\version "2.19.21" \header { texidoc = "Ambitus for pieces beginning with @code{\\cueDuringWithClef}. Cues are often used at or near the beginning of a piece. Furthermore, a cue is frequently in a different clef, so the @code{\\cueDuringWithClef} command is handy. Using this command at the beginning of a piece should leave the ambitus displayed based on the main clef. An @code{Ambitus_engraver} should ignore notes in @code{CueVoice} contexts. " } \addQuote "other" \relative { r4 c e g } \new Staff \new Voice \relative c' { \cueDuringWithClef #"other" #UP #"bass" { R1 } | e4 b c2 } \layout { \context { \Staff \consists "Ambitus_engraver" } }