% DO NOT EDIT this file manually; it is automatically % generated from Documentation/snippets/new % Make any changes in Documentation/snippets/new/ % and then run scripts/auxiliar/makelsr.py % % This file is in the public domain. %% Note: this file works from version 2.14.0 \version "2.14.0" \header { %% Translation of GIT committish: 6977ddc9a3b63ea810eaecb864269c7d847ccf98 texidoces = " Referencia para armónicos sobre cuerdas al aire (armónicos naturales): " doctitlees = "Referencia para armónicos sobre cuerdas al aire" %% Translation of GIT committish: f86f00c1a8de0f034ba48506de2801c074bd5422 texidocde = " Referenz für Flageolett von offenen Saiten: " doctitlede = "Referenz für Flageolett von offenen Saiten" %% Translation of GIT committish: 40bf2b38d674c43f38058494692d1a0993fad0bd texidocfr = " Table des harmoniques sur corde à vide (harmoniques naturelles) : " doctitlefr = "Table des harmoniques sur corde à vide" lsrtags = "fretted-strings" texidoc = " Reference for open-string harmonics: " doctitle = "Reference for open-string harmonics" } % begin verbatim openStringHarmonics = { %first harmonic \harmonicByFret #12 e,2\6_\markup{"1st harm."} \harmonicByRatio #1/2 e,\6 %second harmonic \harmonicByFret #7 e,\6_\markup{"2nd harm. - - - -"} \harmonicByRatio #1/3 e,\6 \harmonicByFret #19 e,\6 \harmonicByRatio #2/3 e,\6 %\harmonicByFret #19 < e,\6 a,\5 d\4 > %\harmonicByRatio #2/3 < e,\6 a,\5 d\4 > %third harmonic \harmonicByFret #5 e,\6_\markup{"3rd harm. - - - -"} \harmonicByRatio #1/4 e,\6 \harmonicByFret #24 e,\6 \harmonicByRatio #3/4 e,\6 \break %fourth harmonic \harmonicByFret #4 e,\6_\markup{"4th harm. - - - - - - - - - - - - -"} \harmonicByRatio #1/5 e,\6 \harmonicByFret #9 e,\6 \harmonicByRatio #2/5 e,\6 \harmonicByFret #16 e,\6 \harmonicByRatio #3/5 e,\6 %fifth harmonic \harmonicByFret #3 e,\6_\markup{"5th harm."} \harmonicByRatio #1/6 e,\6 \break %sixth harmonic \harmonicByFret #2.7 e,\6_\markup{"6th harm."} \harmonicByRatio #1/7 e,\6 %seventh harmonic \harmonicByFret #2.3 e,\6_\markup{"7th harm."} \harmonicByRatio #1/8 e,\6 %eighth harmonic \harmonicByFret #2 e,\6_\markup{"8th harm."} \harmonicByRatio #1/9 e,\6 } \score { << \new Staff { \new Voice { \clef "treble_8" \openStringHarmonics } } \new TabStaff { \new TabVoice { \openStringHarmonics } } >> }