%% DO NOT EDIT this file manually; it is automatically %% generated from LSR http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it %% Make any changes in LSR itself, or in Documentation/snippets/new/ , %% and then run scripts/auxiliar/makelsr.py %% %% This file is in the public domain. \version "2.14.0" \header { lsrtags = "repeats" %% Translation of GIT committish: 8b93de6ce951b7b14bc7818f31019524295b990f texidoces = " Las repeticiones de compases completos de más de dos repeticiones pueden llevar un contador si se activa la propiedad adecuada, como se ve en este ejemplo: " doctitlees = "Contador de repeticiones de tipo porcentaje" %% Translation of GIT committish: 0a868be38a775ecb1ef935b079000cebbc64de40 texidocde = " Ganztaktwiederholungen mit mehr als zwei Wiederholungen erhalten einen Zähler, wenn man die entsprechende Eigenschaft einsetzt: " doctitlede = "Prozent-Wiederholungen zählen" %% Translation of GIT committish: a5bde6d51a5c88e952d95ae36c61a5efc22ba441 texidocfr = " Les répétitions de plus de 2 mesures sont surmontées d'un compteur, si l'on active la propriété @code{countPercentRepeats} comme le montre l'exemple suivant : " doctitlefr = "Compteur de répétition en pourcent" texidoc = " Measure repeats of more than two repeats can get a counter when the convenient property is switched, as shown in this example: " doctitle = "Percent repeat counter" } % begin verbatim \relative c'' { \set countPercentRepeats = ##t \repeat percent 4 { c1 } }