\version "2.10.0" \header{ texidoc=" Between notes, there may be simple glissando lines. Here, the first two glissandi are not consecutive. The engraver does no time-keeping, so it involves some trickery to get << @{ s8 s8 s4 @} @{ c4 \\gliss d4 @} >> working correctly. " } \layout{ line-width = 50.\mm indent = 0 } \new Staff \relative c''{ \override Glissando #'breakable = ##t %% gliss non gliss and c4 \glissando d e \glissando f \glissando \break %% consecutive c \glissando d, \glissando e' << { \stemUp e8 \glissando g8 } \context Voice = VB {\stemDown \repeat unfold 4 d16 } >> \override Glissando #'style = #'zigzag c4 \glissando c,, \glissando c' \glissando d }