/* input.cc -- implement Input source file of the LilyPond music typesetter (c) 1997--2007 Han-Wen Nienhuys */ #include "input.hh" #include using namespace std; #include "international.hh" #include "source-file.hh" #include "sources.hh" #include "warn.hh" Input::Input (Input const &i) { source_file_ = i.source_file_; start_ = i.start_; end_ = i.end_; } Input::Input () { source_file_ = 0; start_ = 0; end_ = 0; } Input Input::spot () const { return *this; } void Input::set_spot (Input const &i) { *this = i; } void Input::step_forward () { if (end_ == start_) end_++; start_++; } void Input::set_location (Input const &i_start, Input const &i_end) { source_file_ = i_start.source_file_; start_ = i_start.start_; end_ = i_end.end_; } /* Produce GNU-compliant error message. Correcting lilypond source is such a breeze if you ('re edidor) know (s) the error column too Format: [file:line:column:][warning:]message */ void Input::message (string s) const { if (source_file_) s = location_string () + ": " + s + "\n" + source_file_->quote_input (start_) + "\n"; ::message (s); } void Input::programming_error (string s) const { message (_f ("programming error: %s", s.c_str ())); message (_ ("continuing, cross fingers") + "\n"); } void Input::warning (string s) const { message (_f ("warning: %s", s)); } void Input::error (string s) const { message (_f ("error: %s", s)); // UGH, fix naming or usage // exit (1); } void Input::non_fatal_error (string s) const { message (_f ("error: %s", s)); } string Input::location_string () const { if (source_file_) return source_file_->file_line_column_string (start_); return " (" + _ ("position unknown") + ")"; } string Input::line_number_string () const { if (source_file_) return to_string (source_file_->get_line (start_)); return "?"; } string Input::file_string () const { if (source_file_) return source_file_->name_string (); return ""; } int Input::line_number () const { if (source_file_) return source_file_->get_line (start_); return 0; } int Input::column_number () const { int line, chr, col = 0; source_file_->get_counts (start_, &line, &chr, &col); return col; } int Input::end_line_number () const { if (source_file_) return source_file_->get_line (end_); return 0; } int Input::end_column_number () const { int line, chr, col = 0; source_file_->get_counts (end_, &line, &chr, &col); return col; } void Input::get_counts (int *line, int *chr, int *col) const { source_file_->get_counts (start_, line, chr, col); } void Input::set (Source_file *sf, char const *start, char const *end) { source_file_ = sf; start_ = start; end_ = end; } Source_file * Input::get_source_file () const { return source_file_; } char const * Input::start () const { return start_; } char const * Input::end () const { return end_; }