\version "2.13.52" \header { texidoc = "A rough guess for collisions is taken into account when choosing initial beam configurations; the initial position may be chosen to be either above or below large collisions." } \layout { ragged-right = ##t } partOne = << { s4 s8 \key f \major s8 } { g8[ c'''8] g8[ c'''8] } >> partTwo = << { \clef bass \key c \major s4 s8 \key f \major s8 } { c,8[ e'8] c,8[ e'8] } >> partThree = << { \clef bass \key c \major s4 s8 \key f \major s8 } { b,,8[ e'8] b,,8[ e'8] } >> \new Voice { \partOne \partTwo \partThree }