/* This file is part of LilyPond, the GNU music typesetter. Copyright (C) 1997--2015 Han-Wen Nienhuys LilyPond is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LilyPond is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LilyPond. If not, see . */ #include using namespace std; #include "dot-column.hh" #include "dots.hh" #include "duration.hh" #include "global-context.hh" #include "item.hh" #include "output-def.hh" #include "pitch.hh" #include "rhythmic-head.hh" #include "score-engraver.hh" #include "spanner.hh" #include "staff-symbol-referencer.hh" #include "stream-event.hh" #include "tie.hh" #include "tie-column.hh" #include "warn.hh" #include "misc.hh" #include "translator.icc" /* How does this work? When we catch the note, we predict the end of the note. We keep the events living until we reach the predicted end-time. Every time process_music () is called and there are note events, we figure out how long the note to typeset should be. It should be no longer than what's specified, than what is left to do and it should not cross barlines or sub-bar units. We copy the events into scratch note events, to make sure that we get all durations exactly right. */ class Completion_heads_engraver : public Engraver { vector notes_; vector prev_notes_; // Must remember notes for explicit ties. vector ties_; vector note_events_; Spanner *tie_column_; Moment note_end_mom_; bool is_first_; Rational left_to_do_; Rational do_nothing_until_; Rational factor_; Moment next_moment (Rational const &); Item *make_note_head (Stream_event *); public: TRANSLATOR_DECLARATIONS (Completion_heads_engraver); protected: virtual void initialize (); void make_tie (Grob *, Grob *); void start_translation_timestep (); void process_music (); void stop_translation_timestep (); void listen_note (Stream_event *); }; void Completion_heads_engraver::initialize () { is_first_ = false; } void Completion_heads_engraver::listen_note (Stream_event *ev) { note_events_.push_back (ev); is_first_ = true; Moment now = now_mom (); Moment musiclen = get_event_length (ev, now); note_end_mom_ = max (note_end_mom_, (now + musiclen)); do_nothing_until_ = Rational (0, 0); } /* The duration _until_ the next bar line or completion unit */ Moment Completion_heads_engraver::next_moment (Rational const ¬e_len) { Moment *e = unsmob (get_property ("measurePosition")); Moment *l = unsmob (get_property ("measureLength")); if (!e || !l || !to_boolean (get_property ("timing"))) { return Moment (0, 0); } Moment result = *l - *e; if (result < 0) { programming_error ("invalid measure position: " + e->to_string () + " of " + l->to_string ()); return 0; } Moment const *unit = unsmob (get_property ("completionUnit")); if (unit) { Rational const now_unit = e->main_part_ / unit->main_part_; if (now_unit.den () > 1) { /* within a unit - go to the end of that */ result = unit->main_part_ * (Rational (1) - (now_unit - now_unit.trunc_rat ())); } else { /* at the beginning of a unit: take a power-of-two number of units, but not more than required, since then the Duration constructor destroys the unit structure */ if (note_len < result.main_part_) result.main_part_ = note_len; Rational const step_unit = result.main_part_ / unit->main_part_; if (step_unit.den () < step_unit.num ()) { int const log2 = intlog2 (int (step_unit.num () / step_unit.den ())); result.main_part_ = unit->main_part_ * Rational (1 << log2); } } } return result; } Item * Completion_heads_engraver::make_note_head (Stream_event *ev) { Item *note = make_item ("NoteHead", ev->self_scm ()); Pitch *pit = unsmob (ev->get_property ("pitch")); int pos = pit ? pit->steps () : 0; SCM c0 = get_property ("middleCPosition"); if (scm_is_number (c0)) pos += scm_to_int (c0); note->set_property ("staff-position", scm_from_int (pos)); return note; } void Completion_heads_engraver::process_music () { if (!is_first_ && !left_to_do_) return; is_first_ = false; Moment now = now_mom (); if (do_nothing_until_ > now.main_part_) return; Duration note_dur; Duration *orig = 0; if (left_to_do_) { /* note that note_dur may be strictly less than left_to_do_ (say, if left_to_do_ == 5/8) */ note_dur = Duration (left_to_do_ / factor_, false).compressed (factor_); } else { orig = unsmob (note_events_[0]->get_property ("duration")); note_dur = *orig; SCM factor = get_property ("completionFactor"); if (ly_is_procedure (factor)) factor = scm_call_2 (factor, context ()->self_scm (), note_dur.smobbed_copy ()); factor_ = robust_scm2rational (factor, note_dur.factor ()); left_to_do_ = orig->get_length (); } Moment nb = next_moment (note_dur.get_length ()); if (nb.main_part_ && nb < note_dur.get_length ()) { note_dur = Duration (nb.main_part_ / factor_, false).compressed (factor_); } do_nothing_until_ = now.main_part_ + note_dur.get_length (); for (vsize i = 0; left_to_do_ && i < note_events_.size (); i++) { bool need_clone = !orig || *orig != note_dur; Stream_event *event = note_events_[i]; if (need_clone) event = event->clone (); SCM pits = note_events_[i]->get_property ("pitch"); event->set_property ("pitch", pits); event->set_property ("duration", note_dur.smobbed_copy ()); event->set_property ("length", Moment (note_dur.get_length ()).smobbed_copy ()); event->set_property ("duration-log", scm_from_int (note_dur.duration_log ())); /* The Completion_heads_engraver splits an event into a group of consecutive events. For each event in the group, the property "autosplit-end" denotes whether the current event was truncated during splitting. Based on "autosplit-end", the Tie_engraver decides whether a tie event should be processed. */ event->set_property ("autosplit-end", ly_bool2scm (left_to_do_ - note_dur.get_length () > Rational (0))); Item *note = make_note_head (event); if (need_clone) event->unprotect (); notes_.push_back (note); } if (prev_notes_.size () == notes_.size ()) { for (vsize i = 0; i < notes_.size (); i++) make_tie (prev_notes_[i], notes_[i]); } if (ties_.size () && !tie_column_) tie_column_ = make_spanner ("TieColumn", ties_[0]->self_scm ()); if (tie_column_) for (vsize i = ties_.size (); i--;) Tie_column::add_tie (tie_column_, ties_[i]); left_to_do_ -= note_dur.get_length (); if (left_to_do_) get_global_context ()->add_moment_to_process (now.main_part_ + note_dur.get_length ()); /* don't do complicated arithmetic with grace notes. */ if (orig && now_mom ().grace_part_) left_to_do_ = Rational (0, 0); } void Completion_heads_engraver::make_tie (Grob *left, Grob *right) { Spanner *p = make_spanner ("Tie", SCM_EOL); Tie::set_head (p, LEFT, left); Tie::set_head (p, RIGHT, right); announce_end_grob (p, SCM_EOL); ties_.push_back (p); } void Completion_heads_engraver::stop_translation_timestep () { ties_.clear (); tie_column_ = 0; if (notes_.size ()) prev_notes_ = notes_; notes_.clear (); } void Completion_heads_engraver::start_translation_timestep () { Moment now = now_mom (); if (note_end_mom_.main_part_ <= now.main_part_) { note_events_.clear (); prev_notes_.clear (); } context ()->set_property ("completionBusy", ly_bool2scm (note_events_.size ())); } Completion_heads_engraver::Completion_heads_engraver () { tie_column_ = 0; } void Completion_heads_engraver::boot () { ADD_LISTENER (Completion_heads_engraver, note); } ADD_TRANSLATOR (Completion_heads_engraver, /* doc */ "This engraver replaces @code{Note_heads_engraver}. It plays" " some trickery to break long notes and automatically tie them" " into the next measure.", /* create */ "NoteHead " "Tie " "TieColumn ", /* read */ "completionFactor " "completionUnit " "measureLength " "measurePosition " "middleCPosition " "timing ", /* write */ "completionBusy " );