\version "2.12.0" \header { texidoc=" Fret diagrams can be presented in landscape mode. " } \layout { ragged-right = ##t } << \chords { c1 | c1 | c1 | c1 } \new Voice { \textLengthOn \override TextScript #'fret-diagram-details #'orientation = #'landscape %% C major for guitar, regular style c'1 ^\markup { \fret-diagram #"6-x;5-3-3;4-2-2;3-o;2-1;1-o;"} %% C major for guitar with barre on fret 3, regular style \once \override TextScript #'fret-diagram-details #'label-dir = #LEFT \once \override TextScript #'fret-diagram-details #'barre-type = #'straight c' ^\markup { \fret-diagram #"f:1;s:1.2;6-x;c:5-1-3;5-3-1;4-5-2;3-5-3;2-5-4;1-3-1;"} %% C major for guitar with two barres, regular style c' ^\markup { \fret-diagram #"f:2;h:5;6-x;c:5-1-3;5-3-1;c:4-2-5;4-5-4;3-5-4;2-5-4;1-3-1;"} %% C major for guitar, with capo c' ^\markup { \fret-diagram-verbose #'((mute 6) (capo 3) (place-fret 4 5 1) (place-fret 3 5 2) (place-fret 2 5 3))} } >>