%% DO NOT EDIT this file manually; it is automatically %% generated from LSR http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it %% Make any changes in LSR itself, or in Documentation/snippets/new/ , %% and then run scripts/auxiliar/makelsr.py %% %% This file is in the public domain. \version "2.14.2" \header { lsrtags = "vocal-music" texidoc = " The vertical spacing engine changed for version 2.14. This can cause lyrics to be spaced differently. It is possible to set properties for @code{Lyric} and @code{Staff} contexts to get the spacing engine to behave as it did in version 2.12. " doctitle = "Obtaining 2.12 lyrics spacing in newer versions" } % begin verbatim global = { \key d \major \time 3/4 } sopMusic = \relative c' { % VERSE ONE fis4 fis fis | \break fis4. e8 e4 } altoMusic = \relative c' { % VERSE ONE d4 d d | d4. b8 b4 | } tenorMusic = \relative c' { a4 a a | b4. g8 g4 | } bassMusic = \relative c { d4 d d | g,4. g8 g4 | } words = \lyricmode { Great is Thy faith- ful- ness, } \score { \new ChoirStaff << \new Lyrics = sopranos \new Staff = women << \new Voice = "sopranos" { \voiceOne \global \sopMusic } \new Voice = "altos" { \voiceTwo \global \altoMusic } >> \new Lyrics = "altos" \new Lyrics = "tenors" \new Staff = men << \clef bass \new Voice = "tenors" { \voiceOne \global \tenorMusic } \new Voice = "basses" { \voiceTwo \global \bassMusic } >> \new Lyrics = basses \context Lyrics = sopranos \lyricsto sopranos \words \context Lyrics = altos \lyricsto altos \words \context Lyrics = tenors \lyricsto tenors \words \context Lyrics = basses \lyricsto basses \words >> \layout { \context { \Lyrics \override VerticalAxisGroup #'staff-affinity = ##f \override VerticalAxisGroup #'staff-staff-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 0) (minimum-distance . 2) (padding . 2)) } \context { \Staff \override VerticalAxisGroup #'staff-staff-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 0) (minimum-distance . 2) (padding . 2)) } } }