\version "2.13.45" \header { texidoc = "Octavation signs may be added to clefs. By default, their break-visibility is derived from the associated clef, but it may be overridden explicitly. The initial treble_8 clef should not have an 8, while the treble_8 clef after the tenor clef should. These settings also need to apply to clefs on new lines." } \layout { ragged-right = ##t } \relative c' { \override Staff.OctavateEight #'break-visibility = #all-invisible \clef "treble_8" c2 c | c c | \break c \clef "tenor" c | \revert Staff.OctavateEight #'break-visibility \clef "treble_8" c2 c | c c | \break c c }