\version "2.13.29" \header { composer = "ARTHUR GRAY" title = "LES NÉRÉIDES" subtitle = "THE NEREIDS" enteredby = "JCN" piece = "Allegretto scherzando" copyright = "public domain" texidoc="Highly tweaked example of lilypond output" } %{ Nastiest piece of competition at http://www.orphee.com/comparison/study.html, see http://www.orphee.com/comparison/gray.pdf Lines that contain tweaks (10 currently, not counting reverts) are marked with %tweak possibly more impressive to render without tweaks? grep -v tweak input/les-nereides.ly >> lnnt.ly lilypond lnnt.ly %} treble = \new Voice \relative c''{ \key a \major r2 | %2 \stemUp r4 \arpeggio r2 | %3 r4 \arpeggio r8. \change Staff=bass cis,16^2(^\markup {\small \italic "m.d." }\sustainOff 8 | %4 4)\sustainOn \change Staff=treble \slurUp \set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t \ottava #1 \tieUp cis''''4^\markup { \small \italic "m.g." }\arpeggio~ \grace { cis8 \revert Stem #'direction a16[-5_( fis dis] \ottava #0 cis32[ a-1 fis-4 dis] cis[ a fis)-2] % the small grace in lower staff comes after us s32 } \stemUp cis'4( bis) | %5 r8 8(\mf % \fingerUp \override Fingering #'direction = #UP e)-1-4-5 r | %6 r 8(\mf e) r | %7 \bar "||" } trebleTwo = \new Voice \relative c''{ \stemDown \slurDown % \fingerDown \override Fingering #'direction = #DOWN s2 | %1 s1*2 | %4 s4 4\arpeggio 2 | %5 s8 cis4. d4 % fair to count as one tweak? \override Fingering #'add-stem-support = ##t %tweak \override Fingering #'padding = #0.15 \override Fingering #'slur-padding = #0.1 8[( | %6 )] cis'4. d4 8[( | %7 )] } bass = \new Voice \relative c{ \partial 2 \key a \major \slurDown \dynamicUp r8. e,16(\f_2 8[ ] | %2 %\override Staff.SustainPedalLineSpanner #'staff-padding = #5 %tweak 4\sustainOn \change Staff=treble \stemDown 4)\arpeggio \change Staff=bass \stemNeutral r8. cis,,16(\sustainOff 8 | %3 4\sustainOn \change Staff=treble \stemNeutral \stemDown )\arpeggio \change Staff=bass \stemNeutral r2 | %4 \stemDown 4 \clef treble \stemNeutral << %urg: staff-change: ! on dis \arpeggio >> \grace { \override Stem #'stroke-style = #"grace" s8 s16 s s s32 s s s s s \clef bass 32(\sustainOff\sustainOn \revert Stem #'stroke-style } 2) | %5 \slurUp % \fingerDown \override Fingering #'direction = #DOWN %\override Staff.SustainPedalLineSpanner #'staff-padding = #3.5 %tweak \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'mixed %%a,8 e'[-5(]) a,8\sustainOn e'[-5(])-2-3 %%r b,-5 4 r b,-5\sustainOff\sustainOn 4-3-5 \slurNeutral e,8[-5(\sustainOff | %6 a)-2]\sustainOn \slurUp e'[()] r b,\sustainOff\sustainOn 4 \slurNeutral e,8[(\sustainOff | %7 a)] } bassTwo = \new Voice \relative c{ \skip 2 \skip 1*2 \skip 2 \stemUp \slurUp cis'4( bis) } middleDynamics = { %\override Dynamics.TextScript #'padding = #-1 %tweak s2 s1*2 | %4 s2 \grace { s8 s16 s s s32 s s\> s s32 s s\! s } \textLengthOn s32 s-"rall." s s s8 s4 \textLengthOff | %5 s2-"a tempo" s8 s \> s s | %6 s8\! s2 s8 s\> s | %7 s8\! } theScore = \score{ \context PianoStaff << \new Staff = "treble" << \set beamExceptions = #'((end . (((1 . 8) . (2 2 2 2)) ((1 . 32) . (4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4))))) \treble \trebleTwo >> \new Dynamics << \middleDynamics >> \new Staff = "bass" << \clef bass \bass \bassTwo >> >> \layout { \context { \Score pedalSustainStrings = #'("Ped." "*Ped." "*") \remove Bar_number_engraver } } } \book{ \score { \theScore } } %%% Local variables: %%% coding: utf-8 %%% LilyPond-indent-level:2 %%% End: