/* box.cc -- implement Box source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter (c) 1996--2000 Han-Wen Nienhuys */ #include "box.hh" #include "array.hh" void Box::translate (Offset o) { for (Axis i=X_AXIS; i < NO_AXES; incr(i)) interval_a_[i] += o[i]; } void Box::unite (Box b) { for (Axis i=X_AXIS; i < NO_AXES; incr(i)) interval_a_[i].unite (b[i]); } /** Initialize to empty. */ Box::Box() { } void Box::set_empty () { interval_a_[X_AXIS].set_empty (); interval_a_[Y_AXIS].set_empty (); } Box::Box (Interval ix, Interval iy) { x() = ix; y() = iy; } Interval & Box::operator[] (Axis a) { return interval_a_[a]; } Interval Box::operator[] (Axis a)const { return interval_a_[a]; }