\version "2.13.47" \header { texidoc = "Manual beams do not collide with notes." } \layout { % debug-beam-scoring = ##t indent = #0.0 } \relative \new Staff { << \new Voice { \voiceOne \repeat unfold 8 { c8[ c] } } \new Voice \relative c'' { \voiceThree \autoBeamOff f r e r d r c r b r a r g r f r } >> \break %% The same with double collisions, to check for scaling problems. << \new Voice { \voiceOne \repeat unfold 8 { c8[ c] } } \new Voice \relative c'' { \voiceThree \autoBeamOff f f e e d d c c b b a a g g f f } >> \break << \new Voice { \repeat unfold 8 \relative { \voiceOne c8[ \voiceTwo c''] } } \new Voice \relative { \voiceFour s8 f s8 g s8 a s8 b s8 c s8 d s8 e } >> \break << \new Voice { \repeat unfold 8 \relative { \voiceOne %% We must use a wider interval, otherwise the beam will be %% positioned to descend. a8[ \voiceTwo c''] } } \new Voice \relative { \voiceFour \autoBeamOff \stemUp f' \stemDown f, \stemUp e' \stemDown g, \stemUp d' \stemDown a \stemUp c \stemDown b } >> }