\version "2.13.4" \header{ texidoc = "The palm mute technique for stringed instruments is supported by triangle-shaped note heads." } palmmute = \relative c, { \time 4/4 \palmMuteOn e8^\markup { \musicglyph #"noteheads.u2do" = palm mute } e e \palmMuteOff e e \palmMute e e e | e8 \palmMute { e e e } e e e e | \palmMuteOn < e b' e >8 e e e < e b' e >2 \palmMuteOff | < \palmMute e b' e >8 \palmMute { e e e } < \palmMute e b' e >2 \bar "|." } \context StaffGroup << \context Staff { \context Voice { % Warning: explicit Voice instantiation is % required to have palmMuteOff work properly % when palmMuteOn comes at the beginning of % the piece. \clef "G_8" \palmmute } } \context TabStaff << \palmmute >> >>