\header { texidoc ="Overrides for the part-combiner. All functions like @code{\partcombineApart} and @code{\partcombineApartOnce} are internally implemented using a dedicated @code{PartCombineForceEvent}. " } \layout { ragged-right = ##t } \version "2.13.36" mI = \relative c' { e4 e c2 | \partcombineApart c^"apart" e | e e | \partcombineChords e'^"chord" e | \partcombineAutomatic c c\> | \partcombineUnisono c^"unisono" c | \partcombineAutomatic c\! c^"V1 longer" | } mII = \relative c' { c4 c c2 | c c | \partcombineAutomatic e^"auto" e | a, c | c c' | c c | c } \score { \new Staff \partcombine \mI \mII }