\version "2.13.55" \header { texidoc = "Feathered beams should have the same progress of their feathering at the end of a line break as they do at the beginning of the next line." } \paper { left-margin = 2\cm line-width = 10\cm ragged-right = ##t indent = 0\cm } \new Staff << \relative c' { \cadenzaOn \override Staff . TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \override Voice . Beam #'breakable = ##t \once \override Voice . Beam #'grow-direction = #RIGHT a32[ b c d e f g a ] \once \override Voice . Beam #'grow-direction = #LEFT a[ g f e d c b a] \bar "|" } >> \new Staff << \relative c' { \cadenzaOn \override Staff . TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \override Voice . Beam #'breakable = ##t \once \override Voice . Beam #'grow-direction = #RIGHT a32[ b c d \bar "" \break e f g a b c d e f g a ] \bar "|" } >> \new Staff << \relative c' { \cadenzaOn \override Staff . TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \override Voice . Beam #'breakable = ##t \once \override Voice . Beam #'grow-direction = #RIGHT a32[ b c d e f g a \bar "" \break b c d e f g a ] \bar "|" } >> \new Staff << \relative c' { \cadenzaOn \override Staff . TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \override Voice . Beam #'breakable = ##t \once \override Voice . Beam #'grow-direction = #RIGHT a32[ b c d e f g a b c d \bar "" \break e f g a ] \bar "|" } >> \new Staff << \relative c' { \cadenzaOn \override Staff . TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \override Voice . Beam #'breakable = ##t \once \override Voice . Beam #'grow-direction = #LEFT a32[ b c d \bar "" \break e f g a b c d e f g a ] \bar "|" } >> \new Staff << \relative c' { \cadenzaOn \override Staff . TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \override Voice . Beam #'breakable = ##t \once \override Voice . Beam #'grow-direction = #LEFT a32[ b c d e f g a \bar "" \break b c d e f g a ] \bar "|" } >> \new Staff << \relative c' { \cadenzaOn \override Staff . TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \override Voice . Beam #'breakable = ##t \once \override Voice . Beam #'grow-direction = #LEFT a32[ b c d e f g a b c d \bar "" \break e f g a ] \bar "|" } >> \new Staff << \relative c' { \cadenzaOn \override Staff . TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \override Voice . Stem #'direction = #DOWN \override Voice . Beam #'breakable = ##t \once \override Voice . Beam #'grow-direction = #RIGHT a32[ b c d \bar "" \break e f g a b c d e f g a ] \bar "|" } >> \new Staff << \relative c' { \cadenzaOn \override Staff . TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \override Voice . Stem #'direction = #DOWN \override Voice . Beam #'breakable = ##t \once \override Voice . Beam #'grow-direction = #RIGHT a32[ b c d e f g a \bar "" \break b c d e f g a ] \bar "|" } >> \new Staff << \relative c' { \cadenzaOn \override Staff . TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \override Voice . Stem #'direction = #DOWN \override Voice . Beam #'breakable = ##t \once \override Voice . Beam #'grow-direction = #RIGHT a32[ b c d e f g a b c d \bar "" \break e f g a ] \bar "|" } >> \new Staff << \relative c' { \cadenzaOn \override Staff . TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \override Voice . Stem #'direction = #DOWN \override Voice . Beam #'breakable = ##t \once \override Voice . Beam #'grow-direction = #LEFT a32[ b c d \bar "" \break e f g a b c d e f g a ] \bar "|" } >> \new Staff << \relative c' { \cadenzaOn \override Staff . TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \override Voice . Stem #'direction = #DOWN \override Voice . Beam #'breakable = ##t \once \override Voice . Beam #'grow-direction = #LEFT a32[ b c d e f g a \bar "" \break b c d e f g a ] \bar "|" } >> \new Staff << \relative c' { \cadenzaOn \override Staff . TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \override Voice . Stem #'direction = #DOWN \override Voice . Beam #'breakable = ##t \once \override Voice . Beam #'grow-direction = #LEFT a32[ b c d e f g a b c d \bar "" \break e f g a ] \bar "|" } >>