\version "2.13.52" \header { texidoc = "\modalTranspose, \retrograde, \inversion and \modalInversion work for an octatonic motif." } cOctatonicScale = { c' d' ees' f' ges' aes' a' b' } motif = { c'8. ees'16 ges'8. a'16 b'8. aes'16 f'8. d'16 } \score { \new Staff { \time 4/4 << { \motif \modalTranspose c' f' \cOctatonicScale \motif \retrograde \motif \modalInversion aes' b' \cOctatonicScale \motif \inversion aes' b' \motif } { s1-"Octatonic motif" | s1-"motif transposed from c to f" | s1-"motif in retrograde" | s1-"motif inverted around aes to b" | s1-"motif inverted exactly" } >> } }