\version "2.12.0" \header{ texidoc=" Breathing signs are available in different tastes: commas (default), ticks, vees and `railroad tracks' (caesura)." } { %% Modern notation: \new Staff { \relative c'' { %% by default, \breathe uses the rcomma, just as if saying: %% \override BreathingSign #'text = %% #(make-musicglyph-markup "scripts.rcomma") %% c4 c \breathe c c | %% rvarcomma and lvarcomma are variations of the default rcomma %% and lcomma %% \override Staff.BreathingSign #'text = #(make-musicglyph-markup "scripts.rvarcomma") c4 c \breathe c c | %% wedge %% \override BreathingSign #'text = #(make-musicglyph-markup "scripts.upbow") c4 c \breathe c c | %% caesurae %% \override BreathingSign #'text = #(make-musicglyph-markup "scripts.caesura.curved") c4 c \breathe c c | \override BreathingSign #'text = #(make-musicglyph-markup "scripts.caesura.straight") c4 c \breathe c c | } } }