\version "2.12.0" \header{ texidoc=" In addition to normal collision rules, there is support for polyphony, where the collisions are avoided by shifting middle voices horizontally. " } twovoice = \relative c' \context Staff << { g4 f f e e d d c } \\ { c4 c d d e e f f } >> twovoicechords = \context Staff << \relative c' { e4 d c b a g f }\\ \relative c' { 4 4 4 4 } >> threevoice = \context Staff << { g4 f e f g a g2 } \\ { c4 d e d c d es } \\ { e4 e e e e e e e } >> hairyChord = \context Staff \relative c'' << e \\ fis, \\ cis' \\ \\ ais >> { \transpose c c' { \twovoice \twovoicechords \threevoice } \hairyChord }