\version "2.12.0" %% Edit this file using a Unicode aware editor, such as GVIM, GEDIT, Emacs %{ You may have to install additional fonts. Red Hat Fedora taipeifonts fonts-xorg-truetype ttfonts-ja fonts-arabic \ ttfonts-zh_CN fonts-ja fonts-hebrew Debian GNU/Linux apt-get install emacs-intl-fonts xfonts-intl-.* \ ttf-kochi-gothic ttf-kochi-mincho \ xfonts-bolkhov-75dpi xfonts-cronyx-100dpi xfonts-cronyx-75dpi %} \header { texidoc = "Various scripts may be used for texts (like titles and lyrics) introduced by entering them in UTF-8 encoding, and using a Pango based backend. Depending on the fonts installed, this fragment will render Bulgarian (Cyrillic), Hebrew, Japanese and Portuguese. " } % Cyrillic font bulgarian = \lyricmode { Жълтата дюля беше щастлива, че пухът, който цъфна, замръзна като гьон. } hebrew = \lyricmode { זה כיף סתם לשמוע איך תנצח קרפד עץ טוב בגן. } japanese = \lyricmode { いろはにほへど ちりぬるを わがよたれぞ つねならむ うゐのおくや まけふこえて あさきゆめみじ ゑひもせず } % "a legal song to you" portuguese = \lyricmode { à vo -- cê uma can -- ção legal } \paper { ragged-right = ##T } \relative c' { c2 d e f g f e } \addlyrics { \bulgarian } \addlyrics { \hebrew } \addlyrics { \japanese } \addlyrics { \portuguese }