%% DO NOT EDIT this file manually; it is automatically %% generated from LSR http://lsr.di.unimi.it %% Make any changes in LSR itself, or in Documentation/snippets/new/ , %% and then run scripts/auxiliar/makelsr.py %% %% This file is in the public domain. \version "2.18.0" \header { lsrtags = "preparing-parts, template, unfretted-strings" texidoc = " The @qq{String quartet template} snippet produces a nice string quartet, but what if you needed to print parts? This new template demonstrates how to use the @code{\\tag} feature to easily split a piece into individual parts. You need to split this template into separate files; the filenames are contained in comments at the beginning of each file. @code{piece.ly} contains all the music definitions. The other files – @code{score.ly}, @code{vn1.ly}, @code{vn2.ly}, @code{vla.ly}, and @code{vlc.ly} – produce the appropriate part. Do not forget to remove specified comments when using separate files! " doctitle = "String quartet template with separate parts" } % begin verbatim %%%%% piece.ly %%%%% (This is the global definitions file) global= { \time 4/4 \key c \major } Violinone = \new Voice { \relative c''{ \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Violin 1 " c2 d e1 \bar "|." }} %********************************* Violintwo = \new Voice { \relative c''{ \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Violin 2 " g2 f e1 \bar "|." }} %********************************* Viola = \new Voice { \relative c' { \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Viola " \clef alto e2 d c1 \bar "|." }} %********************************* Cello = \new Voice { \relative c' { \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Cello " \clef bass c2 b a1 \bar "|."}} %********************************** music = { << \tag #'score \tag #'vn1 \new Staff { << \global \Violinone >> } \tag #'score \tag #'vn2 \new Staff { << \global \Violintwo>> } \tag #'score \tag #'vla \new Staff { << \global \Viola>> } \tag #'score \tag #'vlc \new Staff { << \global \Cello>> } >> } %%% These are the other files you need to save on your computer %%%%% score.ly %%%%% (This is the main file) %%% uncomment the line below when using a separate file %\include "piece.ly" #(set-global-staff-size 14) \score { \new StaffGroup \keepWithTag #'score \music \layout { } \midi { } } %{ Uncomment this block when using separate files %%%%% vn1.ly %%%%% (This is the Violin 1 part file) \include "piece.ly" \score { \keepWithTag #'vn1 \music \layout { } } %%%%% vn2.ly %%%%% (This is the Violin 2 part file) \include "piece.ly" \score { \keepWithTag #'vn2 \music \layout { } } %%%%% vla.ly %%%%% (This is the Viola part file) \include "piece.ly" \score { \keepWithTag #'vla \music \layout { } } %%%%% vlc.ly %%%%% (This is the Cello part file) \include "piece.ly" \score { \keepWithTag #'vlc \music \layout { } } %}