\version "2.12.0" \header { texidoc = " Figured bass is created by the FiguredBass context which responds to figured bass events and rest events. You must enter these using the special @code{\\figuremode @{ @}} mode, which allows you to type numbers, like @code{<4 6+>} and add slashes, backslashes and pluses. You can also enter markup strings. The vertical alignment may also be tuned. " } \paper { ragged-right = ##t } << \context Voice { \clef bass c 4 c c c c c g8 } \figures { <3 [5 7]> <3\+ [5/] 7/ [9 11]> <3+ 5- 7!> <3 _! 5 _- 7> <3 _ 5 _ 7> <3 6/ > <3 6\\ > <"V7" ["bla" 6] \markup{ \musicglyph #"rests.2"} > \once \override BassFigureAlignment #'stacking-dir = #UP <3 [5 7]> } >>