% DO NOT EDIT this file manually; it is automatically % generated from Documentation/snippets/new % Make any changes in Documentation/snippets/new/ % and then run scripts/auxiliar/makelsr.py % % This file is in the public domain. %% Note: this file works from version 2.14.0 \version "2.14.0" \header { %% Translation of GIT committish: 8b93de6ce951b7b14bc7818f31019524295b990f texidoces = " Los patrones de barrado se pueden alterar con la propiedad @code{beatGrouping}: " doctitlees = "Agrupar los pulsos" %% Translation of GIT committish: 0a868be38a775ecb1ef935b079000cebbc64de40 texidocde = " Balkengruppen können mit der @code{beatGrouping}-Eigenschaft geändert werden: " doctitlede = "Notengruppen" %% Translation of GIT committish: 708e0d9c660856b19929736ca18a6f9d68539c60 texidocfr = " La manière de gérer les ligatures est influencée par la propriété @code{beatGrouping} : " doctitlefr = "Regroupement selon la pulsation" lsrtags = "rhythms" texidoc = " Beaming patterns may be altered with the @code{beatGrouping} property: " doctitle = "Grouping beats" } % begin verbatim \markup { This snippet is deprecated as of version 2.13.5 and will be removed in version 2.14. }