/* This file is part of LilyPond, the GNU music typesetter. Copyright (C) 2004--2015 Han-Wen Nienhuys LilyPond is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LilyPond is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LilyPond. If not, see . */ #include "context.hh" #include "context-def.hh" #include "dispatcher.hh" #include "global-context.hh" #include "international.hh" #include "main.hh" #include "output-def.hh" #include "profile.hh" #include "program-option.hh" #include "scm-hash.hh" #include "translator-group.hh" #include "warn.hh" #include "lily-imports.hh" bool Context::is_removable () const { return scm_is_null (context_list_) && ! client_count_ && !dynamic_cast (daddy_context_); } void Context::check_removal () { for (SCM p = context_list_; scm_is_pair (p); p = scm_cdr (p)) { Context *ctx = unsmob (scm_car (p)); ctx->check_removal (); if (ctx->is_removable ()) { recurse_over_translators (ctx, Callback0_wrapper::make_smob (), Callback0_wrapper::make_smob (), UP); send_stream_event (ctx, "RemoveContext", 0, 0); } } } Scheme_hash_table * Context::properties_dict () const { return unsmob (properties_scm_); } void Context::add_context (Context *child) { context_list_ = ly_append2 (context_list_, scm_cons (child->self_scm (), SCM_EOL)); child->daddy_context_ = this; events_below_->register_as_listener (child->events_below_); } Context::Context () { daddy_context_ = 0; aliases_ = SCM_EOL; client_count_ = 0; implementation_ = 0; properties_scm_ = SCM_EOL; accepts_list_ = SCM_EOL; default_child_ = SCM_EOL; context_list_ = SCM_EOL; definition_ = SCM_EOL; definition_mods_ = SCM_EOL; event_source_ = 0; events_below_ = 0; smobify_self (); properties_scm_ = Scheme_hash_table::make_smob (); event_source_ = new Dispatcher (); event_source_->unprotect (); events_below_ = new Dispatcher (); events_below_->unprotect (); } /* TODO: this shares code with find_create_context (). */ Context * Context::create_unique_context (SCM name, const string &id, SCM operations) { /* Don't create multiple score contexts. */ Global_context *gthis = dynamic_cast (this); if (gthis && gthis->get_score_context ()) return gthis->get_score_context ()->create_unique_context (name, id, operations); vector path = path_to_acceptable_context (name); if (path.size ()) { Context *current = this; // Iterate through the path and create all of the implicit contexts. for (vsize i = 0; i < path.size (); i++) { SCM ops = SCM_EOL; string id_str = "\\new"; if (i == path.size () - 1) { ops = operations; id_str = id; } current = current->create_context (path[i], id_str, ops); } return current; } /* Don't go up to Global_context, because global goes down to the Score context */ Context *ret = 0; if (daddy_context_ && !dynamic_cast (daddy_context_)) ret = daddy_context_->create_unique_context (name, id, operations); else { warning (_f ("cannot find or create new `%s'", ly_symbol2string (name).c_str ())); ret = 0; } return ret; } Context * Context::find_create_context (SCM n, const string &id, SCM operations) { /* Don't create multiple score contexts. */ Global_context *gthis = dynamic_cast (this); if (gthis) { if (gthis->get_score_context ()) return gthis->get_score_context ()->find_create_context (n, id, operations); // Special case: If we use \set Timing.xxx = whatever before // Score is established, the alias of Score to Timing will not // be taken into account. We check for this particular case // here. Aliases apart from Score-level ones don't warrant // context creation as they could create unwanted contexts, like // RhythmicVoice instead of Voice. Creating a Score context, // however, can't really do anything wrong. SCM score_name = default_child_context_name (); SCM score_def = find_context_def (get_output_def (), score_name); if (Context_def *cd = unsmob (score_def)) { if (cd->is_alias (n)) return create_context (cd, id, operations); } } if (Context *existing = find_context_below (this, n, id)) return existing; if (scm_is_eq (n, ly_symbol2scm ("Bottom"))) { Context *tg = get_default_interpreter (id); return tg; } vector path = path_to_acceptable_context (n); if (path.size ()) { Context *current = this; // start at 1. The first one (index 0) will be us. for (vsize i = 0; i < path.size (); i++) { SCM ops = (i == path.size () - 1) ? operations : SCM_EOL; string this_id = ""; if (i == path.size () - 1) this_id = id; current = current->create_context (path[i], this_id, ops); } return current; } /* Don't go up to Global_context, because global goes down to the Score context */ Context *ret = 0; if (daddy_context_ && !dynamic_cast (daddy_context_)) ret = daddy_context_->find_create_context (n, id, operations); else { warning (_f ("cannot find or create `%s' called `%s'", ly_symbol2string (n).c_str (), id)); ret = 0; } return ret; } void Context::acknowledge_infant (SCM sev) { infant_event_ = unsmob (sev); } void Context::set_property_from_event (SCM sev) { Stream_event *ev = unsmob (sev); SCM sym = ev->get_property ("symbol"); if (scm_is_symbol (sym)) { SCM val = ev->get_property ("value"); if (SCM_UNBNDP (val)) { unset_property (sym); return; } bool ok = true; ok = type_check_assignment (sym, val, ly_symbol2scm ("translation-type?")); if (ok) { if (to_boolean (ev->get_property ("once"))) { if (Global_context *g = get_global_context ()) { SCM old_val = SCM_UNDEFINED; if (here_defined (sym, &old_val)) g->add_finalization (scm_list_4 (ly_context_set_property_x_proc, self_scm (), sym, old_val)); else g->add_finalization (scm_list_3 (ly_context_unset_property_proc, self_scm (), sym)); } } set_property (sym, val); } } } void Context::unset_property_from_event (SCM sev) { Stream_event *ev = unsmob (sev); SCM sym = ev->get_property ("symbol"); bool ok = type_check_assignment (sym, SCM_EOL, ly_symbol2scm ("translation-type?")); if (ok) { if (to_boolean (ev->get_property ("once"))) { if (Global_context *g = get_global_context ()) { SCM old_val = SCM_UNDEFINED; if (here_defined (sym, &old_val)) g->add_finalization (scm_list_4 (ly_context_set_property_x_proc, self_scm (), sym, old_val)); else g->add_finalization (scm_list_3 (ly_context_unset_property_proc, self_scm (), sym)); } } unset_property (sym); } } /* Creates a new context from a CreateContext event, and sends an AnnounceNewContext event to this context. */ void Context::create_context_from_event (SCM sev) { Stream_event *ev = unsmob (sev); string id = ly_scm2string (ev->get_property ("id")); SCM ops = ev->get_property ("ops"); SCM type_scm = ev->get_property ("type"); string type = ly_symbol2string (type_scm); vector path = path_to_acceptable_context (type_scm); if (path.size () != 1) { programming_error (to_string ("Invalid CreateContext event: Cannot create %s context", type.c_str ())); return; } Context_def *cdef = path[0]; Context *new_context = cdef->instantiate (ops); new_context->id_string_ = id; /* Register various listeners: - Make the new context hear events that universally affect contexts - connect events_below etc. properly */ /* We want to be the first ones to hear our own events. Therefore, wait before registering events_below_ */ new_context->event_source ()-> add_listener (new_context->GET_LISTENER (Context, create_context_from_event), ly_symbol2scm ("CreateContext")); new_context->event_source ()-> add_listener (new_context->GET_LISTENER (Context, remove_context), ly_symbol2scm ("RemoveContext")); new_context->event_source ()-> add_listener (new_context->GET_LISTENER (Context, change_parent), ly_symbol2scm ("ChangeParent")); new_context->event_source ()-> add_listener (new_context->GET_LISTENER (Context, set_property_from_event), ly_symbol2scm ("SetProperty")); new_context->event_source ()-> add_listener (new_context->GET_LISTENER (Context, unset_property_from_event), ly_symbol2scm ("UnsetProperty")); new_context->events_below_->register_as_listener (new_context->event_source_); add_context (new_context); new_context->unprotect (); Context_def *td = unsmob (new_context->definition_); /* This cannot move before add_context (), because \override operations require that we are in the hierarchy. */ td->apply_default_property_operations (new_context); apply_property_operations (new_context, ops); send_stream_event (this, "AnnounceNewContext", 0, ly_symbol2scm ("context"), new_context->self_scm (), ly_symbol2scm ("creator"), sev); } vector Context::path_to_acceptable_context (SCM name) const { // The 'accepts elements in definition_mods_ is a list of ('accepts string), // but the Context_def expects to see elements of the form ('accepts symbol). SCM accepts = SCM_EOL; for (SCM s = definition_mods_; scm_is_pair (s); s = scm_cdr (s)) if (scm_is_eq (scm_caar (s), ly_symbol2scm ("accepts"))) { SCM elt = scm_list_2 (scm_caar (s), scm_string_to_symbol (scm_cadar (s))); accepts = scm_cons (elt, accepts); } return unsmob (definition_)->path_to_acceptable_context (name, get_output_def (), scm_reverse_x (accepts, SCM_EOL)); } Context * Context::create_context (Context_def *cdef, const string &id, SCM ops) { infant_event_ = 0; /* TODO: This is fairly misplaced. We can fix this when we have taken out all iterator specific stuff from the Context class */ event_source_-> add_listener (GET_LISTENER (Context, acknowledge_infant), ly_symbol2scm ("AnnounceNewContext")); /* The CreateContext creates a new context, and sends an announcement of the new context through another event. That event will be stored in infant_event_ to create a return value. */ send_stream_event (this, "CreateContext", 0, ly_symbol2scm ("ops"), ops, ly_symbol2scm ("type"), cdef->get_context_name (), ly_symbol2scm ("id"), ly_string2scm (id)); event_source_-> remove_listener (GET_LISTENER (Context, acknowledge_infant), ly_symbol2scm ("AnnounceNewContext")); assert (infant_event_); SCM infant_scm = infant_event_->get_property ("context"); Context *infant = unsmob (infant_scm); if (!infant || infant->get_parent_context () != this) { programming_error ("create_context: can't locate newly created context"); return 0; } return infant; } /* Default child context as a SCM string, or something else if there is none. */ SCM Context::default_child_context_name () const { return default_child_; } bool Context::is_bottom_context () const { return !scm_is_symbol (default_child_context_name ()); } Context * Context::get_default_interpreter (const string &context_id) { if (!is_bottom_context ()) { SCM nm = default_child_context_name (); SCM st = find_context_def (get_output_def (), nm); string name = ly_symbol2string (nm); Context_def *t = unsmob (st); if (!t) { warning (_f ("cannot find or create: `%s'", name.c_str ())); t = unsmob (definition_); } if (scm_is_symbol (t->get_default_child (SCM_EOL))) { Context *tg = create_context (t, "\\new", SCM_EOL); return tg->get_default_interpreter (context_id); } return create_context (t, context_id, SCM_EOL); } else if (!context_id.empty () && context_id != id_string ()) { if (daddy_context_ && !dynamic_cast (daddy_context_)) return daddy_context_->get_default_interpreter (context_id); warning (_f ("cannot find or create new Bottom = \"%s\"", context_id.c_str ())); } return this; } /* PROPERTIES */ Context * Context::where_defined (SCM sym, SCM *value) const { #ifdef DEBUG if (profile_property_accesses) note_property_access (&context_property_lookup_table, sym); #endif if (properties_dict ()->try_retrieve (sym, value)) return (Context *)this; return (daddy_context_) ? daddy_context_->where_defined (sym, value) : 0; } /* Quick variant of where_defined. Checks only the context itself. */ bool Context::here_defined (SCM sym, SCM *value) const { #ifdef DEBUG if (profile_property_accesses) note_property_access (&context_property_lookup_table, sym); #endif return properties_dict ()->try_retrieve (sym, value); } /* return SCM_EOL when not found. */ SCM Context::internal_get_property (SCM sym) const { #ifdef DEBUG if (profile_property_accesses) note_property_access (&context_property_lookup_table, sym); #endif SCM val = SCM_EOL; if (properties_dict ()->try_retrieve (sym, &val)) return val; if (daddy_context_) return daddy_context_->internal_get_property (sym); return val; } /* Called by the send_stream_event macro. props is a 0-terminated array of properties and corresponding values, interleaved. This method should not be called from any other place than the send_stream_event macro. */ void Context::internal_send_stream_event (SCM type, Input *origin, SCM props[]) { Stream_event *e = new Stream_event (Lily::ly_make_event_class (type), origin); for (int i = 0; props[i]; i += 2) { e->set_property (props[i], props[i + 1]); } event_source_->broadcast (e); e->unprotect (); } bool Context::is_alias (SCM sym) const { if (scm_is_eq (sym, ly_symbol2scm ("Bottom"))) return is_bottom_context (); if (scm_is_eq (sym, context_name_symbol ())) return true; return scm_is_true (scm_c_memq (sym, aliases_)); } void Context::add_alias (SCM sym) { aliases_ = scm_cons (sym, aliases_); } /* we don't (yet) instrument context properties */ void Context::instrumented_set_property (SCM sym, SCM val, const char *, int, const char *) { internal_set_property (sym, val); } void Context::internal_set_property (SCM sym, SCM val) { bool type_check_ok = type_check_assignment (sym, val, ly_symbol2scm ("translation-type?")); if (do_internal_type_checking_global) assert (type_check_ok); if (type_check_ok) properties_dict ()->set (sym, val); } /* TODO: look up to check whether we have inherited var? */ void Context::unset_property (SCM sym) { properties_dict ()->remove (sym); } void Context::change_parent (SCM sev) { Stream_event *ev = unsmob (sev); Context *to = unsmob (ev->get_property ("context")); disconnect_from_parent (); to->add_context (this); } /* Die. The next GC sweep should take care of the actual death. */ void Context::remove_context (SCM) { /* ugh, the translator group should listen to RemoveContext events by itself */ Translator_group *impl = implementation (); if (impl) impl->disconnect_from_context (); disconnect_from_parent (); } void Context::disconnect_from_parent () { daddy_context_->events_below_->unregister_as_listener (events_below_); daddy_context_->context_list_ = scm_delq_x (self_scm (), daddy_context_->context_list_); daddy_context_ = 0; } Context * find_context_above (Context *where, SCM type) { while (where && !where->is_alias (type)) where = where->get_parent_context (); return where; } Context * find_context_above_by_parent_type (Context *where, SCM parent_type) { for (Context *child = 0; where; child = where, where = where->get_parent_context ()) if (where->is_alias (parent_type)) return child; return 0; } Context * find_context_below (Context *where, SCM type, const string &id) { if (where->is_alias (type)) { if (id == "" || where->id_string () == id) return where; } Context *found = 0; for (SCM s = where->children_contexts (); !found && scm_is_pair (s); s = scm_cdr (s)) { Context *tr = unsmob (scm_car (s)); found = find_context_below (tr, type, id); } return found; } Context * find_context_near (Context *where, SCM type, const string &id) { for ( ; where; where = where->get_parent_context ()) { Context *found = find_context_below (where, type, id); if (found) return found; } return 0; } Context * find_top_context (Context *where) { Context *top = where; for ( ; where; where = where->get_parent_context()) top = where; return top; } SCM Context::properties_as_alist () const { return properties_dict ()->to_alist (); } SCM Context::context_name_symbol () const { Context_def *td = unsmob (definition_); return td->get_context_name (); } string Context::context_name () const { return ly_symbol2string (context_name_symbol ()); } Context * Context::get_score_context () const { if (daddy_context_) return daddy_context_->get_score_context (); else return 0; } Output_def * Context::get_output_def () const { return daddy_context_ ? daddy_context_->get_output_def () : 0; } Context::~Context () { } Moment Context::now_mom () const { Context const *p = this; while (p->daddy_context_) p = p->daddy_context_; return p->now_mom (); } int Context::print_smob (SCM port, scm_print_state *) const { scm_puts ("#<", port); scm_puts (class_name (), port); if (Context_def *d = unsmob (definition_)) { scm_puts (" ", port); scm_display (d->get_context_name (), port); } if (!id_string_.empty ()) { scm_puts ("=", port); scm_puts (id_string_.c_str (), port); } scm_puts (" ", port); scm_display (context_list_, port); scm_puts (" >", port); return 1; } SCM Context::mark_smob () const { scm_gc_mark (context_list_); scm_gc_mark (aliases_); scm_gc_mark (definition_); scm_gc_mark (definition_mods_); scm_gc_mark (properties_scm_); scm_gc_mark (accepts_list_); scm_gc_mark (default_child_); if (implementation_) scm_gc_mark (implementation_->self_scm ()); if (event_source_) scm_gc_mark (event_source_->self_scm ()); if (events_below_) scm_gc_mark (events_below_->self_scm ()); return properties_scm_; } const char * const Context::type_p_name_ = "ly:context?"; Global_context * Context::get_global_context () const { if (dynamic_cast ((Context *) this)) return dynamic_cast ((Context *) this); if (daddy_context_) return daddy_context_->get_global_context (); programming_error ("no Global context"); return 0; } Context * Context::get_parent_context () const { return daddy_context_; } /* Ugh. Where to put this? */ Rational measure_length (Context const *context) { SCM l = context->get_property ("measureLength"); Rational length (1); if (unsmob (l)) length = unsmob (l)->main_part_; return length; } Moment measure_position (Context const *context) { SCM sm = context->get_property ("measurePosition"); Moment m = 0; if (unsmob (sm)) { m = *unsmob (sm); if (m.main_part_ < Rational (0)) { Rational length (measure_length (context)); while (m.main_part_ < Rational (0)) m.main_part_ += length; } } return m; } /* Finds the measure position after a note of length DUR that begins at the current measure position. */ Moment measure_position (Context const *context, Duration const *dur) { Moment pos = measure_position (context); Rational dur_length = dur ? dur->get_length () : Rational (0); Moment end_pos = pos.grace_part_ < Rational (0) ? Moment (pos.main_part_, pos.grace_part_ + dur_length) : Moment (pos.main_part_ + dur_length, 0); return end_pos; } int measure_number (Context const *context) { SCM barnum = context->get_property ("internalBarNumber"); SCM smp = context->get_property ("measurePosition"); int bn = robust_scm2int (barnum, 0); Moment mp = robust_scm2moment (smp, Moment (0)); if (mp.main_part_ < Rational (0)) bn--; return bn; } void set_context_property_on_children (Context *trans, SCM sym, SCM val) { trans->set_property (sym, ly_deep_copy (val)); for (SCM p = trans->children_contexts (); scm_is_pair (p); p = scm_cdr (p)) { Context *trg = unsmob (scm_car (p)); set_context_property_on_children (trg, sym, ly_deep_copy (val)); } } bool melisma_busy (Context *tr) { // When there are subcontexts, they are responsible for maintaining // melismata. SCM ch = tr->children_contexts (); if (scm_is_pair (ch)) { // all contexts need to have a busy melisma for this to evaluate // to true. do { if (!melisma_busy (unsmob (scm_car (ch)))) return false; ch = scm_cdr (ch); } while (scm_is_pair (ch)); return true; } for (SCM melisma_properties = tr->get_property ("melismaBusyProperties"); scm_is_pair (melisma_properties); melisma_properties = scm_cdr (melisma_properties)) if (to_boolean (tr->get_property (scm_car (melisma_properties)))) return true; return false; } bool check_repeat_count_visibility (Context const *context, SCM count) { SCM proc = context->get_property ("repeatCountVisibility"); return (ly_is_procedure (proc) && to_boolean (scm_call_2 (proc, count, context->self_scm ()))); }