\version "2.12.0" \header { texidoc = "Straight flag styles." } % test notes, which will be shown in different styles: testnotes = { \autoBeamOff c'8 d'16 c'32 d'64 \acciaccatura {c'8} d'64 c''8 d''16 c''32 d''64 \acciaccatura {\stemDown c''8 \stemNeutral} d''64 } { \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT \time 2/4 \mark "modern straight" \override Stem #'flag = #modern-straight-flag \testnotes \mark "old straight (large angles)" \override Stem #'flag = #old-straight-flag \testnotes % % \mark "custom slant" % % Custom straight flag. The parameters are: % % flag thickness and spacing % % up-flag angle and length % % down-flag angle and length % \override Stem #'flag = #(straight-flag 0.35 0.8 -5 0.5 60 2.0) % \testnotes }