\version "2.19.21" \header { texidoc = "The @code{\\offset} command may be used to displace various properties from the default settings contained in grob descriptions. Settings which may be offset are limited to those of type @code{number}, @code{number-pair}, or @code{number-pair-list}. Most of the following examples begin with the grob in its default appearance. The command is demonstrated as a tweak and as an override." } \layout { ragged-right = ##t indent = 0 } \relative { %% ARPEGGIO %% % default 1\arpeggio 1-\offset positions #'(-1 . 1) \arpeggio \bar "||" %% BREATHING SIGN %% % default c1 \breathe c1 \once \offset Y-offset 1 BreathingSign \breathe \bar "||" %% DYNAMICS %% % default c1\f \once \offset X-offset #-1 DynamicText c1\f % DynamicLineSpanner \once \offset padding 1 DynamicLineSpanner c1\f \bar "||" %% BEAMS %% % default c'8 d e f \once \offset positions #'(-1 . -1) Voice.Beam c8 d e f % same effect as an offset of '(-2 . -2) \once \offset positions #-2 Beam c8 d e f \override Beam.breakable = ##t c8-\offset positions #'((-1 . -3) (-3 . -1)) [ d e f \break g8 f e d] c-\offset beam-thickness 0.48 [ d e f] \bar "||" %% TEXT SPANNERS %% c4\startTextSpan d e f\stopTextSpan \once \offset dash-fraction #'(0.1 0.3) TextSpanner \once \offset staff-padding #'(1.0 2.0) TextSpanner c4\startTextSpan d e f \break c4 d e f\stopTextSpan \bar "||" %% SLURS %% % this duplicates the effect of the \shape command \offset control-points #'( ((0 . 0) (0 . 1) (0 . 2) (0 . 1)) ((1 . 0) (0 . 4) (0 . 4) (0 . 0)) ) Slur c4-\offset line-thickness #'(0 10) ( d e f \break c4 d e f) \bar "||" %% ACCIDENTAL, STEM %% % this illustrates use of \offset as a directed tweak cis2 \offset AccidentalPlacement.right-padding 0.5 \offset Stem.thickness 4.0 cis!2 }