\header{ title = "Konzert Nr. 3 Es dur" subtitle = "für Horn und Orchester" composer = "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)" enteredby = "HWN" opus = "KV 447" copyright = "public domain" instrument = "Horn in F" editor = "Henri Kling" mutopiatitle = "Horn Concerto 3" mutopiacomposer = "W.A.Mozart" mutopiaopus = "KV447" style = "classical" maintainer = "hanwen@xs4all.nl" maintainerEmail = "hanwen@xs4all.nl" maintainerWeb = "http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen/" lastupdated = "2002/May/21" source = "Edition Breitkopf 2563" footer = "Mutopia-2002/05/21-25" tagline = \markup { \smaller \column { \fill-line { \footer "" } \fill-line { { "This music is part of the Mutopia project," \typewriter { "http://mutopiaproject.org/" } } } \fill-line { #(ly:export (string-append "It has been typeset and placed in the public " "domain by " maintainer ".")) } \fill-line { #(ly:export (string-append "Unrestricted modification and redistribution" " is permitted and encouraged---copy this music" " and share it!")) } } } texidoc=" This is the Mozart 3 for horn. It's from an Edition Breitkopf EB 2563, edited by Henri Kling. Henri Kling (1842-1918) was a horn virtuoso that taught in Geneva. " } \version "2.13.46" \include "mozart-hrn3-defs.ily" \include "mozart-hrn3-allegro.ily" \include "mozart-hrn3-romanze.ily" \include "mozart-hrn3-rondo.ily" \paper { obsolete-between-system-space = 20 \mm system-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #(/ obsolete-between-system-space staff-space) score-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #(/ obsolete-between-system-space staff-space) } \book { \score { { \transpose c' bes \allegro } \layout { } \header { piece = "Allegro" opus = "" } \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 90 4) } } } \score { { \transpose c' bes \romanze } \header { piece = "Romanze" opus = "" } \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 70 4) } } \layout {} } \score { { \transpose c' bes \rondo } \header { piece = "Rondo" opus = "" } \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 100 4) } } \layout { } } } %% Local Variables: %% coding: utf-8 %% End: