tie (Stream_event *ev) { ASSIGN_EVENT_ONCE (event_, ev); } void Tie_engraver::report_unterminated_tie (Head_event_tuple const &tie_start) { // If tie_from_chord_created is set, we have another note at the same // moment that created a tie, so this is not necessarily an unterminated // tie. Happens e.g. for ~ g if (!tie_start.tie_from_chord_created) { tie_start.tie_->warning (_ ("unterminated tie")); tie_start.tie_->suicide (); } } /* Determines whether the end of an event was created by a split in Completion_heads_engraver or by user input. */ bool Tie_engraver::has_autosplit_end (Stream_event *event) { if (event) return to_boolean (event->get_property ("autosplit-end")); return false; } void Tie_engraver::process_music () { bool busy = event_; for (vsize i = 0; !busy && i < heads_to_tie_.size (); i++) busy |= (heads_to_tie_[i].tie_event_ || heads_to_tie_[i].tie_stream_event_); if (busy) context ()->set_property ("tieMelismaBusy", SCM_BOOL_T); } void Tie_engraver::acknowledge_note_head (Grob_info i) { Grob *h = i.grob (); now_heads_.push_back (h); for (vsize i = heads_to_tie_.size (); i--;) { Grob *th = heads_to_tie_[i].head_; Stream_event *right_ev = unsmob_stream_event (h->get_property ("cause")); Stream_event *left_ev = unsmob_stream_event (th->get_property ("cause")); /* maybe should check positions too. */ if (!right_ev || !left_ev) continue; /* Make a tie only if pitches are equal or if event end was not generated by Completion_heads_engraver. */ if (ly_is_equal (right_ev->get_property ("pitch"), left_ev->get_property ("pitch")) && (!Tie_engraver::has_autosplit_end (left_ev))) { Grob *p = heads_to_tie_[i].tie_; Moment end = heads_to_tie_[i].end_moment_; Stream_event *cause = heads_to_tie_[i].tie_event_ ? heads_to_tie_[i].tie_event_ : heads_to_tie_[i].tie_stream_event_; announce_end_grob (p, cause->self_scm ()); Tie::set_head (p, LEFT, th); Tie::set_head (p, RIGHT, h); if (is_direction (cause->get_property ("direction"))) { Direction d = to_dir (cause->get_property ("direction")); p->set_property ("direction", scm_from_int (d)); } ties_.push_back (p); heads_to_tie_.erase (heads_to_tie_.begin () + i); /* Prevent all other tied notes ending at the same moment (assume implicitly the notes have also started at the same moment!) from triggering an "unterminated tie" warning. Needed e.g. for ~ g */ for (vsize j = heads_to_tie_.size (); j--;) { if (heads_to_tie_[j].end_moment_ == end) heads_to_tie_[j].tie_from_chord_created = true; } } } if (ties_.size () && ! tie_column_) tie_column_ = make_spanner ("TieColumn", ties_[0]->self_scm ()); if (tie_column_) for (vsize i = ties_.size (); i--;) Tie_column::add_tie (tie_column_, ties_[i]); } void Tie_engraver::start_translation_timestep () { if (heads_to_tie_.size () && !to_boolean (get_property ("tieWaitForNote"))) { Moment now = now_mom (); for (vsize i = heads_to_tie_.size (); i--;) { if (now > heads_to_tie_[i].end_moment_) { report_unterminated_tie (heads_to_tie_[i]); heads_to_tie_.erase (heads_to_tie_.begin () + i); } } } context ()->set_property ("tieMelismaBusy", ly_bool2scm (heads_to_tie_.size ())); } void Tie_engraver::process_acknowledged () { bool wait = to_boolean (get_property ("tieWaitForNote")); if (ties_.size ()) { if (!wait) { vector::iterator it = heads_to_tie_.begin (); for (; it < heads_to_tie_.end (); it++) report_unterminated_tie (*it); heads_to_tie_.clear (); } for (vsize i = 0; i < ties_.size (); i++) typeset_tie (ties_[i]); ties_.clear (); tie_column_ = 0; } vector new_heads_to_tie; for (vsize i = 0; i < now_heads_.size (); i++) { Grob *head = now_heads_[i]; Stream_event *left_ev = unsmob_stream_event (head->get_property ("cause")); if (!left_ev) { // may happen for ambitus continue; } // We only want real notes to cause ties, not e.g. pitched trills if (!left_ev->in_event_class ("note-event")) continue; SCM left_articulations = left_ev->get_property ("articulations"); Stream_event *tie_event = 0; Stream_event *tie_stream_event = event_; for (SCM s = left_articulations; !tie_event && !tie_stream_event && scm_is_pair (s); s = scm_cdr (s)) { Stream_event *ev = unsmob_stream_event (scm_car (s)); if (!ev) continue; if (ev->in_event_class ("tie-event")) tie_event = ev; } if (left_ev && (tie_event || tie_stream_event) && (!Tie_engraver::has_autosplit_end (left_ev))) { event_processed_ = true; Head_event_tuple event_tup; event_tup.head_ = head; event_tup.tie_event_ = tie_event; event_tup.tie_stream_event_ = tie_stream_event; event_tup.tie_ = make_spanner ("Tie", tie_event ? tie_event->self_scm () : tie_stream_event->self_scm ()); Moment end = now_mom (); if (end.grace_part_) { end.grace_part_ += get_event_length (left_ev).main_part_; } else { end += get_event_length (left_ev); } event_tup.end_moment_ = end; new_heads_to_tie.push_back (event_tup); } } if (!wait && new_heads_to_tie.size ()) { vector::iterator it = heads_to_tie_.begin (); for (; it < heads_to_tie_.end (); it++) report_unterminated_tie (*it); heads_to_tie_.clear (); } // hmmm, how to do with copy () ? for (vsize i = 0; i < new_heads_to_tie.size (); i++) heads_to_tie_.push_back (new_heads_to_tie[i]); now_heads_.clear (); } void Tie_engraver::stop_translation_timestep () { /* Discard event only if it has been processed with at least one appropriate note. */ if (event_processed_) event_ = 0; event_processed_ = false; } void Tie_engraver::typeset_tie (Grob *her) { if (! (Tie::head (her, LEFT) && Tie::head (her, RIGHT))) warning (_ ("lonely tie")); Drul_array new_head_drul; new_head_drul[LEFT] = Tie::head (her, LEFT); new_head_drul[RIGHT] = Tie::head (her, RIGHT); for (LEFT_and_RIGHT (d)) { if (!Tie::head (her, d)) new_head_drul[d] = Tie::head (her, (Direction) - d); } Spanner *sp = dynamic_cast (her); sp->set_bound (LEFT, new_head_drul[LEFT]); sp->set_bound (RIGHT, new_head_drul[RIGHT]); } ADD_ACKNOWLEDGER (Tie_engraver, note_head); ADD_TRANSLATOR (Tie_engraver, /* doc */ "Generate ties between note heads of equal pitch.", /* create */ "Tie " "TieColumn ", /* read */ "tieWaitForNote ", /* write */ "tieMelismaBusy " );