/* This file is part of LilyPond, the GNU music typesetter. Copyright (C) 1998--2015 Jan Nieuwenhuizen Han-Wen Nienhuys LilyPond is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LilyPond is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LilyPond. If not, see . */ #include "hara-kiri-group-spanner.hh" #include "paper-column.hh" #include "pointer-group-interface.hh" #include "axis-group-interface.hh" #include "spanner.hh" #include "warn.hh" MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Hara_kiri_group_spanner, y_extent, 1); SCM Hara_kiri_group_spanner::y_extent (SCM smob) { Grob *me = unsmob (smob); consider_suicide (me); return Axis_group_interface::generic_group_extent (me, Y_AXIS); } MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Hara_kiri_group_spanner, calc_skylines, 1); SCM Hara_kiri_group_spanner::calc_skylines (SCM smob) { Grob *me = unsmob (smob); consider_suicide (me); return Axis_group_interface::calc_skylines (smob); } MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Hara_kiri_group_spanner, pure_height, 3); SCM Hara_kiri_group_spanner::pure_height (SCM smob, SCM start_scm, SCM end_scm) { Grob *me = unsmob (smob); int start = robust_scm2int (start_scm, 0); int end = robust_scm2int (end_scm, INT_MAX); if (request_suicide (me, start, end)) return ly_interval2scm (Interval ()); return ly_interval2scm (Axis_group_interface::pure_group_height (me, start, end)); } /* there is probably a way that doesn't involve re-implementing a binary search (I would love some proper closures right now) */ bool find_in_range (SCM vector, int low, int hi, int min, int max) { if (low >= hi) return false; int mid = low + (hi - low) / 2; int val = scm_to_int (scm_c_vector_ref (vector, mid)); if (val >= min && val <= max) return true; else if (val < min) return find_in_range (vector, mid + 1, hi, min, max); return find_in_range (vector, low, mid, min, max); } bool Hara_kiri_group_spanner::request_suicide (Grob *me, int start, int end) { extract_grob_set (me, "make-dead-when", foes); for (vsize i = 0; i < foes.size (); i++) if (foes[i]->is_live () && !request_suicide_alone (foes[i], start, end)) return true; if (!request_suicide_alone (me, start, end)) return false; extract_grob_set (me, "keep-alive-with", friends); for (vsize i = 0; i < friends.size (); ++i) if (friends[i]->is_live () && !request_suicide_alone (friends[i], start, end)) return false; return true; } bool Hara_kiri_group_spanner::request_suicide_alone (Grob *me, int start, int end) { if (!to_boolean (me->get_property ("remove-empty"))) return false; bool remove_first = to_boolean (me->get_property ("remove-first")); if (!remove_first && start <= 0) return false; SCM important = me->get_property ("important-column-ranks"); if (scm_is_vector (important)) { int len = scm_c_vector_length (important); if (find_in_range (important, 0, len, start, end)) return false; } else /* build the important-columns-cache */ { extract_grob_set (me, "items-worth-living", worth); vector ranks; for (vsize i = 0; i < worth.size (); i++) { Interval_t iv = worth[i]->spanned_rank_interval (); for (int j = iv[LEFT]; j <= iv[RIGHT]; j++) ranks.push_back (j); } vector_sort (ranks, less ()); uniq (ranks); SCM scm_vec = scm_c_make_vector (ranks.size (), SCM_EOL); for (vsize i = 0; i < ranks.size (); i++) scm_vector_set_x (scm_vec, scm_from_int (i), scm_from_int (ranks[i])); me->set_property ("important-column-ranks", scm_vec); return request_suicide (me, start, end); } return true; } void Hara_kiri_group_spanner::consider_suicide (Grob *me) { Spanner *sp = dynamic_cast (me); int left = 0; int right = INT_MAX; if (Item *l = sp->get_bound (LEFT)) left = l->get_column ()->get_rank (); if (Item *r = sp->get_bound (RIGHT)) right = r->get_column ()->get_rank (); if (!request_suicide (me, left, right)) return; vector childs; Axis_group_interface::get_children (me, &childs); for (vsize i = 0; i < childs.size (); i++) childs[i]->suicide (); /* very appropriate name here :-) */ me->suicide (); } /* We can't rely on offsets and dimensions of elements in a hara-kiri group. Use a callback to make sure that hara-kiri has been done before asking for offsets. */ MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Hara_kiri_group_spanner, force_hara_kiri_callback, 1); SCM Hara_kiri_group_spanner::force_hara_kiri_callback (SCM smob) { Grob *me = unsmob (smob); consider_suicide (me); return scm_from_double (0.0); } MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Hara_kiri_group_spanner, force_hara_kiri_in_y_parent_callback, 1); SCM Hara_kiri_group_spanner::force_hara_kiri_in_y_parent_callback (SCM smob) { Grob *daughter = unsmob (smob); force_hara_kiri_callback (daughter->get_parent (Y_AXIS)->self_scm ()); return scm_from_double (0.0); } void Hara_kiri_group_spanner::add_interesting_item (Grob *me, Grob *n) { Pointer_group_interface::add_unordered_grob (me, ly_symbol2scm ("items-worth-living"), n); } ADD_INTERFACE (Hara_kiri_group_spanner, "A group spanner that keeps track of interesting items. If it" " doesn't contain any after line breaking, it removes itself" " and all its children. Greater control can be exercised via" " @code{remove-layer} which can prioritize layers so only the" " lowest-numbered non-empty layer is retained; make the layer" " independent of the group; or make it dependent on any other" " member of the group", /* properties */ "items-worth-living " "important-column-ranks " "keep-alive-with " "make-dead-when " "remove-empty " "remove-first " "remove-layer " );