/* This file is part of LilyPond, the GNU music typesetter. Copyright (C) 2000--2010 Han-Wen Nienhuys LilyPond is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LilyPond is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LilyPond. If not, see . */ /* TODO: should junk this class an replace by a single list of context modifications? */ #include "context-def.hh" #include "context.hh" #include "international.hh" #include "output-def.hh" #include "translator.hh" #include "warn.hh" Context_def::Context_def () { context_aliases_ = SCM_EOL; translator_group_type_ = SCM_EOL; accept_mods_ = SCM_EOL; translator_mods_ = SCM_EOL; property_ops_ = SCM_EOL; context_name_ = SCM_EOL; default_child_ = SCM_EOL; description_ = SCM_EOL; input_location_ = SCM_EOL; smobify_self (); input_location_ = make_input (Input ()); context_name_ = ly_symbol2scm (""); } Input * Context_def::origin () const { return unsmob_input (input_location_); } Context_def::Context_def (Context_def const &s) { context_aliases_ = SCM_EOL; translator_group_type_ = SCM_EOL; accept_mods_ = SCM_EOL; translator_mods_ = SCM_EOL; property_ops_ = SCM_EOL; context_name_ = SCM_EOL; description_ = SCM_EOL; default_child_ = SCM_EOL; input_location_ = SCM_EOL; smobify_self (); description_ = s.description_; input_location_ = make_input (*s.origin ()); default_child_ = s.default_child_; accept_mods_ = s.accept_mods_; property_ops_ = s.property_ops_; translator_mods_ = s.translator_mods_; context_aliases_ = s.context_aliases_; translator_group_type_ = s.translator_group_type_; context_name_ = s.context_name_; } Context_def::~Context_def () { } #include "ly-smobs.icc" IMPLEMENT_SMOBS (Context_def); IMPLEMENT_DEFAULT_EQUAL_P (Context_def); int Context_def::print_smob (SCM smob, SCM port, scm_print_state*) { Context_def *me = (Context_def *) SCM_CELL_WORD_1 (smob); scm_puts ("#context_name_, port); scm_puts (">", port); return 1; } SCM Context_def::mark_smob (SCM smob) { ASSERT_LIVE_IS_ALLOWED (); Context_def *me = (Context_def *) SCM_CELL_WORD_1 (smob); scm_gc_mark (me->description_); scm_gc_mark (me->context_aliases_); scm_gc_mark (me->accept_mods_); scm_gc_mark (me->translator_mods_); scm_gc_mark (me->property_ops_); scm_gc_mark (me->translator_group_type_); scm_gc_mark (me->default_child_); scm_gc_mark (me->input_location_); return me->context_name_; } void Context_def::add_context_mod (SCM mod) { SCM tag = scm_car (mod); if (ly_symbol2scm ("description") == tag) { description_ = scm_cadr (mod); return; } /* other modifiers take symbols as argument. */ SCM sym = scm_cadr (mod); if (scm_is_string (sym)) sym = scm_string_to_symbol (sym); if (ly_symbol2scm ("default-child") == tag) default_child_ = sym; else if (ly_symbol2scm ("consists") == tag || ly_symbol2scm ("remove") == tag) { translator_mods_ = scm_cons (scm_list_2 (tag, sym), translator_mods_); } else if (ly_symbol2scm ("accepts") == tag || ly_symbol2scm ("denies") == tag) accept_mods_ = scm_cons (scm_list_2 (tag, sym), accept_mods_); else if (ly_symbol2scm ("pop") == tag || ly_symbol2scm ("push") == tag || ly_symbol2scm ("assign") == tag || ly_symbol2scm ("unset") == tag) property_ops_ = scm_cons (mod, property_ops_); else if (ly_symbol2scm ("alias") == tag) context_aliases_ = scm_cons (sym, context_aliases_); else if (ly_symbol2scm ("translator-type") == tag) translator_group_type_ = sym; else if (ly_symbol2scm ("context-name") == tag) context_name_ = sym; else programming_error ("unknown context mod tag"); } SCM Context_def::get_accepted (SCM user_mod) const { SCM mods = scm_reverse_x (scm_list_copy (accept_mods_), user_mod); SCM acc = SCM_EOL; for (SCM s = mods; scm_is_pair (s); s = scm_cdr (s)) { SCM tag = scm_caar (s); SCM sym = scm_cadar (s); if (tag == ly_symbol2scm ("accepts")) acc = scm_cons (sym, acc); else if (tag == ly_symbol2scm ("denies")) acc = scm_delete_x (sym, acc); } SCM def = get_default_child (user_mod); if (scm_is_symbol (def)) { if (scm_memq (def, acc)) acc = scm_delete_x (def, acc); acc = scm_cons (def, acc); } return acc; } SCM Context_def::get_default_child (SCM user_mod) const { SCM name = default_child_; for (SCM s = user_mod; scm_is_pair (s); s = scm_cdr (s)) { SCM entry = scm_car (s); if (scm_car (entry) == ly_symbol2scm ("default-child")) { name = scm_cadr (entry); break; } } return name; } /* Given a name of a context that we want to create, finds a list of context definitions such that: - the first element in the list defines a context that is a valid child of the context defined by this Context_def - each subsequent element in the list defines a context that is a valid child of the context defined by the preceding element in the list - the last element in the list defines a context with the given name The ADDITIONAL_ACCEPTS parameter is a list of additional contexts that this specific context def (but not any of the child context defs) should accept. */ vector Context_def::path_to_acceptable_context (SCM type_sym, Output_def *odef, SCM additional_accepts) const { set seen; return internal_path_to_acceptable_context (type_sym, odef, additional_accepts, &seen); } /* The SEEN parameter is a set which keeps track of visited contexts, allowing contexts of the same type to be nested. */ vector Context_def::internal_path_to_acceptable_context (SCM type_sym, Output_def *odef, SCM additional_accepts, set *seen) const { assert (scm_is_symbol (type_sym)); SCM accepted = get_accepted (additional_accepts); vector accepteds; for (SCM s = accepted; scm_is_pair (s); s = scm_cdr (s)) if (Context_def *t = unsmob_context_def (find_context_def (odef, scm_car (s)))) accepteds.push_back (t); vector best_result; for (vsize i = 0; i < accepteds.size (); i++) { /* do not check aliases, because \context Staff should not create RhythmicStaff. */ if (ly_is_equal (accepteds[i]->get_context_name (), type_sym)) { best_result.push_back (accepteds[i]); return best_result; } } seen->insert (this); vsize best_depth = INT_MAX; for (vsize i = 0; i < accepteds.size (); i++) { Context_def *g = accepteds[i]; if (!seen->count (g)) { vector result = g->internal_path_to_acceptable_context (type_sym, odef, SCM_EOL, seen); if (result.size () && result.size () < best_depth) { best_depth = result.size (); result.insert (result.begin (), g); best_result = result; } } } seen->erase (this); return best_result; } SCM Context_def::get_translator_names (SCM user_mod) const { SCM l1 = SCM_EOL; SCM mods = scm_reverse_x (scm_list_copy (translator_mods_), user_mod); for (SCM s = mods; scm_is_pair (s); s = scm_cdr (s)) { SCM tag = scm_caar (s); SCM arg = scm_cadar (s); if (scm_is_string (arg)) arg = scm_string_to_symbol (arg); if (ly_symbol2scm ("consists") == tag) l1 = scm_cons (arg, l1); else if (ly_symbol2scm ("remove") == tag && get_translator (arg)) l1 = scm_delete_x (arg, l1); } return l1; } Context * Context_def::instantiate (SCM ops) { Context *context = new Context (); context->definition_ = self_scm (); context->definition_mods_ = ops; context->aliases_ = context_aliases_; context->accepts_list_ = get_accepted (ops); return context; } SCM Context_def::make_scm () { Context_def *t = new Context_def; return t->unprotect (); } void Context_def::apply_default_property_operations (Context *tg) { apply_property_operations (tg, property_ops_); } SCM Context_def::to_alist () const { SCM ell = SCM_EOL; ell = scm_cons (scm_cons (ly_symbol2scm ("consists"), get_translator_names (SCM_EOL)), ell); ell = scm_cons (scm_cons (ly_symbol2scm ("description"), description_), ell); ell = scm_cons (scm_cons (ly_symbol2scm ("aliases"), context_aliases_), ell); ell = scm_cons (scm_cons (ly_symbol2scm ("accepts"), get_accepted (SCM_EOL)), ell); ell = scm_cons (scm_cons (ly_symbol2scm ("property-ops"), property_ops_), ell); ell = scm_cons (scm_cons (ly_symbol2scm ("context-name"), context_name_), ell); if (scm_is_symbol (translator_group_type_)) ell = scm_cons (scm_cons (ly_symbol2scm ("group-type"), translator_group_type_), ell); return ell; }