%% DO NOT EDIT this file manually; it is automatically %% generated from LSR http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it %% Make any changes in LSR itself, or in Documentation/snippets/new/ , %% and then run scripts/auxiliar/makelsr.py %% %% This file is in the public domain. \version "2.14.2" \header { lsrtags = "workaround, staff-notation, repeats, editorial-annotations" %% Translation of GIT committish: b482c3e5b56c3841a88d957e0ca12964bd3e64fa texidoces = " Este fragmento de código proporciona una solución alternativa a la producción de contadores de compás utilizando repeticiones transparentes de tipo porcentaje. " doctitlees = "Contador de compases" %% Translation of GIT committish: 57f9346bb030f49336a858fcbf1519366fe56454 texidocfr = " Le code ci-dessous permet, de façon détournée, d'afficher un compteur de mesures à l'aide d'une répétition en pourcent rendue transparente. " doctitlefr = "Compteur de mesures" texidoc = " This snippet provides a workaround for emitting measure counters using transparent percent repeats. " doctitle = "Measure counter" } % begin verbatim << \context Voice = "foo" { \clef bass c4 r g r c4 r g r c4 r g r c4 r g r } \context Voice = "foo" { \set countPercentRepeats = ##t \override PercentRepeat #'transparent = ##t \override PercentRepeatCounter #'staff-padding = #1 \repeat percent 4 { s1 } } >>