%{ #(ly:set-option 'backend 'svg) #(set! output-count 1) \include "typography-demo.ly" \version "2.12.0" #(define outname (ly:parser-output-name parser)) #(ly:set-option 'backend 'eps) %% TODO: what to do if inkscape fails? #(ly:progress "Invoking inkscape...\n") %% LD_LIBRARY_PATH is necesssary, otherwise, it doesn't build in GUB. %% LD_LIBRARY_PATH is part of the start-environment but should be switched off %% for external inkscape. #(let* ((cmd (format #f "LD_LIBRARY_PATH= inkscape --without-gui --export-text-to-path --export-eps ~a-inkscape.eps ~a-1.svg" outname outname))) (ly:progress "Running ~a" cmd) (ly:system cmd) (cons (format #f "FONTCONFIG_FILE=~a/fonts/fonts.conf" (ly:effective-prefix)) (ly:start-environment))) #(set! output-count 0) #(set-default-paper-size "a5") \book { \header { texidoc = "SVG output, rendered through inkscape." title = "SVG" } \score { \lyrics { \markup { \epsfile #X #30.0 #(format #f "~a-inkscape.eps" outname) } bla bla bla } } } %}