\version "2.12.0" \header { texidoc = "By default, we start with page 1, which is on the right hand side of a double page. In this example, auto-first-page-number is set to ##t. Although the first measure could go on a page by itself, this would require stretching the first page badly, so we should automatically set the first page number to 2 in order to avoid a bad page turn." } \paper { page-breaking = #ly:page-turn-breaking auto-first-page-number = ##t print-first-page-number = ##t } #(set-default-paper-size "a6") \layout { \context { \Staff \consists "Page_turn_engraver" } } \book { \score { { a b c d R1 \repeat unfold 30 {a4 b c d} } } }