\version "2.13.4" \header{ texidoc = "In tablature, notes that are tied to are invisible except after a line break or within a second volta; here, the fret number is displayed in parentheses. As an option, the notes that are tied to may become invisible completely, even after line breaks." } firstpart = \relative c { f2 ~ f4 e g8 g ~ g g ~ g g~ g g ~ g1 } secondpart = \relative c' { c1 ~ \break c2 ~ c } thirdpart = \relative c' { \repeat volta 2 { < c\3 e\2 g\1 >4 < c\3 e\2 g\1 > ~ < c\3 e\2 g\1 >\laissezVibrer r c4. d8 e2 ~ } \alternative { { e2 r } { e2\repeatTie e2^\fermata } } } \context StaffGroup << \context Staff { \clef "G_8" \override Voice.StringNumber #'transparent = ##t % remove circled string numbers \firstpart \secondpart \thirdpart } \context TabStaff { \firstpart \secondpart \thirdpart } >> \context StaffGroup << \context Staff { \clef "G_8" \override Voice.StringNumber #'transparent = ##t % remove circled string numbers \firstpart \secondpart \thirdpart \secondpart \thirdpart } \context TabStaff { \hideSplitTiedTabNotes \firstpart \secondpart \thirdpart \showSplitTiedTabNotes \secondpart \thirdpart } >>